Although this looks very small, and really
doesn't look like it will take the weight of the Pocket PC, it's as strong as an
ox! Once in place, not only will it hold your Pocket PC strong, but it will also
cushion vibration and there's no drilling or damaging of the dashboard.

vent clip has a little holster like hole where the button rests. On the
button you'll see a 3M sticky pad. This needs to be stuck to the back of
your Pocket PC or iPAQ sleeve. Once on, you won't get it off easily as the
3M pads have like a superglue formula and are usually in place for a very long
best thing about TheClip's Vent Mount is that it will work not only with
ANY Pocket PC, but it will work with Mobile Phones, MP3 players and
other gadgets you like to have in front of you in-car. The design of this
is magic, and on the front of the vent mount they've even put a padded bumper at
the bottom so if the unit does move with car vibration, you're not going to get
any unsightly scratches appear on your device!
