Review by
Dave Burrows
I've always been a gadget master, and because of
this I've always
received lots of comments about the gadgets I carry around with me on a day to
day basis, some people have even thought I need to where a Batman style utility
belt to hold all my accessories. Due to this, I go through countless
accessory bags, whether it's a camera bag, a PDA case, or camcorder bags, I can
never find one that will fit my current day to day requirements.....Until Now!
I've been using the Pod for a couple of months now
and I'm really impressed with it. It really has adapted to my daily needs.
I've heard some people call it a man purse, or an oversized bag, but for me it's
just right. RoadWired gear are made to last, like LowePro camera bags.
Everything about the Pod spells quality. The thing I absolutely love about
the Pod is the array of pockets, in-fact I can cram so much into the Pod, I
really do forget in which pocket I've put which cable.
The RoadWired Pod comes with an over the shoulder
harness that clips onto the two side rings above each of the side pockets
(pictured above). You also have the ability to feed a belt through the Pod
allowing you to keep it on a waist belt (although I think with the gear I store
in there, I probably would find my trousers disappearing beneath me).
Bearing in mind that I like to carry a lot of GPS
gear around, I usually take with me two iPAQ's, a Pretec Compact Flash GPS
Receiver, a Bluetooth GPS Receiver, some spare batteries, a battery charger and
lots of cables to connect the iPAQ's up to various GPS Receivers, oh and
batteries! With
this in mind, the Pod has a tough call to fulfil one that nearly every bag has
failed to live up to, the Pod does very well.
Open up the Pod's front, left and right pockets
and top lid to see an array of accessories I carry with me. According to
RoadWired there are no
less than 20 compartments/pockets concealed in the pod, I keep losing count

As you can see from the above photo's, there's a
lot crammed into this bag.
If you take a look at the photo below, the Pod has
a large square protected center compartment, the only thing is it's two big to put two Pocket
PC's although it will fit a compact/digital camera. RoadWired thought
about this, and included a velcro divider, if you fold this strategically you can create
two sections, enough to squeeze two iPAQ's in and not have to scratch the screen
of the one behind. In the lid of the case you can see a screen pouch which
is good for holding business cards or other important information and behind
this a secret pocket.

Even with the Pod opened as in the photo above,
you do wonder how much you can really store. Well here's an inventory list
(top to bottom):-

Top Row TomTom Bluetooth GPS Receiver,
Socket Bluetooth GPS Receiver
Second Row PC-Mobile Battery Charger,
Compaq iPAQ 3870, Compaq iPAQ 3850, Pretec Compact Flash GPS Receiver, Active
Antenna, Battery Operated Re-Rad Antenna
Third Row Garmin R-Type to iPAQ lead,
Magellan to iPAQ lead, 128mb SD card, 128mb SD card, USB Charger Cable, 2x GPS
Fourth Row Magellan cable, Garmin E-Type to
iPAQ lead, 4xAA Batteries, 2x GPS Splitters