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Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 8:57 pm Post subject: GTM 12 firmly stuck in Nuvi 300 socket.
Any advice please!!! I have purchased a Garmin GTM 12 traffic receiver for my new Nuvi 300, and on only the 2nd time of use, I find that the small usb connector is totally stuck in the Nuvi socket (it came out fine the first time!).
I have really tried hard to pull it out with my fingers but with no success, and I am afraid of inflicting serious damage if I were to use a tool to pull it. I have pushed and pulled and twisted every which way, but no go.
Because the unit is new, I do not want to jeopardise the warranty by taking it apart (unles it is so simple as will not be recognised in case of future trouble).
Any advice would be much appreciated.
All the best,
Bern G.
Joined: Nov 04, 2003 Posts: 2225 Location: Bedfordshire, UK
Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 10:50 pm Post subject:
I've heard of this happening before, and the answer has been the same every time....
You really have two options here...
1. Pull it out really hard, and it will come out.
2. Ring up Garmin and whilst they are on the phone, pull it out really hard, and it will come out.
The second method comes with the support and warranty of Garmin Tech Support on the end of the phone
However, if you are concerned (and rightly so) about damaging your unit, then you really need to speak to Garmin first. _________________ Please don't be offended if I do not reply to a PM - please ask questions via the forums.
Many thanks for your suggestion. Glad to know it has happened before. I have studdied several of these small USB plugs since this has happened and have found several differences in the detail designs, some of which may be causing the snag inside the socket.
I have emailed Garmin for their advice, and depending what they come back with, I might give your second option a go!
Thanks for taking the trouble to respond.
All the best,
Bern G.
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