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TomTom GO 5 : Software review
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 10:43 am    Post subject: TomTom GO 5 : Software review Reply with quote

PocketGPSWorld.com review the new TomTom GO 5 softwareWe have had a lot of speculation over the past few months about the TomTom GO. In particular a scare was raised that with reported new hardware versions the existing GO userbase would be left behind.

Well the new TomTom GO hardware is officially confirmed now and you can be assured that TomTom do value existing clients, and the announcement from CeBIT today proves it. TomTom are to release an upgrade for existing GO users for both application and maps. Not only that, but just about everything that you have asked for is in it. In keeping with the other TomTom applications this will be called TomTom GO 5.

PocketGPSWorld.com has been part of the beta testing team and we have prepared a detailed review of the latest software features. And boy will you like them!!! Me Me Me

More details will emerge when we meet with the TomTom Directors about the upgrade policy and costings. In the mean time click here to read the full review. Please bear in mind that the review was written using the current GO so you will see exactly what you will get. We will add the new hardware features soon.
Mike Barrett

Last edited by MikeB on Sun Apr 17, 2005 4:20 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 11:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Fantastic! WHEN WHEN WHEN???
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 12:36 pm    Post subject: traffic updates on TomTom GO Reply with quote

Hi there, I recently bought the TomTom GO. Just wanted to find out how can I use traffic updates on it? Is there a way? I understand we need a GPRS feature for that, which is absent in the present GO version out in the market?
Will the new software update, TomTom GO 5, have this feature?
Or how about the new hardware, Go 300, 500 and 700? WHich of them 3 supports the traffic updates service on the TomTom GO?
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 12:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

TomTom Traffic won't be possible with the current Go hardware, as it has no way to connect to a mobile phone.

As mentioned in the article about the new Go hardware, the three new hardware platforms all have Bluetooth so that they can get GPRS connectivity via a Bluetooth mobile phone. My understanding is that you will need one of the new Go models with the Go 5 software, a Bluetooth mobile phone and a TomTom Plus subscription for Traffic.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 12:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

What improvements have been made to the very erratic ASN? Will the improvements be part of version 5?
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 1:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

First looks are great. Is there an expected release date yet?
You Say that it is most likely to be released on CD, how would we go about getting the CD, is there any chance it could be directly downloaded?
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 1:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Any ideas on the price side of things? How much will the new software cost? Shouldn't it be free for the already using GO users? I thought I already made a big investment ..... and whoaaaa comes the new hardware and software both!!!! Evil or Very Mad
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 1:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

My understanding is that we don't have pricing and upgrade details as yet.

I've never known an upgrade be free of charge if it's included new maps (apart from sometimes there being a 'handling charges only' upgrade for recent purchasers - TomTom have done that in the past) - the mapping companies want a licence fee for upgrading the maps. TomTom's upgrade prices have historically been very reasonable, but I believe that's about all we can say at this stage.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 2:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

David I assume you are talking purely about the maps not the firmware update? Version 4.42 was free so I think we are all assuming 5.0 will also be free. I too would be very miffed if I had to pay to upgrade mine which is less than a month old.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 3:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes when will the firmware update be out? not the map just the firmware update.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 3:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The information we have is incomplete at this stage. My understanding is that TomTom have said they will make the version 5 software available as a free of charge upgrade to existing Pocket PC and Palm OS users - though the free upgrade will be a program only one.

I don't believe that a similar commitment has been made to Go users at this stage, but that doesn't mean that TomTom won't release a free "software only" update for Go users. Further, there's no details as yet on what may be offered in terms of map updates for any existing TomTom user (which presumably will have to be paid for) or charging for TomTom Plus (and what happens to those with existing TomTom Traffic subscriptions).

To date, TomTom have always released major version increments of their products as paid for updates including new maps. It's unreasonable to expect an update including updated maps to be free, as there's a license cost in issuing updated maps.

We're into new territory here. In time, as TomTom move to releasing the new versions, everything will become clear. For now, there's no firm pricing or availability information for anything that's been announced today other than hints, for example in the new Go hardware release, at mid April.

For the avoidance of doubt, I have no internal information here - I'm just trying to share my understanding of the information that has been made public in the various press releases together with my knowledge of how TomTom have handled things in the past. The Navigator 5 press release includes explicit information on the free software only upgrade, but no mention of other upgrades. There's no separate press release for the Go 5 software - it's mentioned in the new Go hardware press release.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 3:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

There are going to be some VERY upset TTG owners out there if they are expected to fork out again for a firmware upgrade especially those with very new kit. lets keep our fingers crossed and hope for an announcement before Cebit finishes HINT HINT
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 3:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for the detailed message David. It's best if we wait for some more information from TomTom then and NOT bombard you with questions about stuff you have no information about. Actually, not just you, but as a whole I meant, whenever TomTom decides to give out more information, you can update this forum accordingly. Smile

Lads: Why do I see another Microsoft in the making? Too many operating systems, too many versions, too many licenses and hence the cost! Twisted Evil
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 3:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just because you buy a product doesn't entitle you to lifetime software upgrades, especially major version upgrades. This is true of various devices with embedded software, such as Cisco routers.

Free software updates is one reason why my main router (which is not that cheap a piece of kit - £450 including the Wireless card) is ZyXEL - ZyXEL tend to offer free software updates. Even then, I wouldn't be surprised if I have to pay when the new generation ZyNOS 4 is released - likely towards the end of the year.

Many mobile phone companies charge for firmware upgrades unless they're in warranty updates to fix a specific problem. I really want to update the firmware on my Nokia 6310i to 5.60 to fix some Bluetooth security issues, but as it's now out of warranty, I'll have to pay around £15 (the problem, actually, is finding the time to drop the phone into the local Nokia service centre for a couple of hours, then collect it).

Only very rarely have I got a major version upgrade on a software product for free.

TomTom surprised me with their offer of a free 'software only' upgrade to Navigator 5 for Pocket PC and Palm OS users - they've not done anything like that before. Let's hope their generosity extends to Go users, but I would encourage you to look at the licence agreement supplied with your Go. I suspect it's similar to the TomTom Navigator 3 one, which says explicitly:

This Licence does not imply any rights to future upgrades or updates of the Software. The use of any upgrades or updates of the Software is governed by this Licence and may be subject to additional payments

In other words, TomTom specifically disclaim any rights to future versions in the Licence Agreement. This is typical for software licence agreements - usually they say that you get the version in the pack, and that's it.

As I said, details of what updates are going to be made available and at what cost will become available nearer the time that the new versions become available.

Following on from the comments hads makes, I have wondered for some time if there are some simplifications possible in TomTom's licensing structures. The current structure has evolved in a somewhat piecemeal way, bearing in mind the vast number of products that TomTom has released in the past 12 months.

The release of Navigator 5 will bring everything under their 'common platform' (the only current product that isn't 'common platform' is Navigator 3 on the Pocket PC). That may open up opportunities, for example, to sell add on map packages that can be activated on any TomTom version 5 product.

Whether TomTom will change their licensing system in any way remains to be seen. What we know today is that TomTom have announced Go version 5 software, and the indication is that an upgrade will be available for users of the existing Go hardware. Historically, TomTom's upgrade costs have been some of the cheapest in the business (especially compared to Navman), but I have no idea what upgrade deals will be offered this time and what the prices will be.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 3:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Someone in the know says its (the Firmware) going to be FREE

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