We have split our site into a number of sub sites to help you move around the massive number of pages that we created over the years. Select a category from below and you will then either have a further selection of sub categories, or a list of our articles in the main categories.
Speed Camera |
The Pocket GPS Safety Camera Database is a comprehensive database of Speed Cameras located within the UK. Coupled with GPSAssist, POI-Warner or CheckPOInt you can be alerted when you are driving towards a speed camera.
Our database is updated on a regular basis, and you can help keep your driving license clean by downloading our database.
GPS Software |
SatNav hardware is useless without the software to drive it. We have reviewed a wide range of popular (and obscure) GPS applications, ranging from Street Routing to Topographical.
We even have sections for Marine and Aviation. Whatever the application we have the details.
GPS Hardware |
Looking for the best SatNav Hardware?
We have spent the last few years watching the SatNav market and have reviewed the hardware as it is released to the retailers (sometimes we are lucky and get a pre-release copy to work with).
Over the last year or so there has been an explosion of Personal Navigation Devices like the TomTom GO and the NavMan Pins check out our reviews, then check the software section for further details.
GPS Bundles |
Our reviews of SatNav Bundles cross over with the GPS Hardware and Software reviews. Where a set of hardware and software has been bundled together we review it here.
Don't forget to check out the hardware and software in the other sections as we will often review the GPS gear in more detail individually.
SatNav Accessories |
The SatNav software and hardware are just a part of the equipment you will need for your navigation requirements. There are a wealth of accessories that complete your set up.
We have selected a range of mounts, external antennas, re-radiating antennas, and cases and reviewed them to see how they hold up.
Events |
What is going on in the PocketGPSWorld? Here we have some articles of Events, exhibitions, and visits that we have made to companies and sites.
If you want to keep up to date check here first!
SatNav |
Ever wanted to know how to do something with your SatNav system?
We have compiled a series of "How Tos" taking you from the basics of SatNav, through to some of the more complex configuration options of the systems.
Other |
If you have scanned the above categories and have not found what you are looking for then it is probably in this section.
Here we have readers kit reviews, and other articles that don’t fit in with the other sections. In particular we carry articles about how SatNav technology affects our lives whether for good or bad…