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Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2021 1:41 pm Post subject: VAG (VW / Skoda / Seat) but also...
I posted a while ago about the Christmas present I got from VW - the removal of personal points of interest (POI).
This was frustrating on 2 levels, firstly because my "Favourites" (family, destinations etc.) were gone and secondly, because I'd now lost all of the PGPSW cameras.
The simplest, easiest fix I found was POIBase. The standard version is free to use but limited to 5 POI categories and 5000 points within each category (so less than the number of UK mobiles). Their add-on, POI Import Plus, removes the limits at a cost of 4.95 Euro a year. Note: Because the UK is no longer part of the EU, you have to input another address for the purchase, any address will do.
Although I'm only interested in it for my (VAG) VW, they reckon it can be used for - Alfa Romeo, ALPINE, AUDI, clarion, Dacia MediaNav, Fiat, JVC, Land Rover, Mazda, Mercedes, Mercedes Garmin Map Pilot, Nissan, NNG iGO Navigation Android, Opel, Pioneer, Porsche PCM, Renault, Smart Media-System, Subaru, Suzuki, Toyota, Volvo, Kia, ZENEC Z-N426 as well as the VA group brands VW, Skoda & Seat.
To use the software, once installed and set for your unit, from the Home page -
Load POIs & speed cams | My private POIs
Dependent on your unit, you may be able to use custom icons (bitmaps). I'd already got a set at 200 x 200 pixels with transparent backgrounds for my VW so scaled them down for the software to use at 22/39/44 pixels square. For some reason the first time I used them, the software changed them but since I've reloaded them they are untouched.
I use the PGPSW "Other - CSV [ UK - Consolidated by type (Gatso,Mobile,etc) | pMobiles: Yes" database version, as I did when We Connect let me.
I then run a batch file to rename the 5 unzipped .csv files to just the type name then-
Load POIs & speed cams | My private POIs | Import my POIs | Edit (pencil) | Replace all | Choose file
Wait untill the categories all show the correct number of cameras then go to "Download" (output) them. You'll be prompted to provide access to a FAT32 formatted SD card which, after writing and ejecting, you take to your vehicle and if it’s like mine, put it into the SD2 slot (the navigation software being in SD1) and from settings, add the POIs as an update.
Note - Don't use "'" in your POI names.
I then run a batch file to rename the 5 unzipped .csv files to just the type name then-
Load POIs & speed cams | My private POIs | Import my POIs | Edit (pencil) | Replace all | Choose file
This is what happens when i Add Category at the bottom :
500 - An error occurred
error: RuntimeException
message: Icon could not be added! Wrong size set in graphic source file.
type: 0
code: 0
Switch on Developer Mode to see Filename and Line Number!
Have you set the make & type of kit in the setup for POIbase? Mine is the Discover Media version, there's also the Discover Pro.
You may be trying to use an image for the bitmaps that it doesn't like.
How many categories have you got so far?
i tried to change the icons to a previous gen that came out on here, and that was the cause.
I downloaded the original .csv file without changing the icons, and followed your instructions per.
It works, and best of all, i can see from 1 mile out which is how i have the satnav set on for viewing the local area for traffic.
Thank you again for sharing your insight and instructions. Very much welcome and appreciated
My pleasure.
In my original post (elsewhere on this site), I noted that, being my cynical self, I might be persuaded to believe that the ones who made the decision to remove the POIs from the VW system have shares in POIbase. The files it creates are proper software update files. I found that it’s possible to use higher resolution/bigger icon files but you can’t just swap them, there’s a file that cross-checks the checksums for each of them so you’d have to edit that file too.
Glad you’re sorted.
Ya, your so right about the high res and not swapping..i asked a friend whose a guru at this sorta stuff to take a look, and he very kindly emailed me back the icons that i wanted to use in 5 mins.
Thank you once again for sharing your depth of knowledge and know-how. Top chap
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