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Outlook Contacts in SmartST

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 8:59 pm    Post subject: Outlook Contacts in SmartST Reply with quote

Whilst the contacts find function is good, I'm sure there must be some way to enter your contacts to help SmartST work them out.

I have had mixed results. All my contacts come from Outlook 2003, via ActiveSync. I think one problem may be that there is no country 'England' in Outlook, and it all ends up as UK - which my version of SmartST doesn't seem to recognise.

Also, does it struggle with spaces in post codes? Its frustrating - if anyone has a solution, it would be most welcome.


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PostPosted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 10:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Chris,

I recognise your problems with Outlook very well. It took me quite a while to figure out how to enter addresses in Outlook to make SmartST interpret them correctly. What I found after a lot of trial and error was that the result was best when I entered new contacts in Pocket Outlook instead of importing them from my desktop PC with Active Sync. For some reason the synching between MS Outlook in Windows and Pocket PC seems to be working better from PDA to PC than the other way around.

Furthermore I figured out that the map database in SmartST always spells countries using the native language of the country you're interested in. So, if you want to travel to Sweden (my home country) you have to enter Sverige as country, not Sweden as you'd expect when you have English as installation language. This is a bit strange, but you'll have to live with it unless TeleAtlas adds support for multipel languages in their database. Likewise, Germany is always referred to as Deutschland in the system.

Let me know if you, after some testing, still can't make the import of addresses from Outlook into SmartST work. I might be able to give you some hints.

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 8:36 pm    Post subject: Outlook Contacts - STv3 Reply with quote

Sorry to come to the party late - but I've missed all the messages which explained how to get the contacts address properly formatted so that ST3 can understand any of it!

I've tried entering the information into the correct fields in Outlook XP and on my iPAC 5550. Unfortunately ST3 just does it's own thing and it's auto-fill is more of a damn nuisance than a help.

I finally got an intelligent response from Navman support which pleaded an inability to do better because addresses are formatted differently in different countries. But surely if the country is in the address that shouldn't be too difficult to acheive.

In the meantime I note that TomTom (sorry for swearing) have issued a full UK postcode version which would answer all our prayers. A request for that in service pack 2 was quickly lodged with Navman; and all of a sudden the line went dead!

Anyway if anyone knows how to format addresses in the contacts database, drop me a line. Ta v.muchly.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 8:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dunno if it helps but Europe recognises the difficulties you mention and most European member states (I forget what we are in now? Is it EEC? Common Market?) anyway they have decided on a common European format for postcodes

Sorta makes sense dunnit? Well - a big landmass with lots of people and lots of trade and traffic and commuters ...

Guess what country is the notable exception?

So what has this to do with postcode location?
I think it is fair to say that it is an aspiration and a lot of people are looking for solutions including GPS hardware/software combinations.
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