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couple of questions about maps and what maps to install ?
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 1:27 am    Post subject: couple of questions about maps and what maps to install ? Reply with quote

Hi good ppl of pocketgpsworld :D ,

I have a couple of questions but I can't find an answer to them on the forums.

I had TomTom Navigator 5 and now the Navigator 6 software.
I am about to install the maps since I am going to france in a couple of days.
I live in the netherlands, so I need the maps of the benelux (The Netherlands and Belgium) and France.
Now what I can do is just install the West-Europe map and I am done.
But what I have read is that the West-Europe map is less detailed than the individual country maps.
Is this true by the way ??
And what is less detailed ??

I have a 2Gb Sandisk SD card, so I can install both the Benelux-Map and the France-Map.
What is the disadvantage about not having one seamless map but using both country maps seperatly ?
Can I for instance not input my starting point in the Netherlands and my arrive point in France ?

When installing the maps seperatly I can choose a normal map or a "plus" map.
Now I have read that the normal map just have the (detailed) road information about that particular region.
A "plus" map has the same (detailed) road information about that particular region PLUS general main road information for the rest of West-Europe.
Now my question is: both The Netherlands and France have "plus"-maps, so when I want to install the maps of both countries, do I need to install both "plus"-maps or do I only have to install a "plus"-map for one country and the "normal"-maps for the other countries ??

Basicly it come down to the following:
I at least want to install the maps of:
- Benelux
- Germany
- France
- Great-Brittan,
Because I travel between those countries
Is it better to install them seperatly (if so, should I install all of the "plus"-maps or just one of the "plus"-maps) or should I just install the West Europe-map ??

Thank you in advange for any help

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 2:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Now what I can do is just install the West-Europe map and I am done.
Yes, this is the best way.

With TTN6 you no longer have to worry about deciding which plus or non plus maps to install.
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 9:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Western Europe map has the same level of detail as the individual country maps, and takes up a little under 1 Gb so you will have plenty of spare capacity on a 2Gb card Clap
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 11:14 pm    Post subject: Western Europe Map Reply with quote

Although the Western Europe map has all of the roads that appear on the individual country maps, some of the smaller village names, especially in France, dont seem to be there any more - anyone else discovered this yet?
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 11:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Don't know generally but I regularly go to small villages called Taden, St Sampson, and Ruca. They come up & Ruca is only a street with a bar a few houses and very little else.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 11:24 pm    Post subject: Missing Villages Reply with quote

I'll have to check again, but the village in France I'm used to not finding is Le Breuil, in Charente, ner Chabanais - can you get that one?
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 11:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've got 76 towns called Le Breuil. I haven't gone through them to see if yours is amongst them though
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 11:36 pm    Post subject: Le Breuil Reply with quote

Thanks for that - just out of interest, how did you know there were 76, cause mine just gives me a list, showing 5 or 6 at a time with a keyboard below - and my map is 660.1256, maybe that makes a difference?
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 11:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

My map is version 660.1223. I just kept hitting the down arrow and couted them 5 at a time.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 11:47 pm    Post subject: Counting Village Names Reply with quote

Ok - TomTom make it easy again!!! - at least I've not missed something obvious. As for 1 of the 76, if you do find it (It's near another little village called Grenord) I'd be very interested, cause it would have to be the map version at fault in that case.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 11:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The 15th Le Breuil has (Chabanais) in brackets alongside of it. Advance planning puts it 1.7 kilometres from Grenord.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 5:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi ppl of Pocketgpsworld,

Sorry for my late responce, but have been a little busy.
Thanks all for responding.

What I understand from the answer of Lost_Property, is that the Europe map is the complete map of europe INCLUDING the same details and the socalled "Plus" of all the individual countries.
The dialog between jeffcooper and Calomax seems to support that fact.

In other words to have a seamless map of Europe in TTN6, including the socalled "Plus" and all the same details of the individual countries, it is best to install the Europe Map instead of all the (Plus) maps individually.
This only takes about 900MB of memory.
This leaves space to install POI's of all the individual countries together in this Europe map.
Am I understanding this correctly or is my stated fact not correct ??????

It is still strange and confusing that TT has 3 different kind of maps (Normal individual country, Plus individual country and Europe complete).
If I buy TTN6 with the Europe map, it should be abvious that I want to use the whole Europe map instead of individual country maps.
Since there should be no detail difference, why should I install the individual country maps ??
Nowadays everybody has at least a 1GB if not a 2GB memory card since the price of the memory is low.

Anyway can any of you answer if I understand my confusing map issue correctly now ?

Thank you again in advange,

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 6:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes, you are correct, the Western Europe map has all the roads. Where it differs from the Plus maps is that it doesn't contain some of the additional features which appear on the Plus maps, like lakes, rivers, ponds etc. Only a few major rivers appear on the Western Europe maps.
The change occurred only recently. TomTom had always used TeleAtlas maps exclusively, but when TT6 came out they also issued the Western Europe map from NavTeq. This gives seamless mapping throughout Europe, and I find the UK maps contained within it a great improvement on my previous TeleAtlas GB maps. For example, a number of serious mapping errors in Swansea, which I first reported to TeleAtlas nearly 3 years ago, are still there, but I haven't found any mistakes on my NavTeq map of Swansea so far (since October) other than some changes in the town centre which are very recent.
I spent a month in Portugal recently, and the NavTeq maps were a huge improvement on anything I have seen before. They even showed the internal roads in the complex where I was staying near Carvoeiro.
TomTom One v3 Europe, Navcore 7.903, Western Europe 835.2420
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 1:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Robin2,

Thank you for confirming my conclusion.
Since I use TTN6 for navigating on the road the details of lakes, rivers, ponds etc. are not my mayor item :D
I have seen a couple of discussions on forums about TeleAtlas and NavTeq and which of the two is better.
I guess that is a personal matter Smile
I have no oppinion about that.
I am just glad that all of you here have made the difference between the Maps clear to me.

The conclusion I made is that the best thing I can do is install the Europe map and my POI's of all the different countries in the Europe map.
If I have space left I can als install a plus map of the country that I navigate most in (in my case: Benelux) for even more detail; because why should i waste unused space on my memory card Idea
If for whatever reason the Europe map doesn't give me enough detail, I can always switch to the Plus map I have also installed.

Thank you all for making this all clear to me Smile

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 11:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Robin2 Is it the V660 MOWE that are NAVTEQ?

If so then TomTom need to look at their routing algorithm as my nuvi will NOT route me down the bridlepath near to my house but TT6.03 and V660 always does. (Yes I have both systems set up for car navigation rather than pedestrian Smile I'd always put the problem (which has been there since TT V3) down to the use of TeleAtlas mapping.
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