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My TT 520 is coming up for 9 years old and while I have no problems with it at present I am trying to try other devices as my main navigation system just in case
The biggest issue I have with Sygic is the current version's (v15.0.3) management of POIs
Unless I am missing something I can see no way to edit/delete POIs or the imported categories
So I have tried to use the RupiManager (RM) to help me
My work category is added to on a weekly basis as I travel around and the way I do this on the TT is to Add the POI (without bothering about entering address etc), load it later into Tyre, make any necessary text and positioning edits and then resave the OV2 file.
I can find no way of doing this with Sygic, I can't even add the POI in the 1st place.
Using RM (free version) I can export a POI category to format suitable for editing in Tyre but I can not get it to Import the resulting edited version.
(BTW the free version will only export the 1st 10 entries but for experimental purposes this is acceptable)
Saving as a GPX file within tyre results in No POI file found in RM
Saving as KML in Tyre will list the POIS and a message states that [xx number] of POIS have been imported but when I look in Sygic they do not appear. I can look in the Settings, Points Of Interest, Imported POIs and they do not appear there.
I have tried using the same POI category name (it gives the warning that it will overwrite current file) and renaming the category but the end result is the same, no import
Has anyone tried this app and had any success or is there an alternative system which allows management of Sygic POIs
Have none of the wizzkids on here managed to write an Rupi to Text convertor and the reverse
The author of RM must have aquired the format of the rupi file from somewhere or else he reverse engineered it himself. I think he is Italian from what I can see from his website
Joined: Apr 16, 2006 Posts: 330 Location: BS20, North Somerset
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 3:52 pm Post subject:
100 views, no comments, feeling a bit of a loner here
I have been expecting too much of this app.
I originally thought that when I used the Import function it would import the required file (csv, gpx, or whatever) and then place it in the Sygic Rupi folder and then Sygic would automatically recognise it and use it
This is not the case, IMPORT only imports the file into RupiManager and from there you EXPORT to a RUPI file which you then manually copy to Sygic's own import folder and on start up you then get the usual "new database found" and import from there.
So using RM I can generate a file suitable for Tyre, edit in Tyre, import back into RM, Export to RUPI and then copy/paste to Sygic.
This post was more to let you know that we haven't abandoned you, it's just that I (we) have nothing to contribute. But, good luck though. _________________ Garmin Nuvi 2599
Android with CamerAlert, OsmAnd+, Waze & TT Europe.
TomTom GO 730, GO 930, GO 940 & Rider2.
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Joined: Apr 04, 2006 Posts: 10118 Location: Bexhill, South Sussex, UK
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 7:32 pm Post subject:
Sygic have a rupi ' generator' program for PC. It takes the txt files from here and makes them rupi's for import. They will then end up in the custom POIs in Sygic. The main problem is, with their latest offering, is that you can't set proximity alerts for them like you could on previous versions. I have deliberately not updated my S5 because of this, so I can still import the PGPSW cameras and have the audible warnings. Sygic say that they will be including this facility in a 'later' update, but I'm not holding my breath. When they do, I bet they make a big hoo ha about it, when they had it in previous versions.
I posted a link some time ago to the previous version (14.3.4), the link still works.
Found it:
M8TJT wrote:
Just had an email from Sygic. The old android version can be downloaded from
and a new manual at
Joined: Apr 16, 2006 Posts: 330 Location: BS20, North Somerset
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 8:46 pm Post subject:
M8TJT I have used the RUPI generator for other files but my hope was to be able to add a POI on Sygic (ie mark a location similar to the way in TomTom) then be able to edit it later, maybe adjusting the location slightly or editing the text name.
To do that I have to get the RUPI file from Sygic (they are not even named recognisably) be able to load it into either Tyre or POI edit and then transfer it back later
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