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current Sygic map version for the UK

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 3:54 am    Post subject: current Sygic map version for the UK Reply with quote

Would anyone be able to confirm the current Sygic map version for the UK, please?

I've just started trying it, and bought Western Europe.

The directory name in the Maps folder is: gbr.ta.2012.10

That seems rather old; I see mention elsewhere of TA maps 2013.3, for example.

Sygic claim to update maps 1--4 times per year, so if those maps really are as that dir name suggests, I seem to be missing some updates?

thanks much...

Edit: I should add that this is for Android phone. Sygic v13.2.2
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The Other Tired Old Man
The Other Tired Old Man

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 9:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Latest maps on my device are 2013.3
Sygic do update now and again. You must have missed some.
How can you miss updates if you 'just bought' the maps?

PS. You have the latest Sygic.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 5:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

thanks much.

I think I've found the source of the problem: I bought Western Europe, and when I get my UK map there, I end up with 2012.10.

But if I get it from World Trial (which I still have active for another week or so), I get 2013.03

I had a look at the content.info file, in the Maps dir, and sure enough Western Europe is listed as having only 2012.10

My friend just bought Europe, and his content.info file has 2013.03, so it looks like it's a mistake that is restricted to Western Europe. Serves me right for being cheap!

I did wonder about editing the file myself, but am a bit nervous...

I've logged a support request with Sygic, but no reply so far.

thanks again.
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The Other Tired Old Man
The Other Tired Old Man

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Location: Bexhill, South Sussex, UK

PostPosted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 5:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

But if you have bought the W Europe maps (like I have done) all the maps should be the same date, including the GB map listed when you go to manage maps. You should only actually have one GB & Ireland map on your device but it will be listed in both GB and W Eur when you go to 'Manage maps' as the Manage maps list is what you have bought not what you have installed.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 6:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Under Manage Maps, I have both Western Europe and World TRIAL, and UK is listed in both, as you say.

But under Western Europe it said Installed, and under World TRIAL it said Update. There was no option to update within Western Europe, when I looked last night.

[I could have updated from World TRIAL, but assumed I'd then be using maps that were about to expire?]

However, *today* things have changed, and it now offers an Update in Western Europe, too.

So perhaps my Support request had caused something to be changed.

Am downloading now, and will see. I can tell easily, since the 2012.10 maps I had did not have 3D buildings, but the 2013.03 ones (from the World TRIAL set) did. And of course the dir name makes it clear.

Finally, I'd note that not all World maps are at the same level: if you check the content.info, you'll see that some maps come from other providers, e.g. Navteq, and many have different dates, e.g:


but you're right to say that all the Europe maps are TA 2013.03

Is there any way to tell from within Sygic which maps you are using?

I can check the dir name in the Maps dir, but would be nice to know from the app...?

thanks again.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 7:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Looks good.

It has now downloaded 2013.03 versions of UK, associated with my Western Europe set. Confirmed via the dir name, and also 3D buildings now back.

Would be nice to know from within the app, though.

There's also a question for Sygic as to why there's only been one update in 2013, and why we're only at 2013.03 when TA have released 2013.06 and 2013.09, which are available for Sygic on lots of warez sites (sigh).

Perhaps Sygic have only signed up for 1 update per year with TA? In which case their claims of 1--4 updates per year are a touch misleading. i.e. if they have signed up for just 1, why not say that?

I see that the 2012.10 dirs remain on my device, but they're now empty.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 2:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I also had a nice reply from Tomas at Sygic, who suggested:

- delete content.info, content.lic, footprint.info

- delete content of the wcl folder

- Next time you start the application it will re-download necessary resource files and should work as expected.

although mine just started working by itself; the above may be useful to note.
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