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Copilot version importing OV2 files
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 12:59 pm    Post subject: Re: Deleting ALK speed cameras Reply with quote

Fox66 wrote:
Having just started using CoPilot again (, I have installed PGPSW speed cameras vis the CSV files - this seems to have worked fine.
I followed the instructions for deleting the ALK ones, amd they are still there!
I cannot seem to find where else they may be stored according to any instructions I have found.

V9 seems to have some changes over V8

Any ideas please?


I still have not been able to work around this.
Looks like ALK have caught up with the subscription only camera warnings.
They must have hidden their camera file as every time I launch it loads with an update page first.
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 9:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Have just installed copilot v9.6.2 for Android (on Samsung Galaxy S2 - android 4.1.2) and got the PGPSW speed camera database working.

The copilot v8 installation instructions are pretty much what to use for v9 with a few tweaks:

1) Download speedcam database in CoPilot 8 [ UK - Consolidated by type (Gatso,Mobile,etc) | pMobiles: No | French: No | Swiss: No ] format

2) The copilot file path is \ Storage Card \ com.alk.copilot.mapviewer \ SAVE

3) First make sure the ALK speedcam database is removed by deleting the poi_uk.safetycam_*.ezp file from \ Storage Card \ com.alk.copilot.mapviewer \ EU \ SAVE
and the poi_uk.safetycam folder from \ Storage Card \ com.alk.copilot.mapviewer \ EU \ SAVE \ user_places

4) You only need to copy the PGPSW CSV files to the \ Storage Card \ com.alk.copilot.mapviewer \ SAVE folder (the PNG files are not used).

5) When copilot starts, it will pick up all the files from the SAVE folder in one go (so no need to keep restarting).

6) To update, clear out \ Storage Card \ com.alk.copilot.mapviewer \ EU \ save \ user_places
then follow install instructions

Above works for UK installation with UK maps. Might be slightly different in other EU countries or with full EU maps.

Copilot calls them safety cameras so doesn't distinguish by type (redlight, specs, etc.).

Copilot can pop up camera alerts but for some reason, the popup will vanish from the screen 100 yards before the camera location is reached.
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 10:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

OK I need a bit more structured help (coz I'm thick) a youtube vid would be more use to me, monkey see, monkey do, but none seem to be very good.

So far I've managed to drag & drop my existing OV2 file to SD/copilot/save. Then when I open Copilot it tells me it found it and you go through the process of setting it up, OK so far, but I don't see the copilot icon I used on the map, now I'm thinking that I need the BMP file too, but I don't actually have one as I used Maps.me to create them and they've been converted from the KML format.

I can go to the category and pick one of the POIs and it will navigate to it, but I tend to look for them on the map, select one and then go to it.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 3:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

After having to re install CP after previous instructions made it unusable, I've just tried again and it's not having it.

I managed to get my own camping POIs on with some difficulty but the same will not work for the speed cams even one at a time.

My patience is wearing thin, anyone local to Pudsey, Leeds. who could help out one to one.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 5:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

After spending a full day trying to get this app to work properly, I imported my POIs, and the associated PNG icons, all was going well until I ran into the category limits, which seems to be one short of a full page or 44 Sad of course I hit this limit after installing 36 of my own I now have 8 icons/categories I might never use.

So can anyone tell me how to get rid of A, the ones on there already, or B, how to delete some of mine which may be of less use, I have deleted them from the save folder, but the icons persist, I did a search and found them elsewhere, deleted those and still they persist, I even tried a uninstall then reinstall and still they persist, it's starting to annoy me Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Twisted Evil

HELP Exclamation Exclamation
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 3:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've just got round to updating the pgpsw database after a recent co pilot update.
I deleted a camera folder now the pgpsw speed cameras aren't imported at all.
Just uninstalled co pilot and re installing to start again, will post how i get on.

Last edited by MrC-299 on Wed Oct 28, 2015 3:57 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 3:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

OK, so re installed co pilot, still no camera data base folder and grey'd out safety camera tab in the settings menu, but in the my copilot tab at the bottom of the main menu screen in news and updates tab there was a red no 1. went into that and there was a speed camera update, down loaded that and the safety camera tab in settings is accessible once again although it still hasn't imported pgpsw csv files from the save folder as in the instructions above.
Have removed the copilot file as above but speed cameras are still on the map after a re start.
I'll have to go for a drive along the M25 to see if this has updated the new speed cameras in the smart motorway section as copilot did still have the 50 mph specs cameras from the roadworks that were taken out over a year ago, v annoying as it was binging a 50 limit on a 70 where no cameras are now but missing the new variable limit locations that are very much active.

Last edited by MrC-299 on Wed Oct 28, 2015 4:27 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 3:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

K13ehr wrote:

So can anyone tell me how to get rid of A, the ones on there already, or B, how to delete some of mine which may be of less use, I have deleted them from the save folder, but the icons persist, I did a search and found them elsewhere, deleted those and still they persist, I even tried a uninstall then reinstall and still they persist, it's starting to annoy me Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Twisted Evil

HELP Exclamation Exclamation

Have you deleted them from the EU/save folder?
It really seems as if all of the sat nav apps are clamping down on 3rd party pois/cameras to make you sign up for their service which doesn't seem to be updated on the weekly pgpsw basis.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 6:08 pm    Post subject: it worked Reply with quote

After my last post on this thread it all seems to have worked.
I do find that you now have to keep the ALK data that is downloaded into the /EU/save/poi_uk.safetycam folder or the cameras disappear again.
I've followed the instructions associated with copilot 8 as to where to put the PGPSW file, which I've found now only works with the consolidated file, not the separate files per camera type.
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