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AA Navigator 2006 includes FULL coverage of Ireland

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PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2006 11:30 am    Post subject: AA Navigator 2006 includes FULL coverage of Ireland Reply with quote

There is a new version of the AA Navigator software package available. The AA Navigator 2006 software is the first SatNav system to include the latest Navteq Maps with FULL COVERAGE of Ireland as well as the latest UK Navteq maps.

A few weeks ago Navteq announced they had completed surveying the Republic of Ireland and had full street level map data available for integration into SatNav applications. Well the AA are the first to release a product incorporating the new Ireland maps. Well done AA, this is something our users have been requesting for a long time.

Also included is a 3d Map display, improved routing, and integration with the AA hotels and restaurants POI database.

AA Press Release wrote:

TeamWarrior and the AA today announces the planned release of its Republic of Ireland street level mapping to come as standard on the AA Navigator satellite navigation range.

The launch of the new Republic mapping will come in parallel to an update of all of the AA Navigators mapping data, built from the latest release from its mapping provider NAVTEQ.

One of the first of the AA Navigator integrated products to support the new Republic mapping, will be the flagship of the range, the AA Navigator Ultimate, which also provides live traffic information and speed camera warnings along the route (UK only).
The new Republic mapping will be available to customers from around the 10th April 2006 and will be included across the AA Navigator range including software only and upgrade packages.

Prices range from around €118 for software only, to €518 for the AA Navigator Ultimate

To find out more about AA Navigator range and other services, or to buy, visit www.aanavigator.com or telephone + 44 (0)870 4202722

AA Navigator Software

The AA Navigator is a fully-functional satellite navigation system from the leading motoring organisation. Offering full street level mapping covering the UK and the Republic of Ireland, the AA Navigator provides real-time spoken directions as you drive and automatic re-routing if you miss a turn.

The AA Navigator also offers full 7 digit postcode routing for the UK and there are simple guide and full map modes, as well as day/night modes for clear viewing and easy navigation.

You can customise the type of additional information you want to receive on screen, including estimated arrival time and distance to the next turn and you also have the ability to route to over 42,000 of points of interest including restaurants, parking and petrol stations, to name just a few. With a quick start operation ‘out of the box’ and clear, finger-touch buttons for all entries and menus, you’ll be up and navigating in no time.

• Pre-loaded software and mapping on a 128MB SD card
• Real-time spoken directions as you drive
• Full seven digit postcode routeing (UK only)
• Automatic re-routeing for missed turns
• Quick start operation out of the box
• Full UK & Republic of Ireland mapping data from NAVTEQ
• Option to avoid tolls and congestion charges
• Clear finger-touch buttons for all entries and menus

The AA Navigator has been extensively reviewed and won a number of awards for our navigation software including:

The AA Navigator is available either as fully integrated navigation devices or as a software only, Bluetooth or cable GPS version that support a range of PDA’s running Windows CE, Pocket PC and Windows Mobile operating systems.

A full description of two of the most popular AA Navigator integrated systems follows:

AA Navigator 3010 - All In One

AA Navigator 3010 complete with Car Mount

Our entry level system, the 3010 is fully functional navigation system that provides street level navigation for the UK and the Republic of Ireland. With a nice and neat ‘flip up’ GPS antenna, the 3010 is very sleek and pocket sized. The unit is also a fully functional PDA incorporating Microsoft Outlook, as well as Pocket Word and Excel and can be linked to your home or work PC.

The 3010 is also a fully functional MP3 player and come complete with a pair of stereo headphones.

The 3010 comes complete with:

• 128 Mb SD card incorporating AA Navigator software
• Full street level mapping UK and the Republic of Ireland (From April 2006)
• AC power cable
• In-car power cable
• USB Cable with Active Sync
• Windscreen mount
• AA Navigator Software and Quick Start guides
• Stereo Headphones
• Carry Case

AA Navigator Ultimate

Launched in September, the Ultimate is a fully integrated navigation, traffic and speed camera solution, which enables a driver to receive up-to-date AA traffic information and speed camera alerts while they navigate.

At the moment, speed cameras and traffic are only available for the UK but there are intentions to deliver a full Republic solution at some point in the future.

Using a fast Intel 416MHz processor, the AA Navigator Ultimate incorporates a fully integrated Sirf III GPS receiver, a full colour touch screen display and a RDS-TMC traffic information receiver built into the in-car power cable.

The Ultimate comes complete with:

• 128 Mb SD card incorporating AA Navigator software.
• Full street level mapping UK and Republic of Ireland (From April 2006)
• AC power cable.
• In-car power cable incorporating RDS TMC Traffic receiver.
• Extension antenna (for RDS-TMC).
• Windscreen mount with optional permanent fixing point.
• Hardware Guide.
• Stereo Headphones
• AA Navigator Software and Quick Start guides.
• USB Active Sync Cable + Active Sync CD
• A lifetime license to the AA’s RDS-TMC traffic service, with no additional cost or subscriptions. (UK Only)
• 3 years license to Speed Camera alerts and updates (UK only)

Mike Barrett
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PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2006 9:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Will be good to see how accurate the maps are, as Ireland has always been extremely poor coverage.
Steven Gourlay
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PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2006 1:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I bought Route 66 Navigate 7 last month. It stated it had door to door navigation for Ireland, with a 100% pictorial representation of the UK and Ireland.

So, based on that I ordered myself a copy. Apart from the CD being shipped with missing files, I eventually got it sorted. Only problem is that this DOES NOT have full coverage. The east of Ireland has full coverage. The west side does not. Im on about the country as a whole here, not just the coastal areas.

Sure all the cities in the west are mapped, but small towns and back road are missing. It is very patchy and certainly is not 100%.

