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Smart St Version 3 for Pocket PC
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 8:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks guys for your suggestions. They all make sense, but don't really explain my problem. I think the BT driver in iPAQ 2210 is less than perfect, putting it in nice words. This combined with the fact that SmartST V3 uses more memory than its predecessor could create the problems. I don't really see why the choice of memory card should affect the BT connection. I also don't have several applications running at the same time on my PDA and I don't have too many map regions activated either. It is indeed a mystery to me how two nearly identical configurations can perform so differently!!!

What I did yesterday was to install the application BtRegTweak on my iPAQ, that was supposed to resolve some of the issues with BT on iPAQs. I'm not sure what the program actually does, but I believe (I need to test it some more to be sure though) that it made a positive difference. I had no BT dropouts at all yesterday evening after installing the application.

What I have realized over the past 8 months of using my Navman system is that the BT connection doesn't add any value at all for me - only trouble + the need for an extra cigarette lighter cable. Especially since I'm only using the system in my car. I therefore decided that the best way to go would be to get a wired GPS and went on ordering an RFG-2000 from Royaltek for a decent amount of money. It seems to be exactly what I need. You don't have to do any manual connections - just switch on your iPAQ, launch SmartST, wait for fix and your up and running. I haven't received it yet, but I'm pretty sure that it will save me quite a lot of frustration, and probably also time, compared to the BT GPS.

Sometimes you have to ask yourself if the new fancy technologies adds anything to you or if they are merely cool gadgets...

TomTom GO720T: App ver 8.351(9982/090518), OS:315187, GPS v1.20, Boot 5.5120
TT RDS-TMC: 4V00.013
Maps: Scandinavia v840.2562, Western_Europe v715.1703
Garmin GPSMap 60CSx (SW ver. 3.70)
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 12:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It may well be an issue with the Bluetooth driver on your 2210. I'm pretty sure its not the software.
The BTregTweak program is meant to eliminate the so-called "WM2003 BT annoyance", that means that the BT manager wont pop up anymore as it connects you to the last connected BT device automatically.
The BT manager popping up can be very annoying when you use only one BT device (for example, a GPS receiver). I have used it but have found that I dont actually need it.

Changing to a wired receiver should give you a much happier life with v3 (At least I hope so).
iPAQ 2210 | Navman 4100 BT Receiver
Navman iCN 635
TomTom GO
Anquet OS mapping
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 6:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hot Diggity!

It never occured to me that hardwired will use less resources than BT

I noticed a very interesting socio-effect while using the BT device

Most other motorists seemed to slow down to the speed limit (honest!)

Those that didn't soon did - if you know what I mean

Maybe the BT receiver naturally broadcasts an amplified measure of my charm and vigour?

Or maybe it was something to do with a blue flashing light?

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 1:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just a quick question: What baud rate setting should I have in SmartST for the 4100 BT unit? I just realized that the baud rate on my unit was set to 57600 instead of 4800, that I believe is the correct setting. Could that have affected the stability of my BT connection?

What baud rate do the serial ports on the iPAQ support? As all (?) GPS receivers are working with a sampling rate of 1Hz I can't see that the baud rate could come up to 115200 bits per seconds, which SmartST allows you to set. If my assumption is right, it's strange that the program lets you change the baud rate setting to a value of that magnitude...

TomTom GO720T: App ver 8.351(9982/090518), OS:315187, GPS v1.20, Boot 5.5120
TT RDS-TMC: 4V00.013
Maps: Scandinavia v840.2562, Western_Europe v715.1703
Garmin GPSMap 60CSx (SW ver. 3.70)
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 1:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I just found the answer myself. My original setting of 57600 bps was correct. See below:

The settings should be:
Com Port = Com 8
Baud Rate = 57600
Data Bits = 8
Parity = none
Stop Bits = 1
TomTom GO720T: App ver 8.351(9982/090518), OS:315187, GPS v1.20, Boot 5.5120
TT RDS-TMC: 4V00.013
Maps: Scandinavia v840.2562, Western_Europe v715.1703
Garmin GPSMap 60CSx (SW ver. 3.70)
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 7:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

If my understanding of baud rates is correct (and I am not saying it is) setting a baud rate puts in an upper limit.

For example a setting of 57600 means that no comms will go faster than 57600 BUT the actual baud rate is agreed between devices when they first start talking to each other (Here talking is a strictly technical term)

Once the devices handshake (another technical term) they agree between themselves a suitable baud rate subject to the slowest upper limit.

Eg - receiver set to 57600 but other device set to 22800 atual connection at 14400 mean that the baud in use is at the slowest setting of 14400

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 4:48 pm    Post subject: Memory Card Speed Reply with quote

I recall reading somewhere, and it may have been on the Navman Support website, that it is recommended to use only high speed memory cards to store the map data.

I too have experienced lockups of the BT connection when switching on and although not eleminated are undoubtedly reduced since not using my Std speed 512MB SD card and adhering to the one-thing-at-a-time approach to booting up!
iPAQ 5550 Navman 4420 BT GPS STv3SP1
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 4:55 pm    Post subject: Re: Memory Card Speed Reply with quote

Brains wrote:
I recall reading somewhere, and it may have been on the Navman Support website, that it is recommended to use only high speed memory cards to store the map data.

