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gizmomoggy Occasional Visitor

Joined: Mar 26, 2005 Posts: 9
Posted: Sun May 29, 2005 8:36 pm Post subject: Navman 510 and report on topgear |
If any one has just watched topgear on BBC 2 they will see just what a total pile of crap the 510 is getting the driver lost on numerous occasions on the way to Oxford city centre.
Come on Navman now everyone has had proof what a total pile of sh*t the 510 really is.
Well done Top gear for verifiying what many of us have found out to our own cost by investing goodmoney in a totally crap unit. |
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ShirleyTemple Regular Visitor

Joined: Feb 11, 2005 Posts: 141 Location: Southampton/Portsmouth
Posted: Sun May 29, 2005 9:15 pm Post subject: |
Interesting comments of yours....
I've just travelled from Southampton to Plymouth and then a thousand miles around the French Pyrenees Mountains on a bike and my conclusion is that the unit performed brilliantly.
It occurs to me that in your case it might just be the operator??? _________________ Navman iCN 520 |
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gizmomoggy Occasional Visitor

Joined: Mar 26, 2005 Posts: 9
Posted: Sun May 29, 2005 10:07 pm Post subject: navman icn 510 |
I would be carefull making accusations lke that !!.
It is common knowledge regarding the errors of the 510.
Yes you maybe one of the lucky ones who,s unit does work but believe me making silly accusations like that does nothing for this forum where problems are readily aired and hopefully resolved.
Navman must be aware of satellite fix problems and also in adequate mapping systems which lead to these errors occuring.
I have all the relevant certificates in my field as an engineer utilizing gps and mapping and believe me user error imput is not something i am in the habbit of doing.
Get a life and stop accusing people of user errors as i am far from an idiot !!!!!!! |
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ShirleyTemple Regular Visitor

Joined: Feb 11, 2005 Posts: 141 Location: Southampton/Portsmouth
Posted: Sun May 29, 2005 10:22 pm Post subject: |
Then stop talking like one............... _________________ Navman iCN 520 |
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ferret79 Regular Visitor

Joined: Jan 17, 2005 Posts: 187 Location: coventry
Posted: Sun May 29, 2005 10:36 pm Post subject: pile of crap NO pile of rubbish YES |
To say that the problem with these 510's is down to "Operator Faults" is in my mind pretty darned insulting and we can do without that sort of comment neither do we want to hear about the few good ones out there (you lucky people) we all read the manual when we have problems its just that these darned things are not as intended but are just novelties to comb ones hair in as they do make good mirrors so they at least have some use..I changed to Garmin - they do what they supposed to do and that is get you there EVERY TIME and with a fix every time and inside 15 seconds at that. I have had 2 of them and 10 of my freinds have them and never a complaint from any of them..well done Garmin for the best device on the market.. and no they are not paying me to write this thread. I can only sympathise with gismomogy because i had the same exsperience, I took my first 1 back - got a second 1 as a replacement..that went back and got a third one ..that was no better but it made a nice clay target.  |
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gizmomoggy Occasional Visitor

Joined: Mar 26, 2005 Posts: 9
Posted: Sun May 29, 2005 10:53 pm Post subject: navman |
Thanks for that ferret 99.
You hit the bulls eye.
I think garmin is the way.
I suppose we have to tolerate people who send replies like that.
No doubt their sarcastic replies make their day for them.
Get A life!!!!
Don,t get personal |
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AlfieB Regular Visitor
Joined: Dec 15, 2003 Posts: 178 Location: Yate
Posted: Sun May 29, 2005 11:35 pm Post subject: |
Well at the end of the day you pays your money and takes your choice I hope you will be happy with Garmin. One things sure you can't please everybody but there is no need to be offensive
alfieB  _________________ Why ask me ?, I'm lost!
Navman iCN630
Navman N60i
Navman Mio S505
Navman Mio Spirit 695 LM
Mio Spirit 7670 LM Truck |
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Tim Buxton Pocket GPS Moderator

Joined: 14/09/2002 20:56:18 Posts: 5231 Location: Surrey, United Kingdom
Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 11:13 am Post subject: |
Wow, this is quite heated for such a short thread! gizmomoggy and ferret79, I guess you both have an axe to grind with the iCN510? I didn't see the programme myself but I read in another topic that the Tomtom GO fared equally poorly. That you failed to mention this is what has led me to that conclusion.
I don't have a 510 but I do have a sleeve, a 4100 and now a 635 as well and I can honestly say that none of them have ever got me lost.
I have had the opportunity to use TTN5, AA Navigator, Navigon 4.2, Destinator and most recently Garmin Que, but I keep coming back to SmartST (although the Que maps are growing on me if only for their accuracy.
ferret79, why don't you want to hear about the few good ones out there? Surely if you are going going to write how poor the iCN510 is, you have to expect satisfied users to redress the balance? Just out of interest, which Garmin do you have? _________________ Tim |
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djmek Regular Visitor

