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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: REVIEW COMMENTS: Navman 4400 Reply with quote

We have now completed the review of the new Navman 4400 Bluetooth Receiver. This includes a great new receiver that boasts atleast 2 times more battery power than the average Bluetooth Receiver, and also includes an unlocked version of SmartST Pro allowing you to use Navman's flagship routing product on any GPS Receiver!

The full review can be read here
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: REVIEW COMMENTS: Navman 4400 Reply with quote


i was told a while back by navman support that the 3450 sleeve was available for existing/registered users and was quoted a price of £169. The 4400 is a trickier question as it involves a different version of the software. I think there are a lot of 3000/3400 users that are looking at the updated sleeve but need to be convinced that it is substantially better.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: REVIEW COMMENTS: Navman 4400 Reply with quote

That would be my guess as well. Just wanted to make sure before I purchase as I plan on leaving it on in the car for the most part and it would really be a pain to always have to turn it back on because I plan on placing it in the back of the car.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: REVIEW COMMENTS: Navman 4400 Reply with quote

Good question, we only ran the BT GPS off of battery in our review, so I'm not too sure. I would think it's probably only battery that it would do this as there wouldn't be a requirement to save battery power if it's permanently plugged in to power.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: REVIEW COMMENTS: Navman 4400 Reply with quote

Great review, have a question though. You state that when the bluetooth connection is inactive for 3 minutes the unit turns off. Does this only happen when running off of battery power or does it also do this when connected to dc power via car charger?


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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: REVIEW COMMENTS: Navman 4400 Reply with quote

Have just found the mail I referred to in my previous post.

I asked:

I just wondered whether you had any plans to sell the 3450 Navman iPaq hardware on its own as an upgrade for us users who have already got a 3400 with the Smart ST software.

I guess the same question also applies to the GPS 4400 Bluetooth solution.

and "Maxine Harrison" from their Sales Support team in Europe replied:

Yes we will later this year but as yet a date has not been confirmed

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: REVIEW COMMENTS: Navman 4400 Reply with quote


I notice in your review you say that the Navman 4400 won't be available stand alone. When I first saw it on the Navman website, I sent their customer services people a mail asking whether the 4400 (and, in fact the sleeve for the 3450) would be available to existing users.

They wrote back and said that this was their intention and there would be more information later in the year.

Have they now specifically said they won't be making the new hardware available without the software, or is the comment in the review based on current "best guess"?


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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: REVIEW COMMENTS: Navman 4400 Reply with quote

Andrew, as far as we're aware (certainly Navman haven't said otherwise), but I don't believe there is any other difference between the software offered as part of the 3400 bundles and the 4400 software, apart from they are patched from a SP level I believe.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: REVIEW COMMENTS: Navman 4400 Reply with quote


1) I'm not sure. Currentlyh we only have WM2003 on iPAQ's. Seeing that there are problems with other iPAQ's, then it's potentially an issue with iPAQ's, but I can't see why it would just be a few. I would think it's more of an issue with WM2003 tbh.

2) I didn't say in the review that the maps had a 3D view, the screen (new interface) has a 3D look from the perspective of the layers on screen around the map. I believe Navman will be issuing a 3D map in the future, not sure when though.

3) Speech like most products only gives a turn left or turn right (recorded wav files or equivalent). It doesn't have a text to speech engine like Fonix which CoPilot has.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: REVIEW COMMENTS: Navman 4400 Reply with quote


I've sent a query to Navman but got no response as yet...

In the NavMan vs Tom Tom review, a number of issues (including 'via', 'avoid', 'manual-correct') were identified. Has anything improved on these matters since October 2002?


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Tony Bond
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: REVIEW COMMENTS: Navman 4400 Reply with quote


Thanks for the review. Please could you clarify:

1. Might the problems related to Pocket PC 2003 be peculiar to Ipaqs only ? Do you have any reason to believe that these problem would also arise with the Axim and the Toshiba 750 which also run the 2003 o/s ?

2. You say that the maps have 3d view but it doesn't look like it from the pictures in the review which show a flat aerial perspective. Is it certain that proper 3D view is available, same as on say TT Navigator 2 ?   

3. You mention it offers spoken directions. Is there a proper sysnthesised speech engine which calls out street names before a turn ?


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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: REVIEW COMMENTS: Navman 4400 Reply with quote


I also experienced a total data loss if left the h2210 on (with SmartST activated) until battery drain (even that the backup was 100% full). I needed to re-installed all my software, including the SmartST.

I heard from Navman Europe that they will have an update in about too weeks' time but I don't know if this can fix this powering up problem in addition to the frequent lockups issue.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: REVIEW COMMENTS: Navman 4400 Reply with quote

Great review of the new Navman 4400 Bluetooth Receiver. I use to have my Silva GPS hardwire connected to a Palm V , it wasn’t a great set-up but it worked. Unfortunately I lost the Palm V and the replacement (Palm Tungsten T) is not compatible with this old cable . I’m looking for a complete new arrangement and the 4400 is maybe the answer. I understood from the review that the Navman 4400 receiver is compatible with any PDA, probably also with my Palm Tungsten T.

My question is if the software (SmartST Pro) is compatible with my Palm Tungsten T (palm OS v. 5.0)

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: REVIEW COMMENTS: Navman 4400 Reply with quote

Great review Dave but I have one question:

As I am still not convinced about the merits of SmartST over TomTom Nav 2 (my current software) will it be possible to but the Navman BT GPS reciever as a stand alone?

From what you have said it appears, with minor shortcomings (size), as though we have got a really good BT-GPS here - well suited to mountain-biking/hiking etc. and overcomes the re-charge problem. IF we can use it with other software.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: REVIEW COMMENTS: Navman 4400 Reply with quote

You won't be able to buy the receiver standalone, Navman are currently only selling it as a complete package.

You certainly can use it with other software, I've tried a whole host of software and it responds very well.
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