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Warning for nuvi Users loading POIs
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 5:50 pm    Post subject: Software Updates & Proceeedure Reply with quote

Hi Everyone - I have a few questions if someone would be kind enough to help out.

Which Unit Software version is particularly stable for my Nuvi350 with City Navigator Europe NT v8.00? At the moment it says I have v5.00! Very Happy
What is meant by GPS SW Version 2.90? (Is it the GPS version software)

Is the situation with regards to not exceeding the 257 POI's still the same even after updating the Unit Software or maybe updating the Mapping Software? From what I can gather it still is an issue, but only if they are installed on the unit itself - not a problem if using an SD card where you could have literally an infinite number.

What are the benefits of upgrading the mapping system from v8 to either v9.0 or v10 (I presume with the introduction of v10 it would be pointless going for v9.0)?

Should a newer version unit software be installed before maybe upgrading the mapping system, Or does it not matter? Very Happy

Many thanks
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 11:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've read all the messages on this thread and am amazed that many people appear to be overlooking the simple solution to avoid any risk of this problem (as voiced by Louie7 early on and backed up by only a few other later postings). I downloaded my large selection of POIs to an SD card using the POI Loader instead of installing these directly on to the Garmin. The big advantages to this are:
1. Your Garmin keeps only the original database held on the system (provided you answer "no" each time you open the Garmin with the SD card installed to an invitation to incorporate the SD data on to the system).
2. Removing the SD card from the back of the Garmin returns the system to its original factory state, with all the POIs removed - so use the card if you want the POIs to be shown and remove it if you don't!
3. The Garmin 'reads' the POIs installed on the SD card seamlessly and as quickly as it would if these were installed on its own database.
4. If you hit any problem with the POIs you have selected, simply remove the card and overwrite it with new ones through the POI Loader.
6. You can hold POIs drawn from different POI providers on different cards, thereby removing any risk of the POI Loader duplicating locations because the files used are named differently.
7. Similarly, you can downlad POIs for different countries to different SD cards, enabling you to simply insert the aprropriate card for the country you are visiting.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 9:49 pm    Post subject: How do I know? Reply with quote

Right, my 250 has come back from Garmin as an upgrade to 250W thank you Garmin.
*I have purchased an SD card, I have created a path Garmin/POI and have downloaded the accomodation POIs from the data base.
*PoiLoader has created the file on the SD card. I have inserted the card and have said "No" when asked about transfering the data

........BUT....where are the POIs? How do I know if they are being read by the unit I can't see them on the map.

I was going to swap my ViaMichelin for a Garmin but now I think I'll keep it.

Assistance needed guys and gals
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 9:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You might have to zoom right in on the 2xx models to see the icons.

CHeck they are loaded under Where To?, Extras, Custom POIs.

ETA: Missed out Extras in the above.

Last edited by PaulB2005 on Thu Jan 15, 2009 10:48 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 9:58 pm    Post subject: DUM!! Reply with quote

Right they are there, I used a landmark for a poi I know (Stafford Prison) and was looking in the wrong place.He He Go to Goal Do not pass go!!!!

NOW Is it possible to search for these newly added POIs?

I assume that they will not be able to be found under the Garmin POIs as these are embedded in the map data and not in a separate folder.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 10:46 pm    Post subject: YOU MOVE TOO SOON!! Reply with quote

Famous Arnie quote!!

They have all been found

Where to?/Extras/Custom POIs

Thanks all
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