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Navigon 2100 Max
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 7:11 pm    Post subject: Navigon 2100 Max Reply with quote

First Post!

This is in the Halfords 50% off sale, and looks quite good. Line Guidence etc only for £100.

Does it work with the PocketGPS Speed camera Database.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 10:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

If it's the newer model running the v7 software then at the moment there is no way to get the speed camera's off here onto it.
If it's the earlier model running v6 software then you simply load some additional software called POIWarner and then you can import any POI you like.
Navigon are fully aware of the lack of custom POI on the v7 units and I'm hoping they sort it out soon.

I'm really pleased with my 8110, just using the default 'fixed' camera warnings at the moment.
Have come to realise that other than the speed camera's I don't really have too much 'need' for custom POI.
Navigon 8450 LIVE
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 6:58 am    Post subject: Navigon 2100 Max Reply with quote

Hi all,
After reading a lot of reviews on this unit (good and bad) I decided to go for it as the price @ £99 pounds at Halfords seemed to be a good deal.
I have has in the past:-
TomTom on a pda, TT2 on a mobile phone and until now I was using a Navman 520icn.
I have to say that this new 2100 max is streets ahead of what I have previously used!!! Its accurate is got smooth scrolling graphics rather than the slow refresh times of the other units I looked at in Halfords in the £100-£150 pound mark.
Took it on a test drive last night from my home to Leicester and back, approx 60 miles to see the features and it all worked very well. The voice has good volume, so much so I could still hear it at 70mph in my van with the window half down!!!!
The only ting that I think it lacks is the ability to change the landscape colour as everything is grey!! but if thats my only gripe about the unit then Its not really a black mark against it.
I would recomend this unit to all as it does the job and does it well.
One more thing, I have read that it was slow to recalculate the route if you took a wrong turn???? let me say now that it is lightning fast, putting me right back on track with a re-route!!!
Great buy.

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 4:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Quick question for you guys,
I felt sure the Navigon 2100 max came with a safety camera feature? I cant find anything to do with this on the units menus.

Scrub that, I have just downloaded the speed cam software.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 1:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Jim,

I also went for this last Friday. I absolutely love the unit. I've had TT One, ViaMitchelin, Magellan, Garmin, Sony, Medion satnavs in the past and I have to say the 2100max blows them out of the water.

I agree route calculation and recalculation is very fast.

I didn't need to download any software for speed camera warning. It was disabled by default but could be enabled from the 'settings' menu. Its an item called 'advise of traffic controls'

I've added the text to speech which for £15 really does add to the unit. Being told the street names and exit details is worth the extra.

I also went for the Traffic at £40. The reception from the power cable aerial it the best I've had. The supplied info is still a bit dodgy though.

For £99 + £55 (voice and traffic) this unit was a steal.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 11:06 pm    Post subject: Max 2100 Reply with quote

Bought this as a spare unit, and to try out the latest navigon software

Must say the speed of the route calculations, time taken to know you are off route in the first place, and menu entry has improved drastically since version 6 - as have the onscreen visuals (mapping)

Added text to speech also (who wouldn't at £15)

It really is a bargin at the halfords price of £99 - so pleased with the unit tempted to add the TMC and FreshMaps

Has anyone experience of FreshMaps - does much get updated?
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 2:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've not added fresh maps - yet.

From Navigon's site they say they issue updates every three months so twelve in total - how useful the updates are I can't say.

Looks like freshmaps takes the unit up to Europe maps.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 9:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Can you upgrade the maps to full europe in the future if needed rather than just UK?
Difficult to tell from Navigon's website.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 1:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Freshmaps is easy to use, but you really need to be on Broadband. When a update is available the software will let you know and start to download and install the maps for you.
Very simple, but can take a while.

Not sure if you can upgrade from the UK to full europe maps, but could be worth asking Navigon.
Navigon 8450 LIVE
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 1:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

If I use 'Navigon Fresh' software and go to 'downloading maps and services the only choice I have for purchase is 'Navigon Freshmaps Europe Q3/2008' which is a 1.5gig download.

So it looks like any upgrade in mapping will take the unit to Europe maps.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 1:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Shinymera wrote:
If I use 'Navigon Fresh' software and go to 'downloading maps and services the only choice I have for purchase is 'Navigon Freshmaps Europe Q3/2008' which is a 1.5gig download.

So it looks like any upgrade in mapping will take the unit to Europe maps.

Just don't forget you may need a new SD card for the full Europe mapping. Wink
Navigon 8450 LIVE
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 1:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Shinymera wrote:
If I use 'Navigon Fresh' software and go to 'downloading maps and services the only choice I have for purchase is 'Navigon Freshmaps Europe Q3/2008' which is a 1.5gig download.

So it looks like any upgrade in mapping will take the unit to Europe maps.

I'd agree that it looks like you'd get the upgrade to European maps "free", and I was thinking of doing this myself - but if you buy the 2110 Max, Freshmaps is on offer at a discounted price until the end of December, whereas if you buy the 2100 Max, Freshmaps will cost you the full whack.

Could be swings and roundabouts...
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 7:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

oh right? I think you get 1 map update in the price under the update guarantee, but not sure.
Still 99 euros isn't bad for 2 years of map updates

Have e-mailed the offer to my dad as it seems really good value.
Navigon 8450 LIVE
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 9:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

but if you buy the 2110 Max, Freshmaps is on offer at a discounted price until the end of December, whereas if you buy the 2100 Max, Freshmaps will cost you the full whack.

Could be swings and roundabouts...

I think you're right about 'swings and roundabouts'

the cheapest I could find the 2110 max was £160. That plus the discounted price for Freshmaps would bring it to the Halfords £99 for the 2100 max plus the £79 full price for Freshmaps.

Funny thing happened Monday night with my 2100 Max. I updated its software via Navigon Fresh to 7.0.10 during the day at work.

At home that night I turned on the device to see If I could see any changes and was presented with a message saying I had a few days remaining to take advantage of a 80% discount on Freshmaps. Needless to say I got all excited and phoned Navigon. They said they can't understand why the message was displayed and confirmed there was no discount on the 2100 max device.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 4:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have just installed the FreshMaps update on my 2110max after spending ages getting Vista working again (I am a linux user). The unit says it it has a 30 day free upgrade to the latest Navteq maps which I couldn't find out how to make work. However there was a voucher in the box offering 80% reduction for 2 years worth of upgrades (ie just £15) so how could I refuse. Following the onscreen instructions took me to the euro shop so it ended up costing £15.67 after conversion, but what the heck. That is extremely good value to keep your GPS updated for 2 years.

I find it extremely annoying that Navigon have cobbled their systems so that you have to use Windoze to do all the updating, although the device does appear as a remote storage device in Linux so you can at least access the SD card.
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