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Navman 4420 ppc with SmartSt v3 (GB maps) Problems / help
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 12:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

hi, there's no numbers on the back of the SD card i'm using, but this is the info I can find on the front... "KINGMAX platinum SD 1GB". There's some tiny serial type codes on the front too, but I can hardly make out any of the letters/numbers of this really. It was supposed to be a very fast SD card according to the sales blurrb. anyone heard of these and the suitability with SmartST?

I've tried a few journeys today with the program and the maps installed on this card, and it just crashes after 3 - 10 minutes of use on the road. So obviously this hasn't been successful.

If anyone wonders why I dont just install the program on the main memory and use the maps from the SD card provided with the SmartSt v3 bundle, well, it's because the main memory only has 64M for storage and program memory. once Windows mobile Media 2003SE is running, there's only about 42Meg left for storage and running program memory. If I install SmartST v3 that uses up another 4meg or so of storage, and with all maps about 25 - 28 meg running program memory. Thus, leaving little room left for me to have my other few little programs installed which I use the iPAQ for. Also, the 128M SD Navman supply, is only big enough to fit the GB maps on... leaving no room for the european base maps which I wanted to have installed. Also leaving little room for POI's which I wanted to store on the same card - again to keep them off of the main memory.

I considered using the iPAQ rx3715's internal 128Meg memory (the "iPAQ File-store") to install the SmartST v3 application on instead of my SD card? then have the maps on the SD card? I've not tried this yet. I suppose I'll try this next as a 3rd attempt probably when I have time to sit and do it all again. I preferred not to do this though as I like to use my iPAQ file-store for other things (music etc). Ideally I wanted all the GPS related info (application, maps, and POIs) on a single removable SD card so that when I'm using the iPAQ for GPS I can pop it in and go travelling, then for the other 90% of time I can remove it an have plenty of space on my iPAQ memory to do other things..... (calendar, contacts, notes, excel, email, etc).

Does anyone know of an SD card make/brand which is good enough to install SmartST v3 program on to, plus all the GB maps and european base, plus some POIs (safety cam database for example)???? I suspect 256minimum or perhaps I 512Kbps??? There's no info on the Navman website about what cards are supported - and as usual they havent answered the phone all day today, not my emails from 2 weeks ago yet.
Navman 4420 with SmartST v3 GB maps, running iPAQ rx3715 with Widnows Mobile 2003SE.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 1:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have recently joined the PocketGPS forum and have been checking the posts for information to buy my first GPS and software.
I am planning to get the Navman 4420 with Smart St V3, but this thread has concerned me that I might not get it to work.
I have an Ipaq 4150 with ROM 1.0.14. I am also planing to get a 1Gb Sd card for the maps etc and also to hold OS maps.
There is presently 18Mb of Program memory and 6.2Mb of Storage memory free with no programmes running.
Has anyone any advice or should I go for another navigation package.


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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 2:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I finally managed to get Navman on the phone, and the guy was really helpful. He has not yet resolved my problem, but has given me lots of advice and information, and he is still persuing the problem and has assured me he will get it sorted out one way or another.

For anyone who is following this thread, the info I have gained today is that;

a) the rx3715 and the Navman 4420 with SmartST v3 are approved by Navman UK. Navman New Zealand did not approve te two products working together, but the guy I spoke to from Navman UK said he personally tested it (on his own rx3715 and smartST v3) and was happy to approve the two products as compatible.

b) however, he is running an old version of ROM (not available to the general public, as he got his rx3715 as a pre-release). It is this version of ROM that smartST v3 was tested on!! He also tells me that the latest version of ROM which HP have released (mid-december 2004) may cause problems with Navman 4420?!!?! It is this which he is currently investigating for me and going to do more tests.

c) if you want to run smartST maps on an SD card, you need a VERY fast SD card, otherwise is wont work properly. Navman do not give an approved model of SD card however! They just advise that you use no bigger 256 or 512Mbytes cards, and that you use the major brand names like Dane-elc or Sandisk. I need to investigate this more with them when they have fixed the ROM issue. I'll update when I have an answer from them.

d) The maps you load on the SD card will directly affect how much program memory SmartST will use when it is running. ie. if you have 250Mbytes of maps on your SD card, then SmartST will need about 25Meg of memory to run with those maps (free program memory), plus 8meg to just run the smartst software - ie a total of 33meg minimum program memory needs to be free on your PDA to make this work. There's a more detailed explanation of this on the support pages on navman.co.uk.

e) SmartSt seems to take up about 4Mbytes of storage space on your PDA, so you need to remember to add this to your memory calculations, as it appears this has to be installed on the PDA not an SD card!

