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Please fill in your Location and Signature profile details

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Pocket GPS Moderator
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 2:02 pm    Post subject: Please fill in your Location and Signature profile details Reply with quote

Would everybody who’s not already filled in their profile details on this forum please consider filling the following fields.

PocketGPSWorld is based in the United Kingdom. However we have members from many other countries. We certainly don’t need a full address but the Country and County/State/Region would be useful as answers to questions often vary according to where you’re located in the world.

Please use this to tell us what hardware and software set-up you’re using. This is very important when you’re asking a question that could relate to various combinations. A good example is the PocketGPSWorld camera database, which can be loaded onto TomTom (Navigator, Go, Palm, and mobile), Navman, CoPilot, etc. Each SatNav package may require a different set up for the same database.

By filling in the above fields, you will make it much easier for people to answer your questions.

iPhone 6s Plus, iOS 14.0.1: iOS CamerAlert v2.0.7
TomTom GO Mobile iOS 2.3.1; TomTom (UK & ROI and Europe) iOS apps v1.29
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Pocket GPS Moderator
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 2:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just to expand on Robert's request - especially when posting about problems, full details can help a lot.

If a problem affects a Pocket PC, giving the manufacturer, model, ROM versions and version of ActiveSync can help tremendously.

The ROM version of a Pocket PC can usually be found via some kind of Asset Viewer (iPAQs) or similar option in the Settings screens - though it is manufacturer specific.

For the ActiveSync version, selecting "About Microsoft ActiveSync" on the Help menu gives the details - do give the build number as well, because some versions of ActiveSync exist in more than one build, and some problems are build specific.

For my current setup, I'd say HP iPAQ hx4700, ROM 1.00.09 ENG, ActiveSync 3.7.1 (Build 4034).

If you have problems with navigation software hanging, crashing or otherwise malfunctioning, it is also worth giving full information on whatever memory card you're using for your maps. Brand, type and size is not necessarily enough, though it can provide a pointer. The best thing to do is to give a description and details of any codes on the back of the card as well as the brand, type and size.

Sometimes these details may allow some of us to figure out who made the memory card. Particularly for SD, there are far fewer card manufacturers than brands, and some brands change manufacturer periodically. Even if not, it's possible to compare sometimes to known troublesome card types.

One example of a card that doesn't work properly for me is an Integral "High Speed" 1GB SD card - TomTom Navigator 3 crashes on my iPAQ hx4700 with this card, but not when I switch to another card which I know is made by Panasonic.

Neither I nor the supplier of this card know which company actually made it, but the markings are of a distinctive style - very small, in portrait orientation and at the bottom of the back of the card (if the gold contacts are at the top) - S41004706512 in the case of this particular card. Another poster who was having problems with his setup described the same sort of markings on a 128MB SD card of Ridata brand. It seems likely that his memory card is the cause of his problems - but I wouldn't have known if he'd not given this further information.

Software versions can sometimes have build numbers included - TomTom software tends to.

Many GPSes have firmware version numbers as well - though to find them is very awkward and such information is rarely asked for. I've given mine in my shiny new signature just to give people an idea of recent SiRF firmware versions.

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 4:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


One question about Signature.

Does whatever you had for a signature remain with a post, or, if you change your signature, does the new signature appear with all your old posts?

While the details you suggest would no doubt have the advantage of making a question easier to answer, if they are not permanent, they could have the opposite effect when someone uses the posts for reference.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 8:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Perhaps anyone from the 'team' could answer my question and commment on the concerns I raised.
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Pocket GPS Moderator
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 8:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I can only speak as I have noticed myself. As you change your signature, this is reflected in all your posting signatures changing.

Not fully understanding, I presumed that it is part of the way the query language works.

Every post you've done has an ID, and when it need to display it, it queries your current signature and displays that.

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 9:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oldboy wrote:
I can only speak as I have noticed myself. As you change your signature, this is reflected in all your posting signatures changing.

Not fully understanding, I presumed that it is part of the way the query language works.

Every post you've done has an ID, and when it need to display it, it queries your current signature and displays that.

This being the case, it would seem to me that putting hardware details in your profile may not be such a good idea. Hopefully the 'team' can consider this and let us know if they still want these details added.
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Pocket GPS Moderator
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 5:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi neil01,

Sorry I did see your post, but I lost it. Embarassed

Olboy is right, if you update your signature then it is reflected in all of you old posts.

It is a good question. However I’d still recommend that you use your signature to let us know what SatNav equipment you have and also give the same details in your post - if you have a query about your set-up.

iPhone 6s Plus, iOS 14.0.1: iOS CamerAlert v2.0.7
TomTom GO Mobile iOS 2.3.1; TomTom (UK & ROI and Europe) iOS apps v1.29
Garmin Camper 770 LMT-D
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