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Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2021 9:45 am Post subject: Speedtrap Alert - "Risk of Mobile Camera"
I'm probably being really stupid here
I've only very recently started using STA, when CameraAlert stopped working on Android on my Moto phone. I like the app very much, now I've got it configured the way I want it to work for me (very configurable!!), and paid for the full version.
I don't understand the pop up alert of "Risk of Mobile Camera" vs "Mobile Camera" pop up. I could have understood if they were unverified submissions, but I downloaded the UK single file STA format file, and unticked pMobile cameras. I checked the .txt file, and there are no pMobiles in there.
I've got both Mobile speed camera and Risk of Mobile speed camera checked in Alerts section, but I'm not sure where the "Risk" comes from.
When you download are you unchecking the pMobile option or downloading both files?
Thanks for replying - Yes, pMobile unchecked and only downloading the one file
Mobile Cameras are listed as code 100400
Risk of Mobile Cameras are listed as codes 5 and 193
In the basic file there are no 100400 entries but there are code '5' and in the Mobile file I can only find code '5' so it looks like:
Basic file code '5' is a verified Mobile site but code '5' in the pMobile file is 'Risk of'.
Yes, confirmed, I can find lots of "5"s in the basic file, but no "100400"s
So, surely the "5"s in the basic file, should be "100400"s, then, as they should be verified Mobiles only? You can't have "5"s meaning two different types.
In the Alerts page you do have the opportunity to activate / deactivate each type.
Based on the above, I don't want to de-activate the "Risk of" Alerts, as I'll stop getting the true Mobiles (falsely flagged as pMobiles)
Joined: Aug 31, 2005 Posts: 15365 Location: Bradford, West Yorkshire
Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2021 2:37 pm Post subject:
I was unaware of '100400' being for confirmed mobiles.
This is the current code for the camera types:
switch ($type){
case "REDSPEED":
$type = "2";
case "REDLIGHT":
$type = "3";
case "SPECS":
case "tSPECS":
$type = "4";
if ($specsstatus == "START" || $specsstatus == "MIDDLE"){ $type="100010"; }
if ($specsstatus == "END"){ $type="100011"; }
case "MOBILE":
case "pMOBILE":
$type = "5";
default: // all other/static cams
$type = "1";
As you can see, both Mobile and pMobile are logged as type 5. Happy to change it so Mobile is 100400 and pMobile is 5 if I can get confirmation that this is the right way to do things?
The thing is, though, that Mobile cameras are always technically 'a risk of'. I'm wondering of 100400 is more for the French cameras that are technically mobile but installed in place for months at a time? As in there 'IS' a mobile camera there. As opposed to a known mobile spot where there is a CHANCE of a camera being there.
I've no idea what the correct codes are for this, I'm just a user trying to understand it
I can appreciate your point that, essentially, these are the same "type" (Mobile), just some are unverified.
Thinking about it, if no-one confirms that Mobile, and Unverified Mobile, should be treated differently, and the codes to use, then I can handle it a different way in the STA app config.
1. Don't download the pMobile .txt file, so "5" in the main file really does means Verified Mobile.
2. Switch off "Risk of mobile speed camera" on the Alerts page of STA.
3. On the Alerts page of STA, under "Mobile speed camera", change "POI types this alert applies to" from 10040 to 5, but keep the description as "Mobile Speed Camera".
Sorry, I missed your post just before my last one.
Checking my pocketgps_uk_sc.txt file, I also note that there are no 100001 cameras in the database.
When I used to use Camera Alert, I'm sure I got alerts for "Fixed Variable", but does this mean that there are no Variable cameras in the database any more? or am I misunderstanding the categories/types again?
Looking at your code, apart from the "cases" identified, all others default to type 1 - so does that, indeed, mean there are no Variable cameras? Or is there another identifier to go with Static cameras, that identifies them as "Variable"?
Ah, thanks for that. I didn't realise that the zero meant it would announce as variable.
So, in STA, we don't need to set the Variable Camera Alert as On. It is counted as a static camera but with variable speed.
Thanks for looking and explaining that.
Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 7:12 pm Post subject: Re: Speedtrap Alert - "Risk of Mobile Camera"
savvy249_2 wrote:
I don't understand the pop up alert of "Risk of Mobile Camera" vs "Mobile Camera" pop up.
Typically, type 5 (mobile speed camera) means a location where you can meet it quite often, but not always. So, I decided to name it "risk of mobile camera".
You can rename it in the app settings ("Alerts" section). The app speaks and displays what you write.
"Mobile camera" points come from real time data. If you click cyan round button at the bottom-right and report mobile camera then it becomes available to other users, but it has limited life time (3 hours). If someone else receives such a point while it is alive, it means that highly likely there is a real camera, and the app considers it as "mobile speed camera".
I was unaware of '100400' being for confirmed mobiles.
This is the current code for the camera types:
switch ($type){
case "REDSPEED":
$type = "2";
case "REDLIGHT":
$type = "3";
case "SPECS":
case "tSPECS":
$type = "4";
if ($specsstatus == "START" || $specsstatus == "MIDDLE"){ $type="100010"; }
if ($specsstatus == "END"){ $type="100011"; }
case "MOBILE":
case "pMOBILE":
$type = "5";
default: // all other/static cams
$type = "1";
if "MOBILE" means that mobile camera is there almost every day and "pMOBILE" means that someone saw a camera in this location once or twice, then I'd suggest to change the code above as
case "MOBILE":
$type = "100400";
case "pMOBILE":
$type = "5";
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