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PostPosted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 10:22 pm    Post subject: Nuvi wishlist Reply with quote

Post your firmware / functionality improvements for the Nuvi here (mirrors similar thread for the i3)

1 - Add a built-in poi class of toilets - if you are walking / in the car it finds the nearest publically accessible toilet be it a service station, public convenience or otherwise

2 - Include fire stations in addition to police and hospitals in an emergency category. This could also include doctors, cave rescue, coastguards etc

3- Include emergency telephones in pois as you may not have phone coverage on a moterway or may need to use a police telephone

4 - Include a 'call breakdown' option that lists phone numbers for local and national breakdown services and displays coordinates, nearest streets and junctions on one handy help page

5 - Offer basic car maintenance info on an SD card

6 - When navigating and you hit the instruction bar on the top you get a list of all instructions. This also has a very handy map view. Please add poi information on this view. You can see the poi icons but cant get any info on them

7 - These screens would be ideal for an advanced avoid/detour. If check boxes were next to each journey part, you could check the roads that you know are closed / busy and hit recalculate to route around them

8 - Add a 'set location' option when the gps is of and you carry out any address / business search. This would allow a-b routing without first finding the place on the map which is time consuming
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 11:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

9 - Seperate tourist info, rest stops and service stations into seperate categories
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 11:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm curious as to why you would want fire stations as POI's?

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 11:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

My girlfriend's mothers house was flooding and we were told we could pick up sandbags from the fire station! It'd also be quite useful so people are more careful driving when a fire engine is likely to come screaming out
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Pocket GPS Verifier
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 9:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Please remember that some of the things you are asking for, eg new POIs, are controlled by the mapping company, and can't be changed by simply updating the firmware in the Nuvi itself.

My wishlist for the Nuvi itself:

- Full support for everything that MapSource can transfer to the Nuvi (even if not accessible directly on the Nuvi) - eg Avoid Areas and routes with multiple via points.

- A QWERTY keyboard option.

- GTM Status information, without having to go into diagnostics mode (although if it worked more reliably, I probably would care less about this).

- A better Detour option, with the ability to indicate which road you wish to detour around, and for how long - this is mainly for "the road is blocked ahead for x miles", but also "I'm heading towards road x which is blocked, so reroute round it".
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 9:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think the majority of Fire Stations are already well signposted with appropriate warning signs, lights and road markings. Also, a big red vehicle emerging with blue flashing lights and sirens sounding will probably offer more of a clue than a simple 'bong' on a GPS.

Finally, I wouldn't really class POI additions as really firmware or functionality improvements.
You can already add POI's for toilets, fire stations or essentially anything you want. However either you or another third party will have to create the file. If there's enough demand for a particular category someone will generally decide to compile one.
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 9:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


Does anyone have a contact in the product development team to pass these useful suggestions to or is there an email address (rather than customer services)? I am sure they have the resources (once GTM12 is fixed!) to incorporate these into updated firmware but I think they need to passed to the right person or they will end up languising in someone's outlook inbox.


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PostPosted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 11:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

RDS: The difference is that the built in categories can contain much more information than standard poi (which I also use - e.g. the speedcamera database). Garmin should be able to feed category requests to their data providers. I dont want to have to search for thousands of poi categories during business travel and have to add them all in case I'm caught short for a toilet...

An emergency category would be a good idea, especially with the 360. This could include the breakdown services I mentioned earlier but also all local emergency services. When these are selected, the screen could have 'call 999/112/911), and 'call local number'. The local number is often used for less serious problems such as reports of crime or a cat stuck up a tree. The gps unit could keep the position data shown and on the 360, could call the emergency services and have a 'speak position' buton to clearly transmit your location.

Given that some emergency services are included, this shouldnt be too hard to add.
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 11:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


I like your idea of downloading external data. Perhaps this could be expanded to include a general offline device editor to allow people to customise settings. I could see this performing the following functions

- Customise screen colours
- Download and selection of POI including internet update
- Download of more voices
- Firmware and additional feature download
- Currency update from internet
- Favourites editor (allow you to add phone numbers etc)
- vCard to favourite conversion so you can add your outlook or similar contacts to the device with contact details and phone number. (to be honest, it would be great if the device had an addressbook and these could just be copied to a folder)
- Customisation of detail levels and what they include
- Diagnostics tool
- Virtual serial gps port (may be too much to ask)
- Upload 3rd party maps
- Setup preferred driving speeds for accurate destination times
- Customisation of pedestrian, bus, taxi, car etc modes and how they configure the gps
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 12:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Although having local Police station or area phone numbers may be useful I can't really see the need for other emergency numbers. In a real emergency it's unlikely you'll need the Nuvi to dial 999. If you're incapacitated enough to not be able to use your phone you certainly won't be able to operate a GPS.
However if you do still want an emergency/national breakdown services POI given there aren't that many numbers it should be relatively easy to compile your own.

As for POI's containing more information what more do you need for a loo ? Wink
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 1:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ability to control alerts (attention tones) which I believe are part of the firmware.

I would like to be able to switch the alerts on for speed cams only. I sometimes navigate along a familier route with voice prompts set to none. I find the continual alerts to "silent" voice prompts on a route with lots of turns very distracting.
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 1:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Talking of alerts - I'd like an alert only mode where voice navigation is switched off but destination is still set. This would let me drive my regular routes (which would recalculate as required) and only alert me to speedcameras on the route yet not tell me where to go when I know the directions

Might be nice to have selectable tones for different pois

Talking of tones - as a travel companion, why not build in an alarm clock (although I doubt this would be firmware upgradeable)
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 1:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Although not available for Garmin yet there really ought to be a 'Silent Voice' option.
There is one currently around for download to Tom Tom GPS and it mutes voice route guidance but still allows for safety camera or other POI alerts.

I've found it useful when travelling known routes or for when you have passengers on board and voice directions become really intrusive.
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 2:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I agree about the silent voice - or, at least the ability to have separate volume (and mute) settings for SatNav, POI Alerts, Phone Calls and MP3s - the volumes aren't quite what I would like in comparison to each other, so I would like extra control.
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 7:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Favourite routes may also be a good feature. I'd like the device to allow a route with a number of waypoints in a similar way to the non-satnav units. The ability to then play this back as turn by turn (or even by bearing if in pedestrian mode) would be useful. Ability to select between 3 of 4 favourite routes depending on trafic information would be even more clever

Talking of walking, if the free contour map of the uk is loaded, the Nuvi makes an amazing walking gps. Could we see

- Trackback
- Routes
- Tracklog
- The ability to add multiple via points to the route

The other thing I've notised is the traffic unit should be able to get weather updates over rds. Could this be added to a local weather screen?
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