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Sygic on Android (Don't bother)

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 15, 2017 10:51 pm    Post subject: Sygic on Android (Don't bother) Reply with quote

I just thought that I'd let you know that you cannot import any speed camera POIs from this site into the Sygic sat nav app on Android,

I know this because I was duped into "upgrading" my existing app for a premium one with traffic and cameras, yet I found out that when I did a test route on it, that the camera database was so out of date and bad, that it needed updating. After much fiddling around I managed to get it to do an update (if that's what you call it) and found that it was absolutely awful.

It showed most speed cameras were off the main roads and positioned in gardens/properties and anywhere else but on the road that they were meant to be on and most of the one's that did appear on roads were set at 20 mph regardless of their correct speed.

So I had a look and it says you can import camera POIs from this site, great I thought, so I downloaded them and then followed the instructions on where to put them and where they would be found by the app and it would import them... Actually NO!

Not a cat in hell's chance would the app pick them up even with them in the correct folder and just to make sure that it would find some I put them in the speedcam folder too, did it find them? Errr. No. Did it try to import them? No.

The windows software that possibly could import them doesn't work, it's written in C++, something that appears to be obsolete when using W10 (any version), nor will it work using any compatibility mode either, nor can you install the C++ stuff on W10 (any version).

So I put in a dispute with Google Play store, saying that the app was missold and I got my £15 back without issue, however Sygic have been quite narky about it saying that their cameras are included in the package (no their not), you have to pay £13 pa for them and if what they provide now is anything to go by, that'll be a waste of money too. Anyway after several emails which I told them in no uncertain terms that they were lying and they were misselling the product they've gone quiet.

So at the end of the day, don't buy the Sygic Sat Nav app it's terrible, there are many routing errors, naming mistakes and other glitches in it, most importantly, be aware you CANNOT import any POIs from this site, despite their own website saying you can, also the installation guides here saying you can. No you can't.
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The Other Tired Old Man
The Other Tired Old Man

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 12:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes you can and you can see them on the map, you can navigate to them, but you cannot set up proximity alerts and as such they are about as much use as tits on a fish. But the PGPSW icons are pretty correctly displayed on my Sygic position wise. It's theirs that are all over the place as you describe.

You used to be able to import PGPSW cameras and have them working 'properly', but not since several 'upgrades' ago. Presumably, as they sell their own cams, why should they allow you to import third party ones? Same marketing ploy as TomTom I suppose.

WRT routeing, it is no worse, but different, to Garmin's, and from what I read here, TomTom's routeing.
WRT camera speed. All the PGPSW camera icons on my Sygic show the correct speed.

Having said all that, I fully agree with your first and last paragraphs, but as I bought lifetime traffic (which is quite good) and their cams were included some time ago before they ditched third party cam support, I have no ongoing costs.[/i][/b]
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 8:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've been doing it for the last 6 months without any problem. However, you have to have camera alert running in the background if you want warnings.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 12:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just to join in to give a perspective from iOS - Don't get Sygic for iPhone either.

Back in April 2017, I bought iOS Sygic as the website stated that you could use custom POIs but you can't.

I sent emails to Sygic but their answers were not helpful.

iPhone 6s Plus, iOS 14.0.1: iOS CamerAlert v2.0.7
TomTom GO Mobile iOS 2.3.1; TomTom (UK & ROI and Europe) iOS apps v1.29
Garmin Camper 770 LMT-D
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 17, 2017 12:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Allan_whoops wrote:
I've been doing it for the last 6 months without any problem. However, you have to have camera alert running in the background if you want warnings.

I just hope you have a powerful enough car charger then, it drains the battery quite quickly especially on high end smartphones like the S8+.

Anyway, I've uninstalled it (Sygic). And as a side note: I've now updated my maps in the car and rather oddly the camera locations that I put on the SD card have survived the formatting process and are still there! Confused
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