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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: REVIEW COMMENTS: Deluo Routis Reply with quote

Lutz has just completed his extensive review of Deluo's Routis navigation product for North America.

The full review can be read here

Last edited by Dave on Wed Sep 24, 2003 8:06 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: REVIEW COMMENTS: Deluo Routis Reply with quote

I am currently using routis with globalsat bluetooth and H2215 and they works flawless together. Couldn't be any happyer. POI is very disappointing.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2003 6:36 pm    Post subject: Routis review Reply with quote

One thing that seemed to be missing is that it does not run on Win98.
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 03, 2004 3:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have a globalsat bluetooth with an ipaq 4155. They work excellent together. The Routis software is absolutely fantastic. Many times it routes me even better then I am used to finding shortcuts I never knew about. The cool things is that is has multiple route algorithms such as quickest, shortest, local, and main road settings. I like that you can use your fingers for most of the buttons instead of the pointer only. The voice sounds are great (although, I would like more selections of voices) and are timed fairly well with the turns. If Deluo could only beef up the points of interest, I would be on cloud nine and never look back. My hope is that in the July release, they will expand the POI. Would like to see movie theatres etc. The Navtech maps are good, however, I hope they include the new ones in July so that my street is on it. Also, I would like to see a statewide map with major highways for routing cross country.
I really have to say that this software is very very good and I hope Deluo keeps up the excellent work.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 05, 2004 12:57 pm    Post subject: Missing feature Reply with quote


If you are listening:

In the next release,
I would also like to see the ability to find a resteraunt by cuisine such as Italian/Chinese etc. like some of the other tools do.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2004 10:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just received the software, loaded it up with the GlobalSat BC-307, a NexiCam sleeve, and an iPAQ 3850.

It knew there were 12 sats out there, but inside the office it couldn't get a strong enough signal. Understandable, as the external ariel is at home, ready to be installed in the car.

I took it out a lunchtime, on foot. It navigated me across the street to the CIBC on Jasper Ave, and then back east to the Westin Hotel. A nice demonstration of the 'route recalculation' - it wanted me to drive north and then south to get back to Jasper Avenue, but of course I was walking. Shortly after I failed to do this, it recalculated my route. Sweet.

Nice to hear I can fiddle with the sound files - they are good at th emoment, but nice to know.

Any idea if we can set a destination by Long/Lat? I want to do some GeoCaching with this setup, and having a tracked destination might be a good idea.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2004 4:33 pm    Post subject: My recommendations Reply with quote

I currently own Routis and am very pleased with this software. I did
want to forward my comments to you as to my suggestions for improvement for what they are worth. I hope this software gets better and better so that is why I am including this list of suggestions:
1. Expand the POI (include movie theater, grocery/walmarts, home depot etc.)
2. Be able to search POI restraunts by cuisine type (italian, chinese etc.)
3. Add more POI symbol (types) on the maps for each category.
4. Fix the map scrolling to be more fluid similar to mapolis.
5. Be able to route using the guide route list instead of the map if needed (button on front).
6. Add a switch to disable the Warning screen when it first comes up (if desired).
7. The route list should have a total for the miles of the trip at the bottom. Currently, it only shows the miles per road segment. A total at the bottom would be nice to see.
8. Increase the size of the zoom in/out buttons on the front screen.
9. Increase the size of the right scroll bar. It is a little hard to move with fingers only.
10. Add more choices or personalities of voices.
11. Be able to disable a bad/old POI from the database.
12. Customized POI would be a nice thing.
13. Be able to save/load selected trip routes. I love the save destination, but the entire route would be handy as well.
14. Other tools enable you to select map data by area selection not just state selection only. It would be nice to draw a box on the map and download just this data.
15. Would like a zoom option for 750 ft. (in between 1000 and 500). Sometimes 500 does not show
enough upcomming road for me and somethimes 1000 ft does not show enough road detail.
16. Add bodies of water to maps. Could dress maps up graphics ( they are a bit stick-like).
17. Tell the tool a road is no longer there/moved. (Old map)
18. Possibly make a few selections for POI distance instead just 25 miles only. ( 10/25/50).
19. Expand cross country mapping to work even better. Sometimes memory limitations effect this.
20. Concurrent viewing of ETA and Miles left till destination at the same time on front screen.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 3:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Anyone tried iGuidance V2? It is supposed to be the Deluo Routis upgraded version. Any reviews?
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 12:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have to say, I have tried many other programs for the Laptop (Deulo, DeLourme etc) and with the exception of features. Deulo is the best for voice navigated driving hands down!!!

The voice navigation give you plenty of warning for turns compared to DeLourme... (which only give a warning of a turn a mile ahead.... This stinks!!)

There are a few options I would like Deulo to add though. I RV alot in a 38' Motorhome....

I would like to see:
-Route avoidance (like Parkways that I cannot take my RV on)
-Downloadable map updates (new exits, restaurants etc)
Rivers and lakes.. (I don't even see any major ones!)
-More voice options
-Movable route (so you can click on the route and drag it where you want to avoid routes like some handheld GPS systems)

If anyone knows of any addons or tricks for this software, please let me know!!!
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