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Satellite change reason for losing signals on older SatNavs?

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 5:44 pm    Post subject: Satellite change reason for losing signals on older SatNavs? Reply with quote


First time posting at this website so not very sure the most appropriate thread to post into; will really appreciate guidance on the following issue.

I have been using Navman S90i for a number of years; however in the last couple of weeks it has started having GPS signals problems.

Took it to the local shop and according to the technician it is not working as the satellites used by the model have changed. Is it true or they are just trying to sell me a newer model?

Personally I dont think it can be a satellite change issue; however since not an expert so asking for guidance please.

Thank you
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 12:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi azlan101,

Welcome to the forum! Thumbs Up

I'm not familiar with the Navman S90i. In fact, I've not heard the Navman name for a long time (it used to be big in the PDA SatNav years). A quick Google suggests that the Navman S90i was introduced in 2007, is this correct?

There is a GPS Y2K bug which might affect SatNav units made before 2010. Have a read of the PocketGPSWorld Another GPS Y2K Problem Is Imminent article. Is this similar to what the technician was talking about?

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 1:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Robert,

Thank you very much for your welcome and responding to my message. Yes it was introduced 13 years ago; and was top of their line at the time.

Its certainly not impacted by the Y2K as like I stated it has been working perfectly fine till a couple of weeks ago.

I contacted Navman support and as I thought the claim of the local shop (Halfords) that its having signal issues due to a change in satellites that were used by the device is not correct. Smile They suggested a GPS reset to resolve the issues.

The device is old but has been very rarely used in the last 7 years or so. Started using it regularly for multiple journeys successfully till it started having signal issues two weeks ago.

Thank you
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The Other Tired Old Man
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 4:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Not aware of the US changing anything on the GPS system recently. I think the last big change was switching off SA, but that was 20 years ago in May 2000
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2020 9:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi azlan101

Did you try the reset? If that didn't do seems a bit of a mystery.

Can you identify what the signal problems are?

Actually the satellites do change, in a way. They move. But, there should nowadays be enough in sight to not have any affect most times. Any other change is that there are more of them, GLONASS and Galileo additions, but that's only of use if Navman can pick them up. Bet the shopman wasn't thinking this though.

If it hadn't been used for a long time it may need a fair long time to download ephemeris info (where the sats are and going to be) which is needed by the receiver. That easy solution is dismissed because it has worked OK.

Don't dismiss immediately the Y2K, the GPS week rollover in April last year. It has been said that older receivers may be affected but not immediately depending on model and manufacture date. So if yours packed in 2 weeks or so ago, could be.

The solution to this and other receiver issues is often a firmware update, but how with a Navman, I'm not sure, unless that's what they mean by a reset. If so they should give a download link??

The only other, and stupid I can think of so far is if in the last 2 weeks you've been using it in an area surrounded by obstacles and being old it doesn't do so well.

Cheers and hope you sort it.
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