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PostPosted: Thu Nov 24, 2016 4:54 pm    Post subject: TomTom POIS Reply with quote

I have been using a go1005 camper version for several years and have built up a considerable amount of POIs

I would like to get a 7 inch sat nav is it possible to say transfer the pois to a snooper and will I be able to display them the same way as on the go1005

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Joined: 30/12/2002 17:36:20
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Location: Oxfordshire, England, UK

PostPosted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 11:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Barry,

As you're probably aware, a lot of today's SatNav manufacturers have stopped supporting third party (aka custom) POIs. TomTom have been guilty of this despite a number of us complaining to them.

I think that the reason is that SatNavs are now main stream. Years ago we used to play "spot the SatNav" now we play "spot the car without the SatNav". The consumers who are late to the SatNav market are used to the current range of SatNavs that have reduced functionality (e.g. third party POIs, itinerary, POI proximity alerts, etc) and they far out number those of us who require that extra functionality. Therefore the SatNav manufacturers won't listen to us.

You should try and keep your TomTom GO 1005 running as long as possible.

You should also make your POIs as independent as possible from one manufacturer. I do this by using a master list of my most important POIs. I converted them from ov2. to Excel .xlsx (with columns for longitude, latitude, description, and telephone). I use Extra_POI_Editor for Windows or you could use POI Editor which is online. Once your POIs are in .xlsx you can use the above utilities to make whatever POI formats you need. Don't forget that MS Paint allows you to edit and resize pictures to turn into .bmp files for the icons.

You currently have a PND, have you thought about using a smart phone (iPhone or Android) for SatNav?

I use an iPhone 6s Plus (screen size is 5.5 inches) and you could even use a tablet if you can find one with with GPS and possibly a sim card for traffic. I use two old TomTom apps (UK & Ireland, and Europe) which unfortunately are no longer available. The Replacement is TomTom GO Mobile - which is currently extremely poor on functionality.

If you decide to use an iPhone, there is a great app called POIViewer which allows you to capture new POIs and to store POIs within the app. The killer function is that you use POIViewer find the POI that you want and then you get POIViewer to launch any of the SatNav apps on your phone to navigate to that POI as POIViewer can pass on the coordinates to a SatNav app.

I know at the beginning you stated that you have a TomTom GO 1005 camper version - So I'm guessing that you have a camper or caravan. I'm afraid that my knowledge of camper or truck SatNavs is very poor so please bear that in mind whilst reading the above.

Hope this helps.

iPhone 6s Plus, iOS 14.0.1: iOS CamerAlert v2.0.7
TomTom GO Mobile iOS 2.3.1; TomTom (UK & ROI and Europe) iOS apps v1.29
Garmin Camper 770 LMT-D
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 8:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just to add to Robert's excellent reply.

I have just received a refund from TomTom for a Pro Truck 5150 that they persuaded me to have temporarily in return for a Trucker 5000. It was supposed to be whilst they sorted out the POI problems but they have still to do so and I became frustrated by their update software continually crashing.

None of them are perfect so I like to use two different devices together - also partly because I like toys Smile We are now using a Garmin Camper 760 LMT-D backed up with a Mio Combo 5207 Truck (which also includes a dash cam). See http://www.gjh.me.uk/mhnotes/satnav.htm for my notes of my experiences of a number of devices.

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