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[v8-WinMob] ALK Release CoPilot v8
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 2:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I am a long time CoPilot 7 user here in Canada - anyone else here from Canada?

I have never seen a QWERTY keyboard on my Motorola, so that is news to me. I use the Moto Q9H with a HOLUX Bluetooth GPSlim240 (separate from the unit so I can set in on grave stones to mark WWI soldiers).

After a few glitches I got CoPilot 8 to run but OOPS they forgot to put the Canadian maps (Street Level) on the North American version, so my system is trying to cross the Great Lakes to get into the United States where there are maps. No solution yet but I hope soon!

Thanks to others who directed me to this site!

Cheers from Canada
Richard Laughton
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 8:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have installed this on my HP Ipaq running Windows Mobile 5, ( after TomTom decided to stop supporting the PDA market ).

I wholeheratedly agree about the Qwerty keyboard Crying or Very sad , and have also sent a message to the support people.

The major problem I have is that the program and maps are stored on the mini SD card, everything is installed as per the instructions, but after using the program and closing it down with the "Exit Co-Pilot" button, the next time I go to use the program it reports that there are no maps installed and offers to download via desktop etc. Question

If I then soft reset the Ipaq, and run the program again it works fine - until next time I close it down and try and start again..... Confused

Have sent a question to Tech Support, and will post the answer here if / when I get one - for the benefit of anyone else having the same problem.
iPhone SE, TomTom Go 5000, Garmin Zumo XT.
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 2:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Received from support today.

Thank you for contacting CoPilot Technical Support.

We will be adding the QWERTY keyboard back in the next available update for CoPilot 8 which will be free of charge. Traffic is a premium service and it i not possible (like with any map upgrades) to take this between product versions. Traffic for CoPilot 8 will be available for purchase within the next couple of weeks through CoPilot Central 2.0.

If you have any further questions, or feel that this incident has not been resolved to your satisfaction, please do not hesitate to bring this to our attention.


CoPilot Technical Support


Gone for simples and now have TomTom One V3 1gig
Memory Map V5 on laptop and GPS.
I couldnt get on with Copilot V8
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 7:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I am new to CPL having lived with TT5 for years but recently tried McGuider and Destinations Navigator 9.

Overall I am pleased with CPL8 although I really want a 'Truck' version but I can wait for that.

My biggest problem with CPL8 , which may be true of earlier versions as far as I know, is that I am used to the other SatNav programs effectively zooming to full detail when say, approaching a roundabout so the roundabout takes full screen making each exit very clear. I find that CPL8 shows the rounabout quite correctly but without zooming so it doesn't stand out clearly enough for a quick glance. Is there a setting? Does anyone else find the same limitation or is it just a case of getting used to it?
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 8:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

RoyC wrote:

My biggest problem with CPL8 , which may be true of earlier versions as far as I know, is that I am used to the other SatNav programs effectively zooming to full detail when say, approaching a roundabout so the roundabout takes full screen making each exit very clear. I find that CPL8 shows the rounabout quite correctly but without zooming so it doesn't stand out clearly enough for a quick glance. Is there a setting? Does anyone else find the same limitation or is it just a case of getting used to it?

I have yet to upgrade to CP8 - I will wait until they iron out the wrinkles and reinstate QWERTY. CP7 certainly can zoom in at junctions, I have it set by default, and I'm not sure how I got there (certainly not where you would expect to find it). I think it comes under the "Driving Views" menu, "2D Next Turn". I hope it is still there in CP8?
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 8:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

A quick check in demo mode confirms, I think, that yoe correct - it is the same as CPL7. Thanks very much.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:04 pm    Post subject: CPL8 Reply with quote

Could anyone please tell me if there's a downloadable demo version available? Sort of try before you buy? With perhaps only one city map etc...

Also, are there any issues with a Touch Diamond 2 ? (It seems silly to me to have a Tomtom XL and a pda hanging off Brodit mounts in the car...)

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 4:12 pm    Post subject: Re: CPL8 Reply with quote

dazednotconfused wrote:
Could anyone please tell me if there's a downloadable demo version available? Sort of try before you buy? With perhaps only one city map etc...

Also, are there any issues with a Touch Diamond 2 ? (It seems silly to me to have a Tomtom XL and a pda hanging off Brodit mounts in the car...)


Works great on my TD2 Very Happy There's not a vast difference in the interface between the CP7 demo included on the htc cd and version 8 except the maps. The only issue with the version 7 demo i had is that it wouldn't uninstall. Had to manually clear it up and then installed 8.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 9:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

homecamp wrote:
OK so I was thoroughly annoyed with CPL7, the random crashes, the constant errors, etc. I tried TomTom7 - wasn't much better than CPL7 in my opinion (in fact I think in certain areas it was worse although the big plus was that it didn't crash randomly and repeatedly). So I'm trying CPL8 in desperation.

