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Saab In-Car Custom Mount

08th June 2003

 Article by Bengt Agert


Bengt decided to create a custom in-car mount for his Navman 3000 GPS Sleeve and Compaq iPAQ 3870 using the standard holder for the Navman/iPAQ and a home made prototype holder to fit SAAB 9-3.


The Navholder is assembled together with hands free phone at the bottom of the mount and fixed with plate to the air vents.


Bengt also uses TomTom Navigator 2 and Fugawi maps on the iPAQ for in-car navigation.


The Bluetooth connection on the iPAQ 3870 is then used with his T39m cellular phone for email connection during travel.


Although the installation is quite low in-car, it works reasonably well when the first fix is found, although the initial fix is slow on the Navman 3000 system with integrated antenna.  Bengt also uses a Re-Rad antenna (not seen in the photos) which helps the signal to be beamed in-car to help the Navman sleeve pickup a better signal.


This is the first dual holder home made setup we've seen so far, and it's very neat and tidy-Ed




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