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Speedtrap Alert for Android (Split from CamerAlert Thread re
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2020 1:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Interesting thread and a nice new app work around for the Cameralert problem for us Samsung users, just about to pay for the full version
You will still have to pay for the 'full version' as your subs is to access the database not to use CA. Use the database on any device = pay subs.

I think he means that he's paying for the full version of STA. I did the same, it's good to support such a responsive developer.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2020 2:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

a)Bit of a n=mouthful but if you can think of some thing better, please post it,
An example clarifies . Camra speed 30 MPH speed difference... 35MPH. Aletrt will not sound unless you are exceding 35MPH

b)If you are still over the camera speed + diff (35 in above) then a second alert will sound. In your case at 1/8 mile.

C) Intermittent low beep in range of camera (700 yds in your example)
d)Beeper will not sound unless you are going faster than 10MPH.

Turn the speed limits on and get the UK road data database (It's called something else that I can't remember but in the settings)
The device will then warn you as you are approaching a speed limit area that is lower than the one that you are currently driving.

Thanks M8TJT for that think I see it better now also to Kremmen for his reply.
I did download the Great Britain road network file I presume this is what you mean.

I think he means that he's paying for the full version of STA. I did the same, it's good to support such a responsive developer.

You're correct nhaliday I too agree it is good to support the developer in this.

A now retired Tomtom 940 v9.541.3145439.1 OS:1493118, GPS v1.20 Boot 5.5120, West Europe Map v1025.9386
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2020 9:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mally1957 wrote:

What are the effects of the next settings
a) speed difference to speed limit to activate audible alert at the moment I have this set as any.
b) speed excess warning at the moment it is set at 1/8 mile
c) beeper distance at the moment set at 700 yards and
d) speed to activate beeper at the moment set at 10 mph

At the moment I have the speed limits section turned off.

a) example: speed limit is 30, the "speed difference to speed limit..." slider is set to -5 mph. Voice alert will appear at speed higher than [limit]+(-5 mph) = 25 mph. If you move slower than 25 mph, the app displays only the popup banner. If your speed becomes higher, the app speaks about the camera.

b) when a car is closer to a camera than this value, the app gives alert signal if speed is above [limit] + [tolerance]. Default tolerance is zero, but can be adjusted as %+mph. When the distance to the camera is larger, there are no signals for speeding.

c) this slider sets the distance when beeper begins to bleep, but not before a camera was detected. It may look strange that this distance is twice larger than first warning distance. The secret is that beeper distance is fixed, but first warning is variable, and in ultimate case real first warning distance may be twice larger than its slider specifies.

d) beeper shuts up at lower speeds so as not to annoy the driver.

speed limit section is strongly recommended for average speed check.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 14, 2020 1:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Many thanks Leo a final set up tomorrow together with a test run.
Very Happy Very Happy

A now retired Tomtom 940 v9.541.3145439.1 OS:1493118, GPS v1.20 Boot 5.5120, West Europe Map v1025.9386
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The Other Tired Old Man
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 14, 2020 9:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Save fuel and get MockLocations GPS sim and do a sofa run instead.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 18, 2020 1:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Proper EXITSPECS (type 100013) are now active in the database download for Speedtrap Alert
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 2:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Can anyone please tell me how to configure STA to use 'phone audio *only* and not to use bluetooth?

The app finds and uses Bluetooth without difficulty but on my vehicle the audio from the app is (perhaps unsurprisingly) treated as a 'phone call and so for every alert I get a visual message on the main display about 'phone call ended' or similar. I find it distracting and would like to go back to something similar to what I used with CA where the audio warnings came from the 'phone alone

I have tried playing tunes on the various options under Bluetooth settings in the App, including turning it off completely, but all to no avail: unlesss Bluetooth is enabled I get no audio warning at all, either from the 'phone or via Bluetooth, even though the visual warning banner appears properly. Switch Bluetooth back on in the app and audio warnings arrive ...

I've tried reading up on the settings in the relevant sections on the STA website manual but get the impression that the info there is a little behind the app because there are a range of settings mentioned which do not appear in my current (up to date) version of the app.

