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TomTom Rider does NOT appear to work with Starcom Bluetooth

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 4:48 pm    Post subject: TomTom Rider does NOT appear to work with Starcom Bluetooth Reply with quote

Forgive me for posting again, but I posted this already in the TomTom Rider board, but got no help, so thought I'd give it one last attempt here before I abandon the whole thing as a complete loss!


Help! I have a TomTom Rider, and just installed a Starcom Advanced rider/pillion intercom system. I am having a bit of a problem with it.

In a nutshell, after both systems were installed, I switched on the TomTom. I then (trust me on this, it's the only way it works) unpaired it with both my phone AND my Starcom, so the TomTom was not paired with anything. Then I paired it with the Starcom Advanced BTM (Bluetooth Module) as a headset. This worked fine. Then I paired the TomTom with my phone (a Nokia 7280). Again, this worked fine. I then tested everything out, and it worked great. However, as soon as I switch off the TomTom and switch it back on again, weird things happen. It connects back up with phone and headset, telling me everything is fine. I get voice instructions from the TomTom through my headset, so the pairing would appear to be working. And I can dial my phone, so that pairing would appear to be fine. However, for some bizarre reason, even though TomTom has connected fine to my phone and my Starcom, I don't hear any sound from the phone through my helmet speakers. And the person I am calling doesn't hear me either. Phone dials OK, but the headset isn't working. But it worked fine before switching the TomTom off and back on again.

What is going on? If I repeat the process of unpairing everything, then re-pairing headset (Starcom) then phone, it works again. But only as long as the TomTom is switched on.

Basically it's driving me mental! It seems to work fine. But the phone connection doesn't activate the audio connection after switching TomTom off and back on again. The phone audio also seems to drop out after a period of time even without switching off and back on. Everything else carries on working. Audio instructions and POI (speed camera) warnings come through loud and clear. MP3 player comes through loud and clear (wired into Starcom, not Bluetooth!). Phone dials and rings (although no sound is heard on the headset, only visual indications on TomTom screen) through the TomTom, just can't hear or speak to the other person!

Anyone come across this? Found a solution? Please help me! There must be a way, as it does work for a while. Just seems to fall over for some reason, and I wonder if there is something I can tweak somewhere? HELP!! PLEASE!! Crying or Very sad
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PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 1:11 pm    Post subject: TomTom no incoming feature? Reply with quote

I'm think about getting this setup myself for my GS - I read on the TomTom Rider site that it turns off incoming calls to your phone as a safety feature (Grrr); could if be something like that cause a problem? Is there anyway to pair the phone just with the Starcom and use it directly? I bet it'll work that way.
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PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 3:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes, the phone side works fine if you do that, but then you don't get the navigation instructions (and also you can't make outgoing calls and texts when stationary like you can with the Rider). I need to hear the Rider telling me where to go and what camera I'm approaching!

Rider doesn't turn off incoming calls. They still come through, and you can answer or reject them. What it turns off is outgoing calls when the bike is moving.

If you pair it (Starcom) with the phone directly, you have to set your phone to auto-answer and all you can do is take incoming calls which are answered automatically. You then lose the pairing between Rider and Starcom, meaning you get none of the navigation instructions or camera warnings.

If you pair the Rider way, it gives you more functionality. Well, it would if it worked! Then you get answer/reject options on incoming calls, you can send texts and make outgoing calls when stationary, and still get all navigation and warning sounds from the Rider. Well, it would if it worked. I have emailed TomTom asking them to support the Starcom unit in future Firmware upgrades. I got an email back saying it had been passed on to their technical department for consideration.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 11:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just an update to this post. I have just downloaded the latest firmware for the Rider and upgraded it v6.14, and everything now works perfectly! Hands-free calling between my Nokia 7280 phone, my Rider, and my Starcom unit with Bluetooth module. All working perfectly, and it's great! Phone calls are clear as can be, better than my in-car bluetooth hands-free kit! I was on the phone at 60mph and boths ends of the call were clear as a bell. Excellent! I'd highly recommend it. Smile
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 12:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi, I have a TT Rider.

If I bought a Starcom, does it mean that I can ditch the bluetooth device that came with the Rider?

If so, am I right to assume that Starcom is louder too?
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 3:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Goshdarnit wrote:
Just an update to this post. I have just downloaded the latest firmware for the Rider and upgraded it v6.14, and everything now works perfectly! Hands-free calling between my Nokia 7280 phone, my Rider, and my Starcom unit with Bluetooth module. All working perfectly, and it's great! Phone calls are clear as can be, better than my in-car bluetooth hands-free kit! I was on the phone at 60mph and boths ends of the call were clear as a bell. Excellent! I'd highly recommend it. Smile

Good to hear that. It sounds like the new firmware really added a lot to the RIDER. Thanks for sharing.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 11:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

verwoodspring wrote:
Hi, I have a TT Rider.

If I bought a Starcom, does it mean that I can ditch the bluetooth device that came with the Rider?

If so, am I right to assume that Starcom is louder too?

Yes on both counts. Much clearer (stereo headset for one thing) and the TomTom bluetooth device can be left in a cupboard to gather dust.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 7:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for your help.
Please answer this next question.

I do plan to put the starcom, together with its bluetooth device under the seat of my bike. My bike is a harley. In case you dont know, harley seats are bolted down, so it is very difficult to keep taking them on and off.

When I use rider with starcom, I am aware that I have to "pair" them together.

Once they are paired, I'm sure they will both work quite happily together.

However, on odd occasions, I may use the rider headset (like when I go out in the car). When I go back to the bike, I assume I have to "re-pair" the rider and starcom? When I re-pair them, do I have to press a button on the starcom, or is it OK that they are concealed and bolted under my seat?

Your answer would be really appreciated!!
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 7:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Laughing Check your PM's! I just answered your PM while you were presumably typing this! Laughing
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