The guy on the phone also told me on a personal level that his own iPAQ is a rx3715 which he believed was one of best PDA's on the market. He's been using it (with the old ROM version) using SmartST v3 for a long time now and has not had any problems and was really pleased with it all. HE was therefore confident he could fix the problems with ROM, and instability/crashing somehow. He's currently working with HP directly to progress this....
Navman 4420 with SmartST v3 GB maps, running iPAQ rx3715 with Widnows Mobile 2003SE.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 10:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Widget, great digging you've done here!

widget wrote:
d) The maps you load on the SD card will directly affect how much program memory SmartST will use when it is running. ie. if you have 250Mbytes of maps on your SD card, then SmartST will need about 25Meg of memory to run with those maps (free program memory), plus 8meg to just run the smartst software - ie a total of 33meg minimum program memory needs to be free on your PDA to make this work. There's a more detailed explanation of this on the support pages on navman.co.uk.

Just a minor comment to above statement. I don't believe the amount of map data itself on your SD card affects how much program memory SmartST will use, but rather how many maps you have activated at the same time in SmartST. You should be able to fill your 1GB SD card with map data without running into problem, as long as you don't activate too many regions at the same time. At least that's how V2 is working.
TomTom GO720T: App ver 8.351(9982/090518), OS:315187, GPS v1.20, Boot 5.5120
TT RDS-TMC: 4V00.013
Maps: Scandinavia v840.2562, Western_Europe v715.1703
Garmin GPSMap 60CSx (SW ver. 3.70)
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 4:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

For anyone following this thread, I thought I'd update it with the latest info...

Navman uk asked me to send my iPAQ and 4420 to them for testing. Having had it 3 days they've just called me to say it's an iPAQ/HP problem with the changes they've made in their recent ROM versions being shipped with the new range of iPAQ rx 3000 models. This is aparently affecting lots of GPS companies and brands (according to Navman at least!?) and HP italy have now confirmed that several thousand iPAQ customers are affected.

So *new* rx3715's are NOT compatible with Navman 4420, and if Navman are to be believed, they are not compatible with many other GPS bluetooth units.

They are "working on a fix" but they obviously couldnt give me any indication on timescales. So they suggested I could be entitled for a refund of the Navman, but I'm still stuck with a rx3715 iPAQ which cant run most GPS bluetooth devices! GREAT!!!

Anyone else suffering?
Navman 4420 with SmartST v3 GB maps, running iPAQ rx3715 with Widnows Mobile 2003SE.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 10:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

This gets more strange by the minute.

After Navman returned my ipaq to me, I decided to try one last time to reinstall everything again from scratch... following another hardware reset. And guess what... it all worked. No crashes, no problems. I even tried then another hardware reset and installed the application onto the internal iPAQ filestore, and the maps onto my own 1Gbyte SD card, and, again no problems.

Who knows what is going on here, but at last, I have finally got it all working. The only problem which exists is the one which they say everyone is suffering from - where you cannot load SmartST if your bluetooth adapter is open... you have to close the bluetooth adapter on the ipaq first, then run SmartST, then go back to the today screen and open up the bluetooth port. this is a known bug due to HP changing the Bluetooth drivers on their newer releases of ROM's. Hopefully this will be fixed in the near future.

Thanks to all for your help and comments.
Navman 4420 with SmartST v3 GB maps, running iPAQ rx3715 with Widnows Mobile 2003SE.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 7:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Are you having any more problems anymore.
I'm looking at buying a Navman 4410 to use with my rx3715 and a bit worried it may not work. Sad
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 12:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote



I am glad I called by this forum (it's been so long I almost forgot username and password stuff - moderator: I am BBB2 too sorta remembered afterwards if you know what I mean)

Anyway, I hope I don't experience widgit's experience - thanks for sharing it by the way.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 4:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

8) Well if I can do it I guess anyone can 8O

FWIW this worked for me - the first install was infuriating. Everything saw the maps apart from SmartST on the PPC

Windows Explorer through PPC device could see cards and maps, SmartST Desktop could see cards and maps, Card reader on each card could see card and maps.