Joined: Dec 23, 2004 Posts: 126
Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 12:57 pm Post subject: |
Gizmology, and Ferret.... You two have obviously got faulty units, ferret... you returned yours, so what are you still doing in the 510 forum, Gizmology... if you actually bought one why did'nt you take it back and get another one.?
As for top gear, Jeremy clarkson and his little boy racer teams OBVIOUSLY did'nt know how to programme the the unit or they would'nt have got lost in the first place, provided they had a unit that worked ok in the first place, remember that JC tries for laughs most of the time and anyone who takes his comments seriously should re-examine their braincells. (example... slating 45 thousand pound cars cos he does'nt like the seats.
I would never take anyones opinion on the 510 or any other sat/nav for granted, I personally did research into what i was buying with the cash i had to spend on one, and the 510 is perfect in EVERY WAY for me, its even showed me shortcuts I never knew about. I also spent one month in doing so.
"Operator Faults" ?? YES IT IS, learn how to work the thing and you'll find like myself it does the job perfectly.
Quote: | I would be carefull making accusations lke that !!.
It is common knowledge regarding the errors of the 510.
And those problems are the result of a fauly unit, Answer ..Take it back and exchange or refund it.
Yes you maybe one of the lucky ones who,s unit does work but believe me making silly accusations like that does nothing for this forum where problems are readily aired and hopefully resolved.
The problems in the forum were mainly SP1 and Settings and TIPS, all the other problems that were not resolved MUST have led people to believe they had a faulty unit and should have taken it back or got an exchange.
Navman must be aware of satellite fix problems and also in adequate mapping systems which lead to these errors occuring.
I and several other people I know have no sat fix problems/
Did you not research into the maps being UP TO 3 years old on most units.
In my town alone there are 4 New Roads and 1 Motorway, not to mention the new housing with new streets and roads
I have all the relevant certificates in my field as an engineer utilizing gps and mapping and believe me user error imput is not something i am in the habbit of doing.
User error is different from NOT Knowing What To Do... If your unit is not faulty, then if programmed properly it will work great. |
I can't understand why people take comments so personally on forums, so I will state quite clearly her that no comment or explanation is intended as a personal dig at any person, except maybe JC But he's not a member of this forum or does he own a perfectly good working order 510.  _________________ 2 x ICN-510 units now, 1 USA Unit and 1 UK Unit. Both working great and set up to perfection.
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ferret79 Regular Visitor

Joined: Jan 17, 2005 Posts: 187 Location: coventry
Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 7:20 pm Post subject: Operator Faults" ?? YES IT IS |
Ok.... No there is nothing personal intented about this but can you please tell us "How we can get these units to get a sat fix" when they refuse to do so and in my case fixes were none existent....regarding the good ones there isn't much point in keep hearing about them cause if you have got a good one then i'm happy for you.. thankfully it don't apply to me any more because i dont have one anymore.... but i still sympathise with the others out there with the problems that i had...I programed my third one with shortest route and fastest time then launched it from a clay pigeon trap followed by a ounce and an eighth of lead..... ..All 3 of the ones i had would not "lock on" which included reloading and cold starts can you please tell us what we did (or are doing) wrong as you seem to think its our fault... so can you please educate us and tell us how to get a satalite fix when it won't as i have obviosely missed something in the instructions. We would all be very greatfull to here your views why its operator error as it might help others with the same problem. |
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Daytona Regular Visitor

Joined: Apr 03, 2005 Posts: 60
Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 8:50 pm Post subject: |
"The Hamster" had about 6 different GPS systems set up and the navman was just one of them so I think it's unfair to heap blame on one particular unit. Perhaps he was following TomTom at the time... |
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Simon1 Frequent Visitor

Joined: Aug 07, 2004 Posts: 388 Location: Surrey, UK
Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 9:07 pm Post subject: |
Actually I found it very helpful to hear a balanced opinion from those who have good units and those who have faulty ones. It helped me make my mind up to buy the Navman and although it's by no means perfect, mine operates with little fault and I have no reason to think it has anything wrong with it.
If someone doing research only read negative reports, they would wrongly assume that there are no working units out there. I think you'll find, ferret and gizmo, that the majority of units do work fine. That may not help you and you will have done the right thing in getting your money back and reporting your problems to this forum for others to see. However to assume that only a "few" units work properly based on your experience is pretty narrow-minded. I doubt it was operator error - I think you had naff units. Not good from your or Navman's perspectives.
Let's keep hearing about problems, positives, tips,etc. It all helps to build knowledge and familiarity. And let's face it, Navman's customer support isn't what it could be. |
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alix776 Pocket GPS Moderator

