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Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2025 1:15 pm Post subject: 32 Custom POIs in a subfolder
When I try and use the new POI loader there is an issue in that POI loader only allows 32 max POIs a in a subfolder. Unfortunately there are 33.
This seems to preclude using the speed zoned files or will it work if I split the unzipped folder in to 2 subfolders with half in each?
Joined: Mar 03, 2006 Posts: 7197 Location: Reading
Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2025 3:52 pm Post subject:
The download should not exceed 32
Have a look at the folder that POILoader is pointing to and see if there is anything else in there
If you do have something else in there, not speed camera related, then you will need to have 2 sub folders, one with the complete PGPSW download, which will have its own valid sub folders, and the other for what else you are loading onto the SatNav _________________ DashCam:
Viofo A119 V3
Joined: Aug 31, 2005 Posts: 15365 Location: Bradford, West Yorkshire
Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2025 1:44 pm Post subject:
Yeah, there are 33:
Gatso 20-70, Var, TBA = 8
Mobile 20-70, Var, TBA = 8
pMobile 20-70, Var, TBA = 8
Redlight = 1
Specs 20-70, Var, TBA = 8
Total: 33
I need to double check the variable speed mobiles as I'm not quite sure how they would work as the evidence would need a photo of the vehicle as well as the current road speed (something that fixed cameras do as there's a camera pointing at the speed signs on the gantry just before the camera itself).
I'm not sure about variable speed average speed cameras either....
Joined: Aug 31, 2005 Posts: 15365 Location: Bradford, West Yorkshire
Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2025 2:10 pm Post subject:
OK - I've been through them all and can report the following:
95626, 95627, 96047, 96281
A3 - New Hindhead tunnel specs cameras, normal limit is 70MPH, can also be 40MPH if needs be. One camera in each direction at the entrance/exit of each tunnel.
- may need local knowledge?!
173012, 173013, 173014
A20 - can't see anything online about variable speeds - changed to 70.
M4 - all other Specs in this area are 50 - assumed error, changed to 50.
Some not had many reports for years so now purged.
Some were incorrectly submitted and been corrected.
210549, 214360
In a school zone (20 during school, 30 not). Kept as variable.
Notes say school zone at 20mph - but that's quite far away and not a legal limit - set to 30.
66425, 177684
M25 - variable speed - seen last year by known submitter, police-only ramp. Dunno how they would know the speed but I guess anything over 70 is defo speeding. Kept as variable.
In a school zone (20 when lights flash) - legal speed limit - kept as variable.
M25 - variable. No where to park except hard shoulder - removed
Corrected to 20 (speed limit painted on road)
So, yeah, all the remaining cameras in the Variable Speed files are legitimate. Rare cases, but legitimate.
For the Mobile and pMobile at schools I'm thinking do we just set it as 20mph cos it's near a school... But I'm also thinking if it's outside of school time do we want people to be slamming on their brakes panicking thinking that they're speeding when they're not....
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