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Making Navteq maps: Onboard with the survey team.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 10:35 pm    Post subject: Making Navteq maps: Onboard with the survey team. Reply with quote

Onboard the Navteq survey car discovering how maps are madeWay back in 2004 we visited Navteq at their Boreham Wood office in the UK to see how they created maps (click here for the article). Things have changed quite a bit in the three years since so we went back to the new Watford office to see how the technology has improved.

We spent the day with the survey team in one of the latest techno survey cars and learnt how the maps are created and updated. Whereas previously the main equipment in the car was a laptop computer and a small display screen, now the whole car is jammed packed with technology, there was barely enough room for us to get in and film.

Click here to read the full article and watch a video of the mapping process in action.

Click here for a Windows media version of the video or Click here for a QuickTime version (for Mac).

Mike Barrett
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 10:40 pm    Post subject: Use of Navtezq maps Reply with quote

It was very interesing to see the depth of data which is collected and collated by the survey teams.
Unfortunately the amount of data used is dependant on the company who produce the GPS devices.
I originally used an HP Ipaq with CoPilot Live, which I found very reliable.
When my Ipaq died I bought a Navman which I know uses TeleAtlas data but I think that Navman chose to use the minimum amount of data. I cannot set my device to avoid unmade roads, or to avoid going of a motorway, and then rejoining immediately after crossing a roundabout.
I would be interesting to read a review of the implementation of the same survey data by different manufacturers.
e.g. Which manufactures use the speed limit information to show the current speed limit together with the actual speed.
Which avoid leaving a motorway because using the slip roads is a few yards shorter.
Which don't suggest you use a single track with grass down the middle to take a short cut over a mountain.
I am sure such a study would be of interest to many members when they are considering their next upgrade.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 7:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


It makes me wonder who is to blame when some roads take years to appear on devices.
Viofo A119 V3
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 8:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Or when roads to weird things....

The number of mistakes locally on the 2008 maps is amazing. On the v8 maps i only found 2 errors in 2 years - one no right turn restriction missing and 1 road missing...

It took me a week to find 4 errors on the 2008 maps. One route takes me into a pub car park, through a brick wall and onto another road, one No Entry restriction missed and one route takes me down a bridle path with bollards and another missing road.....

It looks like they just looked at Google Earth and thought "Yeah, that looks like a road" and added it...
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 8:11 am    Post subject: Re: Use of Navtezq maps Reply with quote

DGJones10 wrote:
When my Ipaq died I bought a Navman which I know uses TeleAtlas data but I think that Navman chose to use the minimum amount of data. I cannot set my device to avoid unmade roads, or to avoid going of a motorway, and then rejoining immediately after crossing a roundabout.

Many of the issues you describe are not a function of the actual data but the routing engine. I'd also suggest that they suggest a package that was early or first generation as many of the issues you describe occur far less sin the present generation of solutions?
Darren Griffin
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 10:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

If they have these vehicles out on the roads and so many camera's recording everything it's very odd why it takes so long for new roads and POI to appear in the data.
Also I would think they would pay close attention to information about road changes from the local councils and re-survey the areas.?

Interesting they comment on talking about making note of Lane information, yet my Navigon with lane assistance and the lastest 2008 maps seems very sparse on the lane information. I'm really quite disappointed with the lane assistant at the moment and can only think this is down to the lack of data from Navteq. The most useful place for Lane Information is within a city center and at the moment I haven't had the lane information be of any use. Rolling Eyes

Also they comment on how they sometimes only drive 1 way down a road and use a rear camera to capture information, surely that is a big mistake as you are relaying on the road on the return trip being the same and no additional restrictions in place? Confused
Navigon 8450 LIVE
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 11:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

So is the coverage round Watford any good? Very Happy
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 1:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Teleatlas have a good video on their Map Insight system here showing how they process reported map errors.

In their example 'Eline' says "Last week, a new roundabout was constructed in my neighbourhood." The video goes on to show how this is entered into Map Insight and as a result a road (not a roundabout) is added to the map data which is then sold to customers. Priceless! Clap
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 8:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Does anyone know how to 're-open' cases which Navteq have closed. I reported that a road within a new estate had been extended and looped back on itself when the Navteq maps still show the road coming to an end.

I reported it and within minutes got a reply saying nothing needed to be changed and the case was closed, yet even after posting comments and pointing out that Google maps does show the road different to Navteq maps the call still remains closed? Rolling Eyes

Yes this is only a simple difference, but I can't figure how they decided nothing needed changing so quickly and seem unwilling to take another look.
Navigon 8450 LIVE
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 4:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Perhaps they already knew about it. How long has it been like this and how uptodate is the map you are using. If people keep reporting the same issue then there has to come a time when they stop accepting submissions about the same thing.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 5:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Q2 2008 maps which are the latest from Navteq. Fair enough if they know about an issue but wouldn't it be best to say 'yes' we know about it rather than simply closing it.
Navigon 8450 LIVE
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 3:39 pm    Post subject: navteq map "updates" Reply with quote

Interesting article BUT I've personally submitted 3 reports on Navteq's site regarding the street I live on. The one way restriction is going the wrong way. Two of these reports are closed with Navteq stating the changes requested already exist in their database. That is not correct. They still show my particular block going the wrong way. The disturbing thing is based on Navteq's claim that the error was corrected I paid 119.00 to Garmin for the lifetime map update subscription only to find out that the same problem still exists.

Also I used the Garmin Nuvi two weeks ago on a trip and found out that any newer businesses were not showing up in the POIs if they were there for around 6 months or so. Considering the map update I downloaded was dated April of 09 I would reasonably expect that businesses that were there since January of 09 would show up.

But getting back to the original point. I live on a small street in Philadelphia PA and as is common in these streets the direction of a one way street changes from block to block. My block has been going in the opposite direction than shown in Navteqs maps for over 10 years now.
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