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Dave's In-car Photos

23rd August 2002

 Article by Dave Burrows


You have probably read by now the Modified Navman Mount article displaying the modifications that both Darren and Duncan are currently sporting in their cars.  I thought it was about time to display my setup.  It's pretty basic, and doesn't differ from the standard installation in any way.  I prefer to have my Pocket PC's mounted drivers side (and you european's and americans will probably notice that this is a right hand drive car).  The car is a Vauxhall Coupe, better known in Europe as Opel and GM in the US.  The reason for the mounting on the right hand side, is that I'm right handed, and I feel that if I do have to manipulate the Pocket PC, I'm much more adapt at doing it with my right hand, rather than my left hand. 









I also find that once the power cables are bent round the back of the iPAQs, and come vertically down, they can then be placed over the steering column to the center of the car where the accessory socket is placed.  


This way, if any of the suction mounts were to fall off of the windscreen, they would be suspended by the power cord in a bungee type effect.


This gives me the ultimate security for my expensive gadgets and makes sure that they don't quickly turn into dustbin items.


You may also notice far left sitting on the dashboard is my Radar detector which spends just as much time in the car as my iPAQs do.



The left hand iPAQ doesn't currently sport a GPS connection, but does serve as a contact database that I have up on screen


Until recently I haven't had the 3630 iPAQ plugged into the car accessory socket as the backlight can be switched off and this gives more than adequate battery life for when I need it.  


The iPAQ 3850 is constantly plugged in to make sure the battery doesn't drain as running a GPS unit and an iPAQ at the same time, with IBM MicroDrive does tend to suck the dear life out of the poor iPAQ's battery! 




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