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Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 5:42 pm Post subject: Do speedcam POIs show on map?
subscribed & downloaded speedcams POis to my Nissan Connect and getting warnings and bleep ok.
I was just wondering should they actually show on the map as I used to have a TomTom and it showed a small icon with the speedlimit on the map?
thanks for any help.
Joined: Mar 05, 2007 Posts: 1058 Location: The green bit between the M40, M4 and M25.
Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 6:45 pm Post subject:
can't speak for the Nissan connect system.
however, if I run camera alert with the"always show map" option, on my android phone, I do get little icons with an arrow showing direction.
A yellow speed cam gatso for fixed cameras, and yellow police man for mobiles
if I use the
never show map" option, I don't get the icons, I get a warning bar across the screen with speed limit.
hope it helps a little. _________________ Triumph Tbird 1700. And now a Bonnie T100.
Joined: Feb 27, 2006 Posts: 14906 Location: Keynsham
Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 8:35 am Post subject:
253 wrote:
can't speak for the Nissan connect system.
It's a built in system, so the PGPSW database is installed in a similar manner to PNDs.
I've just downloaded the Nissan database and I can't see any camera BMPs or anything. The CSV download is only single file, not speed zoned, so it won't be able to show different speeds, only different generic types (fixed, mobile, redlight, average). Sorry, I don't have a Nissan, so that's the most I can offer. Maybe somebody else can. _________________ Dennis
Joined: Aug 03, 2007 Posts: 379 Location: Berkshire
Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 11:57 am Post subject: Speed cameras icon
When you d/load from here you need to extract just the csv file "pocketgps_uk_sc", and follow instructions elsewhere on this Nissan forum (ie place unzipped file within a folder titled
exactly as typed, and then place within a folder entitled "myPOIs")
You also need to ensure in "Connect" settings you have set the POI's
to beep too; though it's very quiet compared with old TomTom.
When you insert USB stick it should initially display "No Music Files found", which is correct in my case, as I have 1 USB stick just for weekly updaters.
Shortly afterwards should offer to download your POI's; if it doesn't you need to go into your Connect settings, and select "Download My POI's".
You may need to try a couple of different USB sticks. _________________ Gel
Lifetime Member Thames Valley, Berkshire, UK
Mazda CX-5 built in SatNav- not sure if TT or not. Garmin NUVI in reserve.
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