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Mobile Speed Cameras To Monitor Humber Bridge

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 11, 2019 3:53 pm    Post subject: Mobile Speed Cameras To Monitor Humber Bridge Reply with quote


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Mobile speed cameras are due to appear on the Humber Bridge for the first time since it opened in 1981.

A recent survey has revealed that two thirds of drivers break the 50mph speed limit across the bridge which connects the East Riding of Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire.

A spokesman for the Humber Bridge Board commented: "There are around 25,000 journeys across the bridge each day and the survey data shows that the majority of that traffic does not obey the speed limit. This puts all bridge users in danger and is therefore something we want to address."

The cameras will operate from vans from the November 25th.
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Robert Brady
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 9:48 am    Post subject: Does the maths work? Reply with quote

Help me here please - if 16,500 motorists break the law every day and as best I know, very few of them are killed whilst doing so. Exactly what is the danger we're protecting the minority from?

Once upon a time, when the majority of people broke the posted limit, wasn't there a view that the limit was probably too low?
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 10:09 am    Post subject: Re: Does the maths work? Reply with quote

Lotus26r wrote:
Help me here please - if 16,500 motorists break the law every day and as best I know, very few of them are killed whilst doing so. Exactly what is the danger we're protecting the minority from?

Once upon a time, when the majority of people broke the posted limit, wasn't there a view that the limit was probably too low?

With it being a suspension bridge then I suspect that they may use the argument that the vibrations from higher speeds could potentially damage the bridge?

This is just complete speculation. Like you say, it looks like they're doing it for the money and not for safety.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 10:59 am    Post subject: Humber Bridge Speed Limit Reply with quote

I cross this bridge on a regular basis, and always stick to the limit, whether it's the normal 50, or the road works lowered 30mph. Apart from the occasional police car, I seem to be the only driver that does so.

However, I know the limit was set at 50mph on opening, so that generally speaking, the users would not exceed 60mph. This was from the mouth of the Bridge Master.

So, if speed enforcement is to take place, and in this instance I think it should, then raise the limit to the originally required 60mph; 50mph, as on a lot of roads in the area is not appropriate, so it will be ignored - and is.

Also, rather than spot checks by Safer Roads Humber, a combination of Average Speed Cameras between the limit signs, and Fixed Cameras both mid-way across and at each of the limit signs on the bridge and the approaches; they would rake in enough cash to lower the toll. Laughing Laughing

It baffles me the number if drivers who overtake me on the bridge, and then stick in front of me on the A15, still travelling at around 60mph on a NSL dual carriageway to Barnetby Top
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The Other Tired Old Man
The Other Tired Old Man

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 4:59 pm    Post subject: Re: Humber Bridge Speed Limit Reply with quote

cmp1951 wrote:
So, if speed enforcement is to take place, and in this instance I think it should, then raise the limit to the originally required 60mph
Can you see that happening? No, of course not.
they would rake in enough cash to lower the toll. Laughing Laughing
Yeah, just like the QEll Thames bridge. They said that when it was paid for, they would bin the charge. But that was until they put it out to private tender.
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