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Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 4:23 pm Post subject: POI warnings
I have got a TomTom 910, on my rider I can get a .ogg file to play as the worning fot a POI, but I can not get it to woek on my 910.
I am ao have problems that my pois that I have put on the 910 do not show up on the map. I have told them to be visibal. I have also just tryed selcting just 2 of them, so not to overload the 910
Joined: Dec 08, 2004 Posts: 10644 Location: Suffolk, UK
Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 6:53 pm Post subject: Re: POI warnings
Fatdave42 wrote:
I have got a TomTom 910, on my rider I can get a .ogg file to play as the worning fot a POI, but I can not get it to woek on my 910.
It is slightly different on the 910, because you have TTS. When you go through the options in Warn When Near the 2nd Page asks to select a type of warning. Select Sound Effect and if an OGG file is present it will use that. You MUST Tap YES to the question Is this the sound you want to select? otherwise the 910 will just Freeze. (A bug )
If there is no OGG File you will get a Sound Selection Screen.
Fatdave42 wrote:
I am ao have problems that my pois that I have put on the 910 do not show up on the map. I have told them to be visibal. I have also just tryed selcting just 2 of them, so not to overload the 910
Very often you have to zoom in fairly close to see POIs. You could also be looking in the area where there are none.
In Browse Map, use the Find button to locate one of the POIs and see if that appears on the screen.
If you only have them set up in Warn When Near, then they don't appear in Browse Map, but will appear in the Navigation Map when pass within range of them.
Even if POIs are not Enabled to appear on the Screen, you can still Navigate to, or Via, them _________________ Richard
TT 910 V7.903: Europe Map v1045
TT Via 135 App 12.075: Europe Map v1145
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