I haven't had time to play with it in much details but so far it's been somewhere in the middle:
The CoPilot 2 desktop app works fine on Server 2008 R2 x64 without messing about - a significant change from the previous dire cpl desktop app.
To import POIs, image files need to be in PNG format (ok in itself except all the POIs I have are BMPs so a little bit of work required).
The POIs files need to be added one by one through the desktop app so that's painful if you have a lot of them
When uploading POI (OV2 seem to be ok incidentally even if you have to manually select the OV2 type in the CPL app for every POI file) they seem to be copied to pocket pc device into copilot/save folder. I haven't tried updating a POI file yet (not that courageous!).
I've added a few (speed cams) and they don't show up as installed on my device in the CPL desktop app, although they are there on the device.

On the other hand, if anyone can tell me how to get CPL8 to accept the product code for my traffic subscription, I'd be grateful. I've been to the licensing tab and inserted the product key, etc. but CPL8 won't accept it. I've logged a call with ALK and I'm eagerly awaiting the answer...

Can't see any premium services to purchase in the CPL store either.

Did you have to do anything in particular with the POI images?? I've tried importing them but the images don't work. The ones I've tried have been downloaded from pgpsw and I saved the bmp to png but only black boxes appear in copilot.

After digging around I managed to find some png for the speed cameras (taken from the copilot site and imported) in \program files\copilot\skin. I then resized the POI image I was trying to import to the same size as the ones I found on my device. This seemed to work in part, in that the images in the menus were okay BUT when displayed in 3D map view the 3D version of the image was corrupt. This was confirmed when I found the image in the \program fiels\copilot\skin directory.

Any help/tips you could give me would be great as I've been messing about this this for a couple days now and am sick of it not working!
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 10:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't know if I am unusual but I seem to be able to download the Tom Tom POIs straight from the site and put them into the "save" file and they work with the .bmp picture file and that comes up pretty picture and all.
If you need me to go through what I do let me know.
Best wishes
Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4
CoPilot Live 9
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 4:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

tinapatra wrote:
I don't know if I am unusual but I seem to be able to download the Tom Tom POIs straight from the site and put them into the "save" file and they work with the .bmp picture file and that comes up pretty picture and all.
If you need me to go through what I do let me know.

Does the 3D map version of the image work also??

Could you tell me the exact steps you're taking please?? I've tried it again but it still doesn't work.

Which POI did you download??

My device is a HTC Touch HD on WM 6.1, if that makes any difference.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 8:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Drift wrote:
Received from support today.

Traffic is a premium service and it is not possible (like with any map upgrades) to take this between product versions. Traffic for CoPilot 8 will be available for purchase within the next couple of weeks through CoPilot Central 2.0.

This seems to suggest that once the version changes, you are compelled to change to the new version to get up-to-date maps. It also appears to suggest that Traffic is tied to a particular version. Not exactly a good customer service Exclamation How does TomTom handle this? - I thought the maps were upgradeable almost regardless of version/model and the same went for TomTom Live!
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 8:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Downloading POIs
I only did one at a time as I was trying it out.
Here is what I did
1) go to download POIs free page and select the one you want
2) download with link
3) On explorer page select download and put them somewhere you can find
4) open winzip file and extract to wherever you can remeber again
5) Open My computer and open mobile device
6) Go to storage card and open COPILOT and then open save.
7) Copy and past the two files .bmp and OV2 into here.

1) Open Copilot Live on your PDA and it will show you have a new POI leave the first screen as it is and go to the next one and choose a new category and input the name of what you have
2) Go to next screen and select the picture for your POI and so far eveyone I have downloaded is there and that's it

Yes they do show up on the 3D view

I don't know if you can do more than one at a time as the ones that come with CoPilot are so good I haven't needed many.

Hope this helps
Best wishes
Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4
CoPilot Live 9
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 12:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is exactly what I'm doing but the 3D image on the maps gets messed up!

I've sent a message to alk support but have yet to hear back from them. Don't know how quickly they tend to reply.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 9:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Got the answer back from Co-Pilot Tech Support about the problem I posted on 16th August - Where my Ipaq would not recognise there were maps installed unless I had performed a Soft reset each time before running the program....

They advised that the installation may have been corrupted, to uninstall then re-install and try again - I did that and Hey Presto ! No more problems Laughing

Now why didn't I think of that in the first place Question

All I need now is that Qwerty keyboard update Exclamation
iPhone SE, TomTom Go 5000, Garmin Zumo XT.
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