I would imagine that it has Q4/2005 version of Navteq maps.

Just posting this, in case some people get misled about the Navigate 7.

On a brighter note, the mapping for Ireland that I do have is very good. Very accurate mapping, and probably 99% of the streets, even the back roads all have names. You certainly won't get lost. Trust your satnav, as the road signs aren't brilliant.

Street names are a bit funny though. I know that in the UK, you turn into 1 street and the name applies to that street until you reach the end. In Ireland, (on back roads) you drive for about 150m and the name changes. You could drive along a mile long straight road and the name changes 4-5 times.

It seems as though Navteq had no choice in the naming convention. It does work, and it is accurate, but with no house numbers, you still need a mobile phone. You wouldn't know you were outside the right house or not. But that's just the way it is in the rural areas.

Overall, very impressed with the maps. I will more than likely upgrade my Copilot 6 to version 7, then I can have 100% coverage too. Navigate 7 has probably got about 80-85% coverage at the moment.
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PostPosted: Wed May 03, 2006 12:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Steve 101. You are quite right, Route 66 Navigate 7 does use the Q4 2005 Navteq maps. Although Ireland coverage is considerably better than the Q3 2005 maps (i.e Co-Pilot 6), it still doesn't seem to be complete. I am guessing that AA Navigator uses Q1 2006 maps or later. The only other product for PPC coming out soon that will use these maps is Destinator 6. The new Navigon 6 will use Q4 2005 maps. Has anyone heard anything more about Destinator 6? They said on their Press Release that it would be an end of April release. So far, no one seems to know anything about it.
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PostPosted: Wed May 03, 2006 1:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Having won an AA Navigator at the Basingstoke meet , I hope they have improved the speed of the map changes I got so frustrated I went back to TT5 ,also the speedcamera database had a camera on that had been removed a year before.
The hardware is excellent
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PostPosted: Wed May 03, 2006 7:15 pm    Post subject: Re: AA Navigator 2006 includes FULL coverage of Ireland Reply with quote

MikeB wrote:
A few weeks ago Navteq announced they had completed surveying the Republic of Ireland and had full street level map data available for integration into SatNav applications. Well the AA are the first to release a product incorporating the new Ireland maps. Well done AA, this is something our users have been requesting for a long time.

Well done indeed! Clap

Let's hope we will now see the other sat nav manufacturers stepping up to the mark and releasing the latest maps to us rather than bleating about it taking 12 months to get the product to market and selling us out-of-date maps.... Wink
Gone fishing!
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PostPosted: Sat May 06, 2006 3:28 pm    Post subject: Just ordered one Reply with quote

Well after having a TomTom 700 which itself I found to be a good GPS system but the maps were very bad for Ireland, North and South I have ordered a AA Navigator 2006.

Lets see if its any better! (cant be much worse!!)

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PostPosted: Sat May 06, 2006 5:57 pm    Post subject: Re: Just ordered one Reply with quote

irishrapter wrote:
Well after having a TomTom 700 which itself I found to be a good GPS system but the maps were very bad for Ireland, North and South I have ordered a AA Navigator 2006.

Lets see if its any better! (cant be much worse!!)


Do let us know it might have improved admittally I did not
test the Maps
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PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2006 1:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just received my copy in the post. I live in Ireland, and although the coverage has indeed improved dramatically, I have serious doubts as to Navteq's claim that they re-mapped every road in Ireland. In my immediate area there were a number of obvious mistakes ... my road is incorrectly spelt, a nearby road that's been there for decades is still "Unknown Road", a road that mysteriously stops 10 m before a road that it has a junction with etc. What's more is that my road appears to have suddenly lost it's street numbers!

I've reported them to Navteq, but have had no reply yet.
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PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2006 6:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well I got mine today, have not used it much but I have been messing about with it for a few hours now.

The maps are a big improvement over Telatlas maps that are on the TomTom 700 that I use to have.
I live in the Armagh area of N.Ireland and did a small test run when I was out today. I was in town about three miles from home and did a simple A to B test from the town to back home using the postcode finder.
The unit did a good job, it took me down the roads I normally take and told where to go right to my doorstep.

Need to do a bit more testing to see what its like but so far I think its a good good.
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PostPosted: Tue May 23, 2006 6:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Is this better than Tom Tom 5 in terms of features Question
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 11:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

ysurya wrote:
Is this better than Tom Tom 5 in terms of features Question

Well I tried Tom Tom 5 on my AA Navigator and it worked very well.
I would say it has a few more features if your PDA can use them but the maps for N.Ireland on the Tom Tom 5 was as bad as ever!
Even some big towns were not featured.

The AA Navigator is basic and can be a bit slow, but the maps for Ireland, north and south, are the best there is at the moment, I would say that it has 99.5% of roads covered.

If Tom Tom used the Navteq maps then yes I would spend the best part of £500 on a top of the range Tom Tom as they are a very good unit packed with features.

But with the AA Navigator £280 gets you a basic Sat Nav with great maps.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 5:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I would agree with the above - I've just purchased the AA navigator and the mapping seems vastly improved anything else I have used in both Northern Ireland and the Republic.

However, the system is signifcantly slower than my previous software (Navigon MobileNavigator 5.2) and the graphics looks like something out of a school IT project - the names of the roads are truncated in the display so you can't really tell where you are and the maps are very low resolution - it maybe I have to play around with the settings more but I would only give it 6/10 and most of that is due to the good map coverage. It does have full 7 digit postcode but no house numbers (only available when choosing by road name).

The Navigon system is much slicker looking and easier to use - but it does wind me up that rather than just providing a map update (that I would willingly pay for) they fleece you by charging for a full upgrade.

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