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 NAVMAN 350 GPS Sleeve for Palm PDA's

NAVMAN GPS 350 Satellite Receiver for the Palm III, IIe, IIIx, IIIex, IIIc, V and Palm Vx Series Handheld comes with the SmartPath™ GPS Mapping Software for Western Europe.  SmartPath allows you to plan and track your journey from one location to another.


SmartPath uses Tele Atlas maps which will show where you are to an accuracy of 5 meters (95% of the time). The powerful combination of NAVMAN's GPS receiver, and SmartPath GPS software (written by TomTom) enables you to navigate both whilst in a car or if you're out walking.


The NAVMAN comprises of a sleeve or sledge for the Palm device (measurements shown in diagram below).

The sleeve comprises of a very large built in GPS antenna which is the thing that sticks out of the top of the sleeve.



The GPS antenna included with the NAVMAN gives increased signal strength and improved reliability by using a multi-directional design and is one of the better receivers on the market boasting a 12 Channel Receiver which will help you get a satellite fix quicker and to help retain it.  The worst thing that can happen is to lose a satellite fix, then spend 50mins trying to re-acquire a fix!





A suction mount arm bracket (below) is also



included in the package allowing you to attach your Palm in the GPS sleeve to pretty much any car windscreen you wish.  Due to some of the newer car windscreen's having a special reflective coating on, you may find that you do not get a very good signal on some cars, and depending on the coating used, you may also find that the suction cup doesn't stick as well on some vehicles compared to others.   Most windscreens are okay, but it's a try it and see scenario.  If it doesn't work, hey don't worry!  There are other PDA mounts that allow you to connect you're PDA to the dashboard via the air vents, or even direct on the dashboard.  These can be purchased from Arkon.com and are very good PDA/Phone mounts.


SmartPath City and Trips (designed by the award winning company TomTom) are enclosed within the package allowing you to get the most out of the GPS package.



Manufacturers Website


Software Bundled

SmartPath Trips  Pocket PC Review (sorry no Palm Review yet)
SmartPath City  Pocket PC Review (sorry no Palm Review yet)

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