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Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 3:17 pm Post subject: CoPilot5 Camera database feature
Purchased a Mio 168/CoPilot bundle last week and I'm doing OK for a 1st time user! Apart from one thing; I cannot get the camera database to function in conjuction with either the Guidance or Navigation mode.
I've done Tools, Options, POIs, ticked enabled, set the distance, selected and ticked Travel & Transportation, selected and ticked Safety Camera & finally set the slider to mid way. The cameras on my regular routes are listed in the database and I have identified them. They even show on the map screen when their location is touched with the stylus, but I cannot get the warning function to operate. I've tried everything, I even read all 94 pages of the manual!!!!!! I am stuck, all suggestions welcome.
(I don't know if it's relevant, but I have had to soft reset a couple of times, when the screen froze up).
Mio 168, 128mb SD card, CoPilot live pocket PC 5 UK
I have exactly the same kit as you and find that when I go on a journey the GATSOs are announced by the robotic voice to start with, but as I proceed they no longer get mentioned.
I think this problem has been brought up several times on the CoPilot forum and the concensus view is that CoPilot suffers memory leaks for which a fix is awaited.
Whilst I find this lack of announcements disappointing after spending so much money, I'm generally very pleased with the Mio. _________________ Nokia E65 & TT Nav6
Thanks for the reply; Rather distressing news, considering that I paid out nearly £400 for this set-up, only a week ago!
My problem is that it will not work at all and never has done, with only one exception, when it momentarily warned me about a camera located only 60 feet away from where I was parked, just after I had done a soft reset, to cure a frozen screen and a start menu which was becoming progressively indistinct each time it was activated.
I have e-mailed the alk. support desk twice, but they have not responded.
In the CoPilot forum someone (xda) has posted his setting for "solving" this problem. I duly amended mine (which were already very similar) and went out for a drive this afternoon. I think the all important setting might be the slider bar in the POI options which I slid from far left one notch to the right. I hope "xda" doesn't mind me quoting his message below.
Lo and behold CoPilot on the M168 announced all the GATSOs along the M40, A404 and M4 back to Chiswick. Admittedly some announcements were a bit premature or slightly off-beam, but I guess this is due to slightly incorrect coordinates.
Main thing is CoPilot kept announcing cameras (and hotels, and filling stations etc) throughout the entire jouney.
The setting you might like to check are:
Settings are:-
Option, Guidance.
Speak Turn Warnings At
3/10mi & Just Ahead ticked
Custom Display set to Top = Heading
Bottom = Speed
Map Settings
Mile and Heading Up
Automatic Day/Night Mode
Display POIs
Display Turn Restrictions all Ticked
Enabled ticked. When set to 0.5 miles ahead.
Report POIs which are On Route, Near Route set to second vertical bar from the left.
POIs installed in Custom
Safety Camera. This is the PocketGPS_UK_Gatso.xls, Redlight.xls &
Specs.xls files merged into one file and renamed
Safety_Camera.xls _________________ Nokia E65 & TT Nav6
I can confirm what gripp is saying. Since I set up my kit to those settings, I have no problems (apart from my holux Gr-213, which is another story on another forum!)
Cheers _________________ Volvo V60 Sat Nav (Garmin?)
Co-Pilot 9.5 on OnePlus1 and Nexus 7
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