Joined: 03/05/2003 14:45:49 Posts: 3999 Location: leyland lancs ENGLAND
Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 9:21 pm Post subject: |
ferret does your car have a heat refelective windscreen
ive not seen the episode myself but from my knowledge of the uk oxford put oneways streets in and take others out for fun or they used to when i did furniture home delivery anyway, as both units failed ie go and 510 i think it was that the roads had change since the maps were produced if a map is released tomorrow with the qoute.. lastest data you can bet its atleast 2 months out of data if they could release updatas monthly then the map would be out of date too as soon as it was released because some traffic flow expert decides to put a new roundbout in here and take one out there make that a oneway street or put a new oneway sytem in this can be done i 2 weeks i kid you not ive seen it happen _________________ currently using aponia truck navigation on windows phone. Good bye IOS don't let the door hit you on the way out .
Oh the joys of being a courier.
device Lumia 950 xl |
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djmek Regular Visitor

Joined: Dec 23, 2004 Posts: 126
Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 1:50 am Post subject: Re: Operator Faults" ?? YES IT IS |
ferret79 wrote: | thankfully it don't apply to me any more because i dont have one anymore....
Did you buy another brand?
All 3 of the ones i had would not "lock on" which included reloading and cold starts can you please tell us what we did (or are doing) wrong as you seem to think its our fault...
It's not your fault as I have stated all along, but surely you must have noticed that a sat/nav unit was'nt finding signals and surely must have been faulty, and taken it back.
so can you please educate us and tell us how to get a satalite fix when it won't as i have obviosely missed something in the instructions.
If it just does not get a fix, under no circumstances, then its faulty, the "operator" is a fault for not taking the unit back for replacement or refund.
We would all be very greatfull to here your views why its operator error as it might help others with the same problem.
I personally took mine out of the box and powered it up and I was off experimenting with settings, safety camers, and a power of help from this forum. And well within about a month or just less i was completely happy, sat fixes had never or never are a problem, even in heavy snowstorms (and navman say it would be a problem in heavy snowfall) |
I can see where your coming from with your lack of sat fixes, but honestly did you really think the satellites were sleeping or something. No sat fixes at all = faulty unit = take it back.
Which in turn equals operator fault, in my opinion, like, you buy a toaster to make toast, if it does'nt make toast properly, take it back.
Today...about 5 pm I got a call through a MSN chat i've been having with a memebr of this forum. we actually met for real at 7pm, I invited him in and set up his navman 510 onto my laptop, installed SP1 and the saftey cameras, and the shell garages, through mutual agreement he opted for my setting on roads, motorways. quickest and so on, he lives about an hour away and called me on my cellphone about 50 minutes later telling me he had been taken home to his front door using all the correct roads.
He admitted he was one of the doubters that he was operating the unit properly and it looked faulty to him. So he admits yes it can be operator error.
Now he was fairly local but if anyone wants help I'm sure myself can help or someone nearer you.
This forum has been an emense help to me and now that I'm an experienced operator I am in a position to help others, but only if they have good units that are not faulty and should have been taken back for replacement or refund.
Remember A few months ago i was asking "how do i install the safety do i do this..... whats this for..... one of the most common faults is that guys dont read the PDF manual of instructions on the installation CD ask me if i'm on for instant answers :D _________________ 2 x ICN-510 units now, 1 USA Unit and 1 UK Unit. Both working great and set up to perfection.
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djmek Regular Visitor

Joined: Dec 23, 2004 Posts: 126
Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 2:07 am Post subject: Re: navman |
gizmomoggy wrote: | Thanks for that ferret 99.
You hit the bulls eye.
I think garmin is the way.
I suppose we have to tolerate people who send replies like that.
No doubt their sarcastic replies make their day for them.
Get A life!!!!
Don,t get personal |
Garmin huh, I used a garmin in fla last novemember and 20% of the time i got the message, make a safe and legal U turn, and i was only exiting the I4 (because of the way you leave or enter the I4 its the sloped entries.) maps are not up to date on garmin either btw/ _________________ 2 x ICN-510 units now, 1 USA Unit and 1 UK Unit. Both working great and set up to perfection.
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