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useless useless garmin 760 sat nav

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 11:32 am    Post subject: useless useless garmin 760 sat nav Reply with quote

Some 3 months ago i bought the 760 trafic garmin sat nav.Even the first day near where i live it would have got me lost missing out a road.Up till now i've had the occational map mistake but at the moment its causing me havoc.I'm here in Folkstone ,stopover to driving in France but now i'm all nerves that it will go bonkers over there.I stayed in b@b thought i would go to a 24 hour Tesco Typed in poi,grocery then tesco said it was 2.2 miles away so off i went you have arrived the darlec voice said,NO tesco in site.So searched for next Tesco that said a couple of miles away after 2 miles it said arriving at Tesco,Guess what NO tesco in site,locals said that a tesco was no where near there.So this sat nav i deem as useless' i am dreading the french ploblems,will let you know.Would anyone agree that this sat nav should be returned and money back?????John
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The in-built POI's in the devices are not very accurate and can be a few years out of date. You could try looking in the POI section of this site for the categories you want.

As for navigation - you should be OK. No system will have every road mapped as new roads are being built all the time - but I would expect it to get to where you want - even if it does try a "pretty route". I used my 660 (with the older V9 mapping) last September in France and had no difficulty with navigation - it even had the villa we were staying in as a searchable location - and that was up a private drive over a mile long.

Don't forget - they are an aid to navigation NOT a replacement for common sense - if the road it is trying to take you down looks wrong - keep going - it will recalculate for you. Setting "fastest time" will usually result in keeping you on the more major roads. "Shortest distance" will introduce you to some interesting areas. Laughing
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 1:32 pm    Post subject: garmin 760 a nightmare Reply with quote

Hi,I think i've given my garmin 760 enough trial now to say that if ANYONE is thinking of buying one of these then DONT.I gave it many time on trial in Folkstone ,of which some is listed above,Phil beleive me its NOT the poi s which are out of date,i can prove that.First of all let me fill you in with a few,a lot more errors of the Garmin 760.But before i do let me say this i do not or am not saying its the Nav teq mapping which is the ploblem.I've HAD Nav teq for many years FITTED into my car,and can honestly say wether driving in the UK OR in France i have had NO ,NO TOTALY not even ONE ERROR in the voice mapping instructions,that was the number one reason i made the extra effort when chosing this porable sat nav that it would have to be Nav teq. SO what has gone wrong????I believe 99% of the ploblem is the VOICE OVER,ie the map right but the voice WRONG.Take this instance ,I left my b@b in folstone which was on a main road,On this main road it told me to stay on,then there was a large curve to the right which was obviouly the same main road,there was a road straight on but i thought just a side road.In fact with retrspect that small road on the left was the same road that i was on,and the main road was now the wrong road.Hope you are following me.Well the Sat nav told me to make a u turn when possible i got the all so often DARLIK command saying RE-CAL-CUL-AT-ING, RE-CAL-CUL-AT-ING,so i saw a island coming up,thought i'll turn arround there and go back to that turn in the road.So arround the island i went BACK towards where i had come from.Imediatly i got the command RE-CAL-CUL-AT-ING,RE-CAL-CUL-AT-ING make a u turn.My friend that was NOT a one off.In folksone and in France when i plucked up the nerve to use the sat nav it was a night mare,telling me often to turn,me looking at the map there was no turn,i had to keep looking at the map,so i blame the voice.More to say but no time,i would like to add though.That i thought i would try and miss the toll roads out to where i was going which told me using the Toll roads was 150 Miles,i disabled the toll roads but kept on major roads and off i went.After 20 minutes i looked at my destination distance it was 360 Miles,so in affect not going on the toll roads it would have taken me a staggering 200 miles further.Wish i had made a log of the garmin 760 errors,or rather a diary.John
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 6:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sounds like you've had a lot of problems there, perhaps you've got a faulty unit. I've had a 760 in the Feekmobile for months now and no problems with the navigation or the voice.

Perhaps you should contact Garmin support and see what they suggest.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 2:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

We have recently returned from a trip through Belgium/Luxembourg/ France/Switzerland into Italy with my newish 770 and arrived and returned safely.

trip was more or less directionally perfect, there where times when I made a wrong decision a little like the one you described, when not sure which fork to take.....But hey! sat nav's are not perfect and neither are we......
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 5:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Same here. A few "issues" maybe but no dramatic problems as per above....
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 7:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Have used my 760 in the UK, France, Belgium and Italy and haven't had anything like the problems you describe, but then I don't rely on the voice directions, preferring to refer to the on screen map.

As others have said, at the end of the day it's only a tool.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 3:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've just done over 4600 miles round France, Spain and Portugal and apart from the things I dont like about it like no speed read out or you cant switch off auto zoom etc it was near perfect.
Dont get me wrong it wasn't without it's problems it did make the odd mistake or recalculated but no more than any other sat navs i've used or have had.
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