I too have experienced lockups of the BT connection when switching on and although not eleminated are undoubtedly reduced since not using my Std speed 512MB SD card and adhering to the one-thing-at-a-time approach to booting up!

Lockups could indeed be caused by a slow memory card, but not the memory crashes that I've been experiencing. Apparently, there is a know problem with the BT driver on iPAQ 2210 and HP is working on a solution together with Navman.

My life (in terms of navigation, at least...) has become much more pleasant after switching to a wired GPS receiver!!! :D
TomTom GO720T: App ver 8.351(9982/090518), OS:315187, GPS v1.20, Boot 5.5120
TT RDS-TMC: 4V00.013
Maps: Scandinavia v840.2562, Western_Europe v715.1703
Garmin GPSMap 60CSx (SW ver. 3.70)
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 5:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Can you point me to this known problem with the Bluetooth driver on the 2210, As previosly mentioned I have very few problems with Bluetooth and SmartST or Anquet when the 4100 receiver is connected.
Maybe the issue could be with the latest firmware in the Navman receivers?
iPAQ 2210 | Navman 4100 BT Receiver
Navman iCN 635
TomTom GO
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 8:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

icsys wrote:
Can you point me to this known problem with the Bluetooth driver on the 2210, As previosly mentioned I have very few problems with Bluetooth and SmartST or Anquet when the 4100 receiver is connected.

What happens is that the BT connection shuts down with an error message saying that the BT driver is out of memory. I tried changing the memory settings on my iPAQ to allocate more memory to programs, but this had little effect. I then installed the BtRegTweak application which possibly made it a bit more stabile (I tested this to little to be sure if BtRegTweak really made a difference or if I was merely lucky...).

As Navman has confirmed there is a problem with the iPAQ BT manager I intend to stick to my wired GPS receiver until they (or HP) have a solution. See message below, that was cut out from an email from Navman:

The SmartST V3 software that you have purchased to use with your bluetooth GPS receiver should not have been sold to you, due to the on-going problems with the iPAQ bluetooth manager. We are working closely with HP to remedy this, but until further notice, the V3 software will demonstrate problems when used with your PDA.
you will need to keep an eye on website. We expect this to be fixed by the end of March

icsys wrote:
Maybe the issue could be with the latest firmware in the Navman receivers?

This could actually be a thing that makes our setups different, provided that the firmware is different in our units. But I have no idea how I can read out the firmware revision number from the GPS receiver. Is there a label on the unit specifying which firmware is loaded?

Rgds, Ulf
TomTom GO720T: App ver 8.351(9982/090518), OS:315187, GPS v1.20, Boot 5.5120
TT RDS-TMC: 4V00.013
Maps: Scandinavia v840.2562, Western_Europe v715.1703
Garmin GPSMap 60CSx (SW ver. 3.70)
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 4:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Bluetooth receivers bundled with the 4400, 4410, 4420, 4460 and 4470 navigation packages are cosmetically the same.

There is a sticker under the battery cover as can be seen here:

I purchased one of the first 4410 packages and my receiver has the following info on the label:


The Bluetooth Driver on my h2210 is v
This incidentally can be downloaded from HP
The Bluetooth Manager is v 1.0

The BT issues are meant to occur with BT managers of v1.5 and above.
iPAQ 2210 | Navman 4100 BT Receiver
Navman iCN 635
TomTom GO
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 6:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mine is marked with:
Model: GPS4400
The Bluetooth Driver on my h2210 is v

I can't find any version number for the BT manager. Where do I find that?

As you see we have different versions of both the GPS receiver and the BT driver which could explain why our systems are behaving differently. My guess is that build 60 of the BT driver has introduced the unwanted behaviour.

It would be interesting to hear from other people with BT problems what version they have.

TomTom GO720T: App ver 8.351(9982/090518), OS:315187, GPS v1.20, Boot 5.5120
TT RDS-TMC: 4V00.013
Maps: Scandinavia v840.2562, Western_Europe v715.1703
Garmin GPSMap 60CSx (SW ver. 3.70)
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 4:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi , been reading thru this thread and although sounds a little similar to the prob i have .. its not quite there...

after having a PiN 300 which crapped out on me. i decided to get a HP rx3712 and a 4420 installed all the gubbins

and the prob i have is .. SMART ST wont load if bluetooth is enabled.. how ever if i load ST.. then bluetooth manager.. it works ... weird huh think the manager is v1.5

any ideas
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 7:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Are you sure its an rx3712 and not an rx3715?

If its the latter you could try this Bluetooth fix written for the rx3715 and hx4700 which have a new improved Bluetooth Manager which causes drivers on the PDA to give too much priority to data from the SD card and too little priority to data from the Bluetooth Stack.

Transfer the file to your device using Windows Explorer
Double tap the file on your Pocket PC to install.
iPAQ 2210 | Navman 4100 BT Receiver
Navman iCN 635
TomTom GO
Anquet OS mapping
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 10:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

yeah its the later .. doh .. will try it out and let you know ... many thanks
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