Any suggestions much appreciated
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Pocket GPS Verifier
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 6:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

In STA ... Settings - Bluetooth

Turn it off
Viofo A119 V3
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 10:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

westcatford wrote:
Can anyone please tell me how to configure STA to use 'phone audio *only* and not to use bluetooth?

Unfortunately, there is no way to achieve desired behavior.

Nevertheless, few words about the app Bluetooth settings.

'Audio channel' section.
The app uses Multimedia audio channel in most cases. Android system routes this channel to the connected BT device. The app detects when the phone is connected with A2DP Bluetooth device, but does not play music. In this case the app switches to the selected audio channel. There is the 'ringer and notification' channel set by default, sound sent via this channel is duplicated to the phone speaker. But if you prefer low ringer volume, alerts will be silent too, and it is inconvenient to increase/decrease this volume.
I'd recommend to open phone BT settings, find there the list of paired devices, open properties for you car radio unit (typically the 'gear' icon near) and to verify supported profiles checkboxes. It may happen that 'audio' or 'A2DP' checkbox is unchecked.

'Connection and disconnection' section.
When a phone connects or disconnects with some BT device, Android system broadcasts 'bt-connection' event to applications that registered themselves as event listeners. With this event system sends device name, MAC-address and its state. If the app-listener (STA for example) detects MAC-address (the only unique thing) it needs, it performs some operations - starts or stops background service or enables something.
Dropdown list in this settings section specifies the device (its MAC), checkboxes below are the actions to perform.
Nearest app update will allow to specify multiple devices and additional 'start background service with UI' action will be added.
Select a device before the phone connects with it (device is off or out of range). Otherwise, the app becomes a listener too late, connection event has been already sent, and you'll need to turn off/on the device again.

Hands-free mode. When this mode enabled, the app emulates 'phone call' that interrupts radio unit, speaks about a camera, then radio unit continues playing FM or CD.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2020 9:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


Unfortunately, there is no way to achieve desired behavior.


What a pity, but thank you for the very full reply.
I'll try turning off 'hands free mode' and see whether that dispenses with the 'phone call ended' messages.[/quote]
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 22, 2020 11:04 am    Post subject: Using different TTS Engines on SpeedTrap Alert. Reply with quote

Is it possible to use other TTS Engines on STA?

I'm thinking of Vocaliser, Cereproc or Svox as the range of voices is much greater than with Googles TTS Engine.

The Google voices are all a bit vanilla - I'd not choose to hear Theresa May on the radio and prefer to not have a 'Home Counties' English voice (or an 'American English' twang) if it's avoidable.

I'm hoping for your input based on personal experience....


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Pocket GPS Verifier
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 22, 2020 3:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Originally I was using the default Samsung TTS which is very robotic. I'm finding Google TTS a vast improvement.

You still in West Drayton Smile
Viofo A119 V3
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 22, 2020 9:42 pm    Post subject: Re: Using different TTS Engines on SpeedTrap Alert. Reply with quote

TrabantDave wrote:
Is it possible to use other TTS Engines on STA?

Yes, you need to install this TTS and make it "preferred" (default)
Here I wrote something about it:

Written for Samsungs, but also applies to other devices, settings items may have little different names and menu positions.
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2020 3:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Kremmen wrote:
Originally I was using the default Samsung TTS which is very robotic. I'm finding Google TTS a vast improvement.

You still in West Drayton Smile

Sure am! It's all getting a bit 'gentrified' with all the new-builds, courtesy of Crossrail - we even have a Costa Coffee now! Just need a Waitrose and decent broadband and we'll almost be in the 21st Century.......
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 23, 2020 3:46 pm    Post subject: Re: Using different TTS Engines on SpeedTrap Alert. Reply with quote

Leo_A wrote:
TrabantDave wrote:
Is it possible to use other TTS Engines on STA?

Yes, you need to install this TTS and make it "preferred" (default)
Here I wrote something about it:

Written for Samsungs, but also applies to other devices, settings items may have little different names and menu positions.

Many thanks Leo, that is most informative!
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