Yup - SmartST on the PPC choose to ignore them ... consistently

Sooo - 2nd attempt
Remove SmartST from the PPC using Remove Programs
hard reset the 2210 (2 fingers and a 4 second prod)
remove battery then replace battery

set up the blue tooth connection to 4420

(remove firewall settings that may stop Windows Explorer connecting to the Internet - this may have been the magic ingredient Z***alarms note not IE, it really was WE)

allowed SmartST Desktop to reinstall SmartST and reactivated reregistered a couple of time (well, it was frantic as those who may have been there before may appreciate)


place CD1 in the drive and use SmartST Desktop to download basemap to the CF card (repeat to the CF card) I bunged in a couple of UK regions too.

Started SmartST on the PPC - BONGO! maps flow in on startup of program

Played for a couple of hours consolidating, establishing and having fun really as anyone may do after a near death install

Then - plugged in SD card and BONGO! again the SD card was recognised AND regions on CF card were recognised too.

Between any changes I soft reset the PPC

Maybe a magic activation happened down the wires FAIK but the PPC, SMARTST , SD card and CF card are all working at the mo'

NAVMAN: this will cost you - I expect a solid gold PDA mount with those posy apple speakers

I don't know if the above helps - but after reading this forum I was sorta tuned in for probs - it really is frustrating when every program but one can see the maps yet will not access them

a Big Bad Bagal BBB
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 4:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

ah! a ps

Dear Navman

I will happily settle for one of those lovely new iPAQs. Those with the 640 by 480 screens :P

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 9:39 pm    Post subject: Same Problem as widget Reply with quote

Hi all,

I have a Ipaq rx3715 and BT Navman 4420 and by the sounds of things I have exactly the same problem as widget, every time I try to run SmartstV3 the damn thing crashes and disappears. I have tried hard resetting and running it from SD, Ipaq store and main memory and its still really unstable even with the starting of bluetooth without using the manager is anyone any the wiser on this problem, I believe from other sites this may be a common problem with rx3715 and 4420BT is this true? and widget is your 3715 still running free of crashes?
IPAQ RX3715 (ROM 1.01.10ENG)
BT Navman 4420 SmartstV3
SD card:Transcend 512mb (X60speed)
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 9:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


There is a fix here which may correct your problem. It is a patch for the BT manager.
It was primarily written for TomTom but at least one rx3715 user has reported success with his 4420 bundle.

Try it, there is nothing to lose and something to gain if it works Thumbs Up

Don't forget to post the result if you try it.
iPAQ 2210 | Navman 4100 BT Receiver
Navman iCN 635
TomTom GO
Anquet OS mapping
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 10:35 pm    Post subject: Still no joy Reply with quote


Thanks for the quick reply, I have just installed the patch and nipped out for a quick drive but it still crashed about half a mile into the trip.
Anyway thankyou for the idea. [/quote]
IPAQ RX3715 (ROM 1.01.10ENG)
BT Navman 4420 SmartstV3
SD card:Transcend 512mb (X60speed)
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 10:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

<Gnashing of teeth>

This is not rocket science

my own experiences coupled with the reflections posted here are sufficient to indicate an obvious lack of beta testing

If this is the case and the supplier is defaulting beta testing to customers of, dare I say it, a health & safety issue device then I gues I'd better flex a consumer muscle of more

This whole gps-software-ppc-pc thing is unnecessarily complicated - it's a doddle really

</Gnashing of teeth>

haw fifer - hoos yir belli fir rinkles?
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 11:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


I agree, I am more than a little dischuffed that I bought both as a navigational package which one hopes would give the consumer a degree of comfort that the two would be compatible. I have e-mailed Navman europe with my problem but I hold out little hope unless like Widget's Ipaq, my Ipaq/navman are struck by divine inspiration and starts talking longer than 2 minutes.

IPAQ RX3715 (ROM 1.01.10ENG)
BT Navman 4420 SmartstV3
SD card:Transcend 512mb (X60speed)
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