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How to install both UK (mph) and Europe (kph) on Garmin Unit
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 12:22 pm    Post subject: How to install both UK (mph) and Europe (kph) on Garmin Unit Reply with quote

If you want to load both UK and European speed cameras a problem arises over the filename speed definitions - ie the @50 etc. POIloader asks at the initial stage whether you want to use MPH or KPH.

For UK files @50 means 50mph, for European files @50 means 50kph. I was about to edit the csv filenames and the actual csv data for some multiple speed files when I came across a note in a post (that I can no longer find) that the units will hold and recognise multiple POI files.

POIloader names the file that is put on your SD card as poi.gpi and will overwrite any existing file. However, if you rename the UK based file that is already on the SD card (which used miles when being constructed with POIloader) as, say UKpoi.gpi and then use POIloader (with KPH for the European csv data files) the resulting new poi.gpi will sit happily alongside UKpoi.gpi. Looking at Custom POI's on the Garmin you will see two sets of categories and the European speed cameras will show up with their appropriate kph icons and (assuming that your Garmin is set for miles) an alert speed of the mph equivalent of the kph alert.

The order in which the multiple files appear in the Custom poi list seems to be the order in which the Garmin finds the files on the card, and not alpha by filename, which would have seemed more logical - maybe it is file date order which I have not tested. Curiously, I changed a filename on the card and was not told that the unit had found new data.

As well as separating out MPH and KPH alerts, multiple poi files can also be useful when in Europe to avoid the UK POI's showing up in the nearest 50 of a particular category when still near the Channel ports.

Last Edited by DarrenG to re-format for clarity

Last edited by inspiredron on Fri Oct 05, 2007 12:21 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 7:07 pm    Post subject: Multiple .gpi files on Nuvi Internal Memory Reply with quote

You discuss renaming the .gpi file on the SD card so speed alerts work in both MPH and KPH. Will this work if you install the .gpi files in the Nuvi memory. I have only used POI Loader once, and it loaded the file onto the SD card. Then when I restarted the Nuvi, it asked if I want to load it in the Nuvi. I said yes and so I now have .gpi file in both the Nuvi memory and the SD card memory. I haven't seen any ill effects from this. Should delete the .gpi from the SD card? Is there a reason why the Nuvi does this "copy" process from the SD card. :D
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 9:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I cannot see any reason why not. The nuvi copies the data onto the unit in case you change the SD card (perhaps different mp3's or maps). However, it is NOT a good idea to load poi's onto the unit itself because of the maximum number of categories problem which caused some units to lock up - search for "257 categories" to review this.
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 9:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

yes, it DOES work.

i'd recommend installing eg the euroean database, then access the files and change poi.gpi to eucams.gpi then load the uk ones - the eu ones will be untouched.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 2:15 pm    Post subject: How does Nuvi treat .gpi files duplicated on SD card? Reply with quote

I'm wondering how the Nuvi 350 deals with a duplicate .gpi file that is in the Nuvi flash memory and also the SD card. I'm guessing it first looks for .gpi files on the Nuvi itself and then continues to look for others in the SD card. If it finds one with the same name, it ignores it. If it finds one with a different name it reads it into the Nuvi RAM. At any rate it doesn't seem to get confused seeing the same file in both places.

Is this correct? :D
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 3:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I believe the Nuvi compares the two files - if they are different (I'm not sure using what method, whether it's size, date, or exact content) then you get offered the "new data on SD card" dialog. I guess this functionality was written for those who can't or don't connect their Nuvi directly to their PC. Equally, updating the file on the SD card also triggers the "new data on SD card" dialog, even if you previously selected to not be asked, which again is good functionality.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 6:04 pm    Post subject: Change profile? Reply with quote

Sorry but after a long day my brain is not at its sharpest - but after loading UK and Euro camera data (with POIloader set to Feet and MPH) if when you land on the Continent you change the Profile (on a Nuvi) to Kilometers might this result in the correct tripping of the speed warning?
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 8:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

For us folks with i3 you could load the UK maps and speed cameras onto one card, then in the train or on a ferry swap the card for the EU ones with the EU cameras on it, and the speed settings to KM.

Obviously you would need to load up the POIs using the appropriate combo of miles / feet KM/ metres

Wish they would let you select Miles and metres.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 7:21 am    Post subject: Re: Change profile? Reply with quote

IanL wrote:
Sorry but after a long day my brain is not at its sharpest - but after loading UK and Euro camera data (with POIloader set to Feet and MPH) if when you land on the Continent you change the Profile (on a Nuvi) to Kilometers might this result in the correct tripping of the speed warning?
No, due to the way the Garmin works - it actually stores the speed alerts in its own internal format, and POI Loader converts BOTH mph and kph speed warnings into this common format.

You need to use POI Loader set to Feet and MPH with the UK database and load the database onto the Nuvi, then set POI Loader to Metres and KPH with the European database and load the database onto the Nuvi (having chosen to rename one of them).

The choice of MPH or KPH on the Nuvi only changes the display on the Nuvi itself, so it may well be worth changing to KPH whilst on the mainland, but it is not necessary for either set of alerts to work at the correct speed.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 5:03 pm    Post subject: Re: Change profile? Reply with quote

swing wrote:

You need to use POI Loader set to Feet and MPH with the UK database and load the database onto the Nuvi, then set POI Loader to Metres and KPH with the European database and load the database onto the Nuvi (having chosen to rename one of them).

So basically IF you want both of those sets in one file then you would have to edit the csv files to either miles or kph ?


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Pocket GPS Verifier
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 8:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes, if you want them all in one file, you will need to modify the speed limits in one file, as you only get one chance to specify the units within POI Loader.

I would recommend keeping the two sets separate, to allow the simplest method of updating either set.
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 1:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I suspect that you can extend this idea to multiple POI files, not just two.
For example you might want to have European POI's, your main set of UK POI's which seldom change and the continually updated speed cameras. Load up the European set and then rename to EUpoi.gpi, then load the static UK Poi's and rename as UKpoi.gpi and lastly load the cameras and let those remain as poi.gpi. Whenever the camera database is updated you can simply load the new set and it will overwrite the old poi.gpi file without affecting EUpoi.gpi and UKpoi.gpi.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 10:43 am    Post subject: POIs' Reply with quote

I have followed this discussion with interest.
I'm new to SatNav, and as an owner of the 250W concerned about the 257 category issue.
Therefore my answer would be to have have 2 SD cards - 1 for UK (main use), and the second for Europe. All I have to do is swap the cards on crossing the channel, and I'm up and running.
1Gb SD Card cost about £6 ($12) - not bad for peace of mind.

Any comments appreciated.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 4:12 pm    Post subject: UK & Euro Cameras Reply with quote

I'm getting rather confused. I have UK Cameras & other UK and Europe POIs on my 360T (not SD card) and all works Ok. I'm off to France in Sept and would like to put French Cameras on my Nuvi Will all be ok if a use POI Loader to put Euro cameras on an SD card (set in kph) using a card reader and then put this card in the Nuvi whilst in France without altering on the Nuvi itself?
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 5:12 pm    Post subject: UK and European Speed Cameras Reply with quote

I have just tried my 205W with UK POIs' on harddrive and European POIs' on the SD card.
It works - however for me I'm concerned that I may accidently ask for the European Pois' to be transferred to the harddrive and thus lose the UK POIs'.
For me it is easier to have 2 1GB SD cards.
My european POIs' will be save in Km/hour and when I get to France I will switch my 250W to Km/hour.
Not sure how the 257 POI issue affects the 360T unit.
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