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Joined: Jun 04, 2005 Posts: 128 Location: Radlett, Hertfordshire
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 8:44 am Post subject:
Have to delay that one I'm sorry to say.
No response from the Garmin whatsoever, the map was on screen showing my location heading N speed 0. Tried a few times in case of a dodgy connection in the SD socket.
Looks like removal of center console to check the lead is plugged in correctly or a new lead. Either way it will be a real pain to do. I cannot see the dealer will be willing to do it again for free, but I will try.
I am pretty certain I now have a card that would work, thanks to your help. It's such a shame it has all come to nothing.
I've only converted the top line of the CSV - and one in Northwood, the nearest to me for testing.
You can only have 4 columns.
1) Lat
2) Long
3) Main Heading Description for Nav
4) All other details seperated by a HTML BR line feed. (I can't post HTML tags but the file is obvious)
End result:
My 22x22 BMP:
On the Garmin "Where To" - "Custom POI's" - "Bowls"
Just wondering, does the column order matter? Kremmen gives the columns in a different order. And details separated by BR line breaks.
Joined: Apr 04, 2006 Posts: 10118 Location: Bexhill, South Sussex, UK
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 10:33 am Post subject:
Yes. It is vital that they are in the correct order for the Garmin.
Lon, Lat, Name, Details. The BR that are inserted are to place what's after it onto a new line.
The CSV that my prog generates is in the right order and works just fine on my Garmin.
The only thing is that you must not change the order of the columns on the 'master' Excel sheet otherwise it will screw up the CSV as I don't do ANY checking that the column contains the 'right' data.
EDIT. Presumably ypu have read THIS.
If you put a blank SD card into your computer and chose 'Garmin device', in POILoader the card will be listed and then the POI GPI file will be loaded in the correct place.
Joined: Jun 04, 2005 Posts: 128 Location: Radlett, Hertfordshire
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 5:59 pm Post subject:
Err, no, I had not seen that guide.
Bit confused (So what's new?)
The guide shows;
B. Installing Pocket GPS Safety Camera Database - SD Card Models
Connect your card reader to the PC and insert the memory card.
If POILoader does not automatically start, run it now.
Select 'Garmin Device' from 'Save Options', Click Next.
Your card reader should now be listed as the device, Click Next.
Choose 'Install new custom POIs onto your device', Click Next.[\b]
Browse for the folder where you saved and extracted the POIs at 'A. Extracting the Database on the PC'. Follow the on screen instructions.
Browse for your POI folder and follow the on screen instructions.
In your ReadMe, it shows;
Chose'Computer' as the destination.
At no point in this trial have I seen the option to
'Install new custom POI onto your device'
The screen shots on the guide are also different to my POILoader. All I see is Garmin device and Computer.
Column order is fine, I was looking at the xlsm file......
Joined: Jun 04, 2005 Posts: 128 Location: Radlett, Hertfordshire
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 10:00 pm Post subject:
At no point in this trial have I seen the option to
'Install new custom POI onto your device'
It's a radio button that is normally selected above 'Remove all previously installed custom POIs from your device.
Not seen this either:
It's a radio button that is normally selected above 'Remove all previously installed custom POIs from your device.
My POILoader.
Hell, taken 4 screen shots of my POILoader, now on my desktop but no idea how to insert them here. img asks for a http url. ?
Plan B. As text.
Screen 1, where to install?
O Garmin Device
O Computer.
Screen 2,
Please select a folder for saving your POI file
Screen 3,
Please select the folder where data can be found
Screen 4,
Congratulations, you have now installed 42 custom POI's to your computer.
Joined: Apr 04, 2006 Posts: 10118 Location: Bexhill, South Sussex, UK
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 10:25 pm Post subject:
No not two versions. You see what I said if you chose 'Garmin device' as in my EDIT a couple of posts ago.
Have you got an otherwise blank SD card with the folders Garmin\POI on it and the GPI created by POILoader from the CSV that my program creates in the POI folder?
If you have, and it doesn't load onto your device then there is another problem that I can't help you with because I don't have your device.
Pictures have to be hosted somewhere else and link posted
Joined: Jun 04, 2005 Posts: 128 Location: Radlett, Hertfordshire
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2018 8:47 am Post subject:
trapper wrote:
No response from the Garmin whatsoever, the map was on screen showing my location heading N speed 0. Tried a few times in case of a dodgy connection in the SD socket.
Looks like removal of center console to check the lead is plugged in correctly or a new lead. Either way it will be a real pain to do. I cannot see the dealer will be willing to do it again for free, but I will try.
I am pretty certain I now have a card that would work, thanks to your help. It's such a shame it has all come to nothing.
As you say, there is probably another problem elsewhere. I have tried the 3 SD cards again without success.
I am sorry, not only for me, but for the hard work you have done on my behalf that has come to nothing.
I am sure I will get the damn thing to work after I can get at it! However this may take a little time to sort out.
Thank you for your help.
You are a credit to to this forum.
Joined: Jun 04, 2005 Posts: 128 Location: Radlett, Hertfordshire
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2018 5:51 pm Post subject:
M8TJT wrote:
Well that seems pretty positive that you should be able to load them then.
I have emailed the dealer principle about this problem, I have had problems with them before, where they have lied and tried to con me saying that they had correctly done a job under warranty, and I then proved they were lying. A technician bad mouthed me and called me an obscenity not realising I was in earshot!
So I reckon they might owe me a favour or two.
Oh, they also failed to keep promises. Then again, they're car dealers, so what do I expect?
Once this is sorted I will post back with the results.
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