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GPS for drivers on Planned Routes - tablet app or SATNAV?

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PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2015 12:07 pm    Post subject: GPS for drivers on Planned Routes - tablet app or SATNAV? Reply with quote

Hi all,

Here is my situation. I am working on a project to (finally) get GPS guidance for drivers on planned cyclical routes/journeys (i.e. always the same journey every year).

Most of the GPS solutions I have seen are good for A to B mapping but not so hot on planned routes (i.e. either pre-mapped or simply recording a route while it is being driven and then play-back).

A perfect solution would also map 'service areas' on a journey.

Can you recommend a SATNAV or Android tablet app that does this well??
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Pocket GPS Verifier
Pocket GPS Verifier

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PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2015 12:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mapping a planned route while you're walking/driving it is called a track. Unfortunately while creating then navigating a track is normal on handhelds it isn't an option on satnavs. Equally if it was you don't get routing instructions for a track.

Most of the later Garmins have what is called Trip Planning (itineraries I believe on TomToms). This enables you to create a route either on the device itself or by using trip planning software like Garmin's free basecamp program. Routes created on BaseCamp can be sent to satnav devices connected to the PC/Mac or exported as files to be imported locally elsewhere.

Note though that adherence to the route planned is not guaranteed 100% as it will depend on the maps being used on the various devices and the PC/Mac. If the same map then better the chance of a match but individual settings on the satnavs might cause differences.

Service areas can also be programmed into the route as waypoints. I create routes similar to this on all my long distant trips.

Hope that helps. Please feel free to query any of that or ask further questions.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 1:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Sussamb,

Thanks for the detailed response.

I'll look into Trip Planning and using waypoints. I imagine its a pretty manual process!

You noted that the accuracy may not be 100% - I'm not sure I follow you reasoning though? Assuming the maps are up to date it would be find wouldn't it?
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Pocket GPS Verifier
Pocket GPS Verifier

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 1:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Not accuracy, just that you can plan routes all you want but occasionally the routing algorithm etc on the satnav will throw you a curved ball and take you a different way to what you were expecting. You can minimize the chances of that happening as I explained. It will of course still get you there, just potentially a different way Wink
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 1:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

In my opinion should choose SATNAV, because it integrates many solutions for driving. with androi car operating system. Tablet it is not suitable if the holder is uncertain, and is a curiosity for children.
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