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Speed Camera for iGO?

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 10:08 am    Post subject: Speed Camera for iGO? Reply with quote

Anyone knows possible chances to add speed camera functionality to iGO as TomTom?
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 11:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

from what we understand this is in the pipeline but has not yet been implimented as far i know if you using a wm5 pocketpc then you could us a secondary program to get the speed camera warnings but as iGo tneds to take over the pda im not sure how well this would work
currently using aponia truck navigation on windows phone. Good bye IOS don't let the door hit you on the way out .

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 2:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It doesn't work too well, to be honest.

I've tried POIObs, that's very configurable and actually very powerful - but as you say as iGO takes over the screen (like TT5) it causes POIObs overlays to flicker.

You can change the refresh rate of POIObs in it's .ini file.. Making the refresh rate higher means it doesn't flicker as much, but it takes up so much processor time that you lose connection with your GPS periodically and it makes PPC2002/03 very unstable.

You CAN hear the audio alerts regardless though.

Has anyone tried to run a dump of MioMap v3 on a PPC device? Would that even work? Theoretically of course - since it wouldn't really be legal.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 3:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

If/When I-go includes camera warnings it will be an amazing application.. Several people I have spoken with has bought Tomtom because of this, even thought they like I-go very much. Hopefully it will be included soon.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 2:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Where can I find out about this POIObs that you mention?

[quote="darthpaul"]It doesn't work too well, to be honest.

I've tried POIObs, that's very configurable and actually very powerful - but as you say as iGO takes over the screen (like TT5) it causes POIObs overlays to flicker.

You can change the refresh rate of POIObs in it's .ini file.. Making the refresh rate higher means it doesn't flicker as much, but it takes up so much processor time that you lose connection with your GPS periodically and it makes PPC2002/03 very unstable.

You CAN hear the audio alerts regardless though.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 12:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

scope wrote:
If/When I-go includes camera warnings it will be an amazing application.. Several people I have spoken with has bought Tomtom because of this, even thought they like I-go very much. Hopefully it will be included soon.

Have a look at the Mio range - C510, C710 etc. They use Miomap which is just iGO rebranded, and they include cameras and TMC. Everything you need in one box, and cheaper than Tomtom too.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 3:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

POI Observer is at Navifriends.de (German and you have to register, but is free)
POIConfigurator+ will allow you to copy from .asc POI files (save as generic ascii from POIEdit) to make the observer.obs database for your PDA.

If you use the MioMap version of the software (see http://www.flitspaal.nu/, but remember, not pukka) you can import POIs so they appear in the igo map and can be warned of within the igo software.

Any more help, send me a PM and I will share my config files...
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 11:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

ramsses wrote:
POI Observer is at Navifriends.de (German and you have to register, but is free)
POIConfigurator+ will allow you to copy from .asc POI files (save as generic ascii from POIEdit) to make the observer.obs database for your PDA.

So if I want to copy POI-files to iGo software, is it .asc POI-file or .obs -file, what I need to download to my PDA?
I didn't find any help from the manual.

If I can load policecamera POI-files into iGo, so they will be seen on the screen, but I can't get any warning sounds out of iGo? Is this true?
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 1:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Am also wishing to add further pois and camera data to iGO software have had a look at POI Observer thing and be if I understand what am supposed to do. Could those who have a working knowledge PLEASE tell us thicko's what to do as not only would POIObserver be good for iGO but also those of us who use memory map and Que can then have camera warnings too.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 10:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


To begin (my english is not so good)

I have IGO and Mio Map ver 3.2 on my Dell X50V and tested to copy the speedcam databas (SpeedCams.mtc) from Mio Map to IGO and then i got the cameras on the map in IGO, i has not done any test if its realy works but i see them on the map. Any one else done this as a test?
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 1:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've had I-GO since April (bought in Budapest) running on ipaq 3970, 5550, 6365 & 4700. I have summer updated and now just I-Go 2006 SE'd the SD (the one dated December). I've spent days looking up info on how to bulk load cameras onto IGO. Hooray! Success! I see them on my map of UK. How.............? I downloaded IGO POI EXPLORER version I downloaded the pocketgpsworld camera data base for tomtom. make a test folder on the desk top (for example:- cameras Nov). unzip the speed camera .OV2 files into that folder. Install, then run igo poi explorer, import the ov2 files from that desktop folder into the iGO POI Database, which you will see. By the way you have to have the pocket pc connected to the PC via active-sync because it will grab a folder from the PPC add your POI ov2 files then recombine them and then you send it back to the PPC.
Beware! that igo then takes about 3 minutes to start. I put on all gatso, SPEC, mobile & redlight/speed cameras.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 10:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

darthpaul wrote:
It doesn't work too well, to be honest.

I've tried POIObs, that's very configurable and actually very powerful - but as you say as iGO takes over the screen (like TT5) it causes POIObs overlays to flicker.

You can change the refresh rate of POIObs in it's .ini file.. Making the refresh rate higher means it doesn't flicker as much, but it takes up so much processor time that you lose connection with your GPS periodically and it makes PPC2002/03 very unstable.

You CAN hear the audio alerts regardless though.

Has anyone tried to run a dump of MioMap v3 on a PPC device? Would that even work? Theoretically of course - since it wouldn't really be legal.

Please download the newest POIObserver from www.NaviFriends.com
For TT and for iGO you need two parameters in your obsglobals.ini

Flickeringsolution for all TomTom-versions and iGO
New since Version
// For Navi-Systems, which use the GX.dll, i.e. a Game Api Dll
// for a fast refresh of the screen.
GXRefreshInterval=10 // The time interval in milliseconds for the popup
// windows, when TomTom is used. Default: 0, i.e. no
// special refresh time.
// Don't set this value too low, because this may
// slow down the Navi-System.
GXTransparent=1 // Draw the popup windows transparent. This key is only
// in effect, when GXRefreshInterval ist not zero.
// Default: 0.

After changing please terminate the POIObserver (TERMINATE) and restart it.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 2:35 pm    Post subject: Speed cams in IGo Reply with quote

This is possible, and in fact works very well - the key is that IGo will create it's own internal speedcam database (for warnings, speed values etc) from a TXT file put into the POI/speedcams folder - to create this file, you need to download the OV2 versions of the speedcamera locations, and then use a batch file called OV2IGO.bat (look for it using google!) which takes out unneeded info, and formats the individual files into one great big TXT file. You will have to understand how the batch file works and edit it based on what files PocketGPS include in their zips, so don't ask me to explain it to you - if you can't work it out for yourself, then please don't attempt it. One clue though - although it works on my Vista PC, for some reason it doesn't on a colleages XP PC - it adds extra characters to the final TXT file - something to do with the way XP handles a DOS batch command. Good luck! but it's worth the hard work.
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