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Google Earth Pro (Mac) how to show placemark but not name?

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PostPosted: Mon May 20, 2019 11:33 am    Post subject: Google Earth Pro (Mac) how to show placemark but not name? Reply with quote

I use Google Earth Pro (on a Mac) in both satellite and street view to help me find the coordinates of new POIs without having to physically visit the location. I then save the POIs in an Excel spreadsheet.

I convert the spreadsheet into a specific type of .CSV file format depending on the product it will be used on, i.e. CSV UTF-8 for TomTom or Comma Separated Values for Garmin. The different types of CSV format allow the use or not of diacritical marks (aka accents). I also use UTF-8 for Google Earth.

When I import the .csv file into Google Earth, I get all of the POIs shown as placemarks but the names of the placemarks are also shown on the map. which makes things messy when I have several placemarks close together.

I would like to be able to switch on/off the display of all the placemarks' names of my custom POIs whilst still showing the placemarks on the map. Is this possible? I would also like the placemark's name to be temporarily displayed when the mouse hovers over it or when the placemark is clicked-on.

iPhone 6s Plus, iOS 14.0.1: iOS CamerAlert v2.0.7
TomTom GO Mobile iOS 2.3.1; TomTom (UK & ROI and Europe) iOS apps v1.29
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PostPosted: Mon May 20, 2019 6:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's cumbersome, but you can show/hide all the name labels like this.

In the Places sidebar, R-click on the folder holding your POIs eg POI_PGPSW.csv.
Press Properties.
Select the Style, Colour tab.
If you can see a button Share Style, then press it.
On the Label line, put 0 in the Opacity box to hide all the labels, or put 100 to show them all.

You can click on each icon to show the details.

[I did try loading two (differently named csv) sets of the same data - one with the label showing, and another with the Style Template having "no field" in the Name box, and then displaying one set at a time (ie with and without name labels).
But they sit on top of each other on the map, and the icons in one set suppress the other. So one set has icons and no name label, but the other set has name labels but no icon].

nuvi 2599LMT-D, oregon 700, basecamp, memory-map.
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Pocket GPS Moderator
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PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2019 1:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Dales,

Many thanks for the above.

May I ask whether you're using a PC or Mac. I'm using a Mac running Google Earth Pro (64-bit).

I'm afraid that I haven't had much time in the last 24 hours but I have had a quick experiment. At the moment (after deleting and re-importing) all of the POIs now have a label of '0' (zero) displayed with them but if you click on them then you get the full details such as longitude latitude and name.

Your information has shown me the area to experiment on i.e. properties of the placemark template.

I will have another try at it and if it doesn't work then I'll get back to you.

Once again, many thanks for your help.

iPhone 6s Plus, iOS 14.0.1: iOS CamerAlert v2.0.7
TomTom GO Mobile iOS 2.3.1; TomTom (UK & ROI and Europe) iOS apps v1.29
Garmin Camper 770 LMT-D
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PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2019 8:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes I'm on a W10 laptop. My Google Earth Pro version is the same as yours.

And I've improved matters.

I've now got icons with no label at all, and with the info appearing at the touch of a click.

I downloaded Landmark_PGPSW.csv to use for my experiments.
I imported it into Google Earth Pro.
I chose Yes to apply a Style Template to the data.
Create new template - OK.
"Set name field" gives a drop-down box for the text choices for the name label.
Rather than "no field" I selected the option for "_" ie underscore.

Bingo ! A result !


PS I notice that just a few items DO have *some* of the text as a visible label.
But if you open the CSV in Notepad you can clearly see that the format of these is slightly different from normal, so you could fairly easily edit these so the text doesn't show.
nuvi 2599LMT-D, oregon 700, basecamp, memory-map.
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Pocket GPS Moderator
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PostPosted: Wed May 22, 2019 5:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Dales,

dales wrote:
PS I notice that just a few items DO have *some* of the text as a visible label.
But if you open the CSV in Notepad you can clearly see that the format of these is slightly different from normal, so you could fairly easily edit these so the text doesn't show.

Yes, I also found that the Landmark_PGPSW.csv file had extra data, which was caused by additional columns which became extra delimiting commas in the .csv file. I had the same problem with my own Excel .xlsx file that I converted to a .csv file. Once I had deleted the blank columns and converted the modified .xlsx file to .csv file it worked!

dales wrote:
And I've improved matters.

I have 11 fields, which may be the reason why the "Set name field" drop-down box didn’t give me the option of the underscore "_", so I used the setting of "no field" for the Set name field. I now have placemarks on Google Earth shown as pins and once I click on a pin it shows all of the fields.

Many thanks for your help! Thumbs Up

Now, if I can discover how to get a balloon to pop up on each placemark when the mouse rolls over or hovers on it! Wink
iPhone 6s Plus, iOS 14.0.1: iOS CamerAlert v2.0.7
TomTom GO Mobile iOS 2.3.1; TomTom (UK & ROI and Europe) iOS apps v1.29
Garmin Camper 770 LMT-D
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