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I am new to GPS, I have recently obtained an old Garmin Etrex GPS for my wife for when she goes walking, It has the old terminal connection to PC Port so I have purchased a USB Connection to enable me to download maps for the areas that she requests and to update the software via my Sony Viao Windows 7 Laptop.
I have installed the USB Driver to my laptop but it is not working are there any issues with the old Garmin Etrex and Windows 7 that I need to sort out? any assistance would be appreciated. I have installed Mapsource to my Laptop and it will not allow me to connect to device The Garmin is not shown on my PC
Joined: Feb 23, 2005 Posts: 376 Location: Catford, London, UK
Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 1:15 pm Post subject:
Hi Phil,
AFAIK you cannot transfer any map data to any of the yellow eTrexs.
If you have the Garmin proprietary 4-pin "flat" connector and a suitable USB-serial adapter, then Mapsource should be able to "find" the eTrex on one of the (virtual) COM ports. What version of Mapsource are you using?
To transfer Routes, Waypoints and Tracks, the eTrex needs to be set to Garmin mode. But for debugging, set the eTrex to NMEA (maybe in "simulator" mode) and try receiving the serial data on the PC with something like Hyperterminal (4800 baud).
Joined: Mar 18, 2011 Posts: 4462 Location: West Sussex
Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 8:29 pm Post subject:
Yes, I'm afraid the 'yellow' Etrex cannot accept maps, you can however download routes to it. Mapsource isn't the best thing to use, I suggest you try www.bikehike.co.uk, which allows you to view OS mapping alongside a satellite view and create routes that can be downloaded to your Etrex as a gpx file.
I have an Etrex H Legend and find bikehike a great utiity for planning walking routes
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