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Another problem!!

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 28, 2003 8:38 pm    Post subject: Another problem!! Reply with quote

If i dont get this working soon, look for it on Ebay!!
Having read the TT FAQ i decided to download another map and put it onto the 64mb SD card. The map is the GB South east 32mb. so size isnt a problem.
However i get an error that says

Setup:internal problem. Cannot intialize API.
Please restart setup.

I have several times, and the Axim is connected to the PC.. Oh and on tt FAQ it tells me to turn off the IR receiver. when i get to the screen (thats easy) Start>>>>settings>>>> Connections the screen tell me
Recieve all incoming beams

I cant see how i can turn it off as suggested

Sorry to be a PITA on this

Oh and the set up version is 3.85 if that means anything
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 28, 2003 9:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

First of all, to turn off beams you need to go into START | SETTINGS | BEAMS and untick the check box that says "receive all incoming beams". The reason for this is in direct sunlight, the sunlight can be fooled to look like InfraRed and some Pocket PC's can think it's trying to receive IR and start slowing down trying to constantly re-try. It's always best to turn this off.

You have a Dell Axim, are you running an SD card ? It might be this, there have been a lot of problems with Axims and SD cards (Axim not reading the card properly). TBH, I have never had the need to load segments, most people tend to purchase a 128mb card and the complete maps are usually 95mb in size.

Check this message for SD card issues
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2003 2:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dave, re Beam there isnt a check box at all.

And could you have a look at my other plea ref the non working of the GPS, it is driving me crazy, and i spent another hour in the car this evening waiting for it to initialise and it never did!! and it was freezing
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2003 7:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

You should have checkbox there, I've taken a look over on the Dell forums and can't see any complaints of not seeing the check box, so I'm not really sure what's going on there. This might be causing a problem, and causing your sat issues, but it's hard to say for sure.

We have quite a lot of Dell users here, but if nobody else can help you then you may want to post a message over on the Dell forums at http://delltalk.us.dell.com/supportforums?category.id=AximTech
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2003 7:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dave, i have reloaded the thing TomTom and reeset the Axim and reinstalled the Activesync and there was the box!!! for the beam. Ticked it 'off'
Didnt help though
I am spending so much time in the car that i am getting to the point of driving to Dell and throwing the damn thing at them. (dont worry i live in Bracknell)
I have tried every damn combination of switch on and off. but nothing.
i still get the gps unreliable message at the bottom of the tomtom screen. Oh and on the extreme right the four bars are grey with a 0 beneath them. is that the no of sats i should be getting?

The holder is electrically sound as far as i can tell
I have adjusted the screen brightness so when it is powered by the car it gets brighter, turn of the ign and it goes onto its own batt and dims.
The GPS receiver has its led flashing, so everything seems to be ok there.
I have also checked that it is Tomtom Nav 2 and on com 1
Even drove around with the gps thing on the roof just in case the 1990 volvo screen is like the Renault one (haha)
What else could it be?
will try and follow the trouble shhoting guide next
Still off to see the Quo in Guildford tonight
thanks again
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2003 10:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

If you are getting gray bars, then it means you haven't completed receiving all data for each of the satellites in question. The number at the bottom of the bar will change once you get a fix (bar changing to red).

If you have any other devices that may plug into the bottom sync port like a keyboard, I would make sure that the driver is disabled. I don't think this applies to your case, as you are seeing gray bars.

There's several other things that can be causing this, it doesn't sound like you have a heat reflective windscreen as you would have picked up a signal on the roof. I'd say it's either the receiver, or a compatibility issue with receiver and Dell Axim.

Another way to easily see if you are getting a sat fix is to download WinFast Navigator from the Leadtek tools area on our downloads page. Then follow this document

This will talk you through configuring WinFast to talk to the receiver, and you can visibly see if data is coming through by going to the DEVELOPMENT menu option as you'll see text flying down the screen. You can also use the Signal Level and Navigation screen to determine how many sats are fixed, which ones are green (fixed) and which ones are red (same as gray in TomTom). This will give you a better diagnosis of the GPS.

Select NMEA 4800 COM1, if that doesn't work NMEA 4800 COM2. At most, you should only take around 3 mins to obtain a fix, average is usually 1 min.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2003 12:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm not familiar with the Dell Axim, but the disappearing checkbox MAY point to memory problems. Are you sure you haven't loaded too many additional programs into RAM? This can result in "barebones" screens, with insufficient memory to run programs / process data.

The four grey bars with a 0 underneath in the Navigator screen means you are getting 0 satellite fixes. Again, this could be due to low memory resources preventing data processing. Just a thought.

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