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How to use stored mapshare locations to report the feedback

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 8:49 pm    Post subject: How to use stored mapshare locations to report the feedback Reply with quote


On a Tom Tom 540

I stored using the on screen report button on a recent journey a start and end point for a 50mph speed limit where the latest TomTom 540 map was showing 60mph.

Now I am trying to figure out how these 2 stored locations are actually used to report the wrong speed limit to Tom Tom on their mapshare feedback but I cannot see how they are used. Checked the Tom Tom web site that shows how to use mapshare but it does not seem to address this point.

I've been into Map corrections - Correct a map error
At this point the top of the screen shows "Map corrections 1 of 2" so it sounds like it is recognising my earlier 2 saved locations.
Select next Change road speed
It prompts Select street to change speed limit with options On map, By name, Near you and Near home.

I was expecting here it to link to each of the 2 locations in turn.
If I select On map it actually shows my current location which is neither of the 2 locations.

I tired from the map to select Find thinking it will link to my saved location and noticed "Point on map" is disabled/grayed out, not sure why this is the case since it sounds like a promising way to perform this submission process.

So the question, is how do I use my 2 saved locations to actually report the data to Tom Tom?

Any helpful answers appreciated as I am sure they will be by Tom Tom.

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Pocket GPS Moderator
Pocket GPS Moderator

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 10:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes it's a bit crap isn't it!

The "correct location" button is only really any good for marking a single spot where you can report a blocked road etc. TT have never managed to come up with any way for users to report an area or stretch of road to be changed , (which is exactly what's needed to report speed limit changes!).

Personally, I never bother with the 'correct an error' menus. Here's how I do it...

Firstly, I just temporarily store the points on the road that I'm interested in as Favourites as I'm driving (that's reasonably quick to do with "Add Favourite / My location")

Then when I'm at home, I convert them into POIs and save them in a big "Map errors" POI file, and I then report them to TomTom using the web instead.
The website is http://www.tomtom.com/mapshare/tools/# and things like speed limit changes have to be done with "other", but at least you can write some text to explain it all and give lat/long coordinates.
"Settling in nicely" ;-)
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Tired Old Man
Tired Old Man

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 7:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't suppose this helps (done easiest in TT Home with a mouse in Operate my GO) (which is impossible with the new improved models and MyDrive).

If it tastes good - it's fattening.

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