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Joined: 11/07/2002 14:36:40 Posts: 23848 Location: Hampshire, UK
Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 9:09 am Post subject: is TomTom for Android coming after all?
In news that is sure to please Android users, TomTom, who have consistently said they had no plans for an Android version of their navigation app, appear to have changed their minds.
Pocket-Lint are quoting TomTom co-founder Peter-Frans Pauwels as saying, "I can confirm it is real" and that it will launch "fairly soon".
No details on what the app will offer and how it will differ from the iOS version which has been available for some years but it's good news for Android.
Joined: 30/12/2002 17:36:20 Posts: 4919 Location: Oxfordshire, England, UK
Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 11:42 am Post subject: Re: is TomTom for Android coming after all?
News Team wrote:
In news that is sure to please Android users
Not this Android user!
I think that TomTom have missed the boat!
As TomTom said that there wouldn't be a TomTom version for Android I bought CoPilot for Android, which was OK but the App was memory hungry, so I had to delete it from my phone as I had other Apps that i wished to run.
The problem with the Android system (I don't know whether this is the same for iPhones or not) is that the Apps all seem to use the phone's internal storage whether the Apps are running or not and regardless of whether you place the App on phone memory or SD card. Adding a huge SD card makes no difference! At least with an under-powered Windows PC you can decide the few programs that you want to run - with Android it's everything.
As I said above, I think that TomTom have done to little too late - those Android users will probably have found an App that they like (and have paid for).
If I'm in the car then I use my TomTom 950. If I'm walking, taking the bus, or the tube, then I use the free Google maps.
Finally, will TomTom Android be able to use third party POIs, will it be able to use the PocketGPSWorld camera database, if so will it display 22 x 22 pixel icons correctly?
You may think that I hate TomTom, that's not the case I started with TomTom Navigator 2 on an iPAQ and have had several TomTom PNDs since. The trouble is that I have a long memory and whilst TomTom has shown some great innovations in the past - what TomTom gives in one version, TomTom unfortunately sometimes takes away in a later release.
Regards, _________________ Robert.
iPhone 6s Plus, iOS 14.0.1: iOS CamerAlert v2.0.7
TomTom GO Mobile iOS 2.3.1; TomTom (UK & ROI and Europe) iOS apps v1.29
Garmin Camper 770 LMT-D
Joined: 15/07/2003 22:59:27 Posts: 1050 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 6:46 pm Post subject:
I run Navigon, CoPilot and Sygic on my Galaxy Note (Android) and probably would be tempted to buy a decent TomTom Android App as a back-up sat nav to my dedicated PND - which outperforms anything currently on Android, Apple or Windows Phone in terms of reliability, ease of use, clarity, etc.
And that won't change for a while
I love the lane guidance on Navigon, I link the live services at a low cost because they are using some of my dataplan
I don't like calls, notifications and a whole lot more annoying me along me route
So while it would be great to see TomTom come to the game in the Android Market for those who want it, I don't agree it's too late - people what new maps, new features, more reliable routing, etc. and if it is priced right, we buy multiple apps
The bigger problem is for regular users, I think that Sat Nav on phones isn't ready for the apps... yet! _________________ TomTom Go Live 6100, 600
Garmin DriveLux 50, D-Smart 70, NuviCam, 3598, 2699, 2798
Mio Navman 695
Nexus 6p, Apple iPhone 6sPlus and Microsoft Lumia 950xl running TomTom, Garmin, CoPilot, Navigon, Sygic, Here Drive, Google, Waze, MS Maps
Joined: Jan 10, 2006 Posts: 585 Location: Guildford (Regrettibly)
Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 6:57 pm Post subject:
Sorry I like my Garmin too much now, despite its foibles, like it did the other day taking me from Gatwick to Guildford via Crawley, Horsham & A281!
I suppose it could be useful as a backup to the Garmin, provided you can install it to a SDXC card, it wouldn't make much of a difference to me with a 64Gb card on board.
I wonder how well it would work with a 64Gb SGS3? _________________ Be alert.. This country needs more lerts.
To be honest I'd expect a different pricing strategy on the Android platform. Firstly because there's already Google nav, and secondly because TomTom wants 'recurring revenue'.
So I expected them to come up with a free app, with a basic set of features, and allow people to buy extra features and maps as in-app purchases. And make the revenue recurring (for instance: $5 per map update per quarter).
I think with lower entry pricing, they can get a larger installed base.
Joined: May 05, 2008 Posts: 870 Location: Southport
Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 1:15 pm Post subject:
tomtom_shareholder wrote:
To be honest I'd expect a different pricing strategy on the Android platform. Firstly because there's already Google nav, and secondly because TomTom wants 'recurring revenue'.
So I expected them to come up with a free app, with a basic set of features, and allow people to buy extra features and maps as in-app purchases. And make the revenue recurring (for instance: $5 per map update per quarter).
I think with lower entry pricing, they can get a larger installed base.
I really can't see that happening, TomTom want their cake & eat it!!
Joined: 12/09/2002 14:25:05 Posts: 141 Location: Hampshire, United Kingdom
Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 10:00 pm Post subject:
color=darkblue]It was piracy that killed TomTom on Windows Mobile, and I'm afraid that I don't see anything stopping the same from happening on Android, unless they go for a VERY different business model.
Also, people are no longer willing to pay a lot of money for a sat nav application. I'm actually a big TomTom fan, but I already have Google Maps, Waze, Route 66, MapFactor Navigator (all free) and NDrive (bought when it was something like a tenner) on my Samsung Galaxy Note, so I wouldn't be prepared to pay a price premium for TomTom.[/color] _________________ Philip
The bloke reckons it's going to be a similar price point to iOS.
Itunes sell it at 57.99 for uk & Irl mapping. I don't think that's very good.
Also, I'm not interested when one of the latest updates is about sharing your location on Facebook! FFS!!! Apparently the integration of this feature is very prominent!
I only want to get from A to B safely with traffic updates. Do I really want to share my route with numpties! No!
As has been said before. To little too late. Besides, I bet it's also based around the limited Nav3 software. Pants!
Joined: Jan 04, 2006 Posts: 9323 Location: Durham, UK
Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 11:59 am Post subject:
Also, I'm not interested when one of the latest updates is about sharing your location on Facebook! FFS!!! Apparently the integration of this feature is very prominent!
Cancel the hysterics. Just switch the feature OFF and there's nothing to worry about!!!
Joined: Apr 04, 2006 Posts: 10118 Location: Bexhill, South Sussex, UK
Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 9:13 am Post subject:
I tink that Stand-offish shood vett evry post nd cerrect evry speeling misteak asn youse of rong wards asn tyop . It wood improv the cuntrys langwage skils know end
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