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I have been looking into this and not having much success and I am worried if I cock it up and brick my cmu,
If you could list a set of instructions to get the pgpsw Database on my Mazda it would be great for me and for others as well.
Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 4:40 pm Post subject: Use AIO Speedcam Patch with PGPSW
AIO is a one stop app for 40 different modifications that can be applied to the Mazda with the "mzd-connect" infotainment system, this makes it seem complex and there have been hundreds of pages written about various aspects of each option. The good news is that page one has been kept up todate and you do not need to read past page one. In fact the scare stories on the early pages have long since been overcome or explained.
I must start with a small disclaimer, people have bricked their cmu's but as far as I can see they all happened through doing a Factory reset while still having one of the options called Android Auto installed. Or by using the wrong version of the AIO software, the author has since installed some good checks to prevent this.
Nobody has reported any problems caused by installing the speed camera option.
I am going to write this based on AIO 1.51 because it is the one I use and while Version 2.x is windows based it is still being refined.
All credit goes to the guys at mazda3revolution.com, read the warnings on the top half of page one, the readme file gives the official process that I am simplifying for "Speedcam Only" but it is worth reading. There is also a list of the cars it will work on - it also lists the versions of software it will work on. The software is area specific because for example Japan has differnt radio staions to North America. Basically if your mazda has the 7 inch touch screen, go to the "settings" menu then all the way across to "system" and down to "about" and lastly "Version Information" you will see a version number. Mine is "56.00.513 EU" for europe. Do not use AIO if you version is less than 55.xx.xxx. Your car can easily be updated to a compatible version before you use AIO, just get back to me.
During the process two files will be added to your Navigation SD card, so I recommend either making a backup SD or at least saving a copy of the original files from you SD card (not that I have had any problems).
Download V1.51
Google drive offered to run the 7 files in the cloud but I downloaded the zip file to my desktop, then unzip into its own folder. there are 7 files and a sub folder.
Everthing you need to know is there in the readme and FAQ files. I am only clarifing how it worked for me with just the speed camera option and how to add your own database.
1. Prepare an empty USB stick, fat32 format with nothing else on it, no folders or hidden files or partitions.
2. Double click on "choose.cmd" The first time it is run I seem to remember an instruction/FAQ/disclaimer page opens that you have to read/accept. A window will open with a list of all the options. You may have to mouse click inside the window but selecting any options is done by the keyboard.
3. If you need to change the Language type "7" and press "enter". it will have defaulted to "English" and the heading should be green "installation" (To un-install any tweaks type "2" and press "enter" and the heading changes to "red").
4. For the speedcam patch type "p" and press "enter" and a second window will open with the options of which camera database you want to include. (I found option 6 was less reliable so I type "1" and press "enter". This will take you back to the first window with item "p" hi-lighted.
5. Type "0" and press "enter"
6. A new window opens, wait for it to finish. You will be asked if you want to have the AIO files loaded onto your USB or saved to your hard drive. I insert my prepared USB and then type "y" and press "enter".
7. AIO will ask you to choose a USB, just type the drive id (in my case "g" and press "enter". The required AIO files will be copied onto you USB stick.
8. Press any key to finish.
9. Your USB is now ready to be used in your car to patch the system. Have your Navigation SD card inserted and only your AIO USB stick, power up the car (accessories only). After the car has booted it will see your USB, the AIO will run and there will be a message on the car screen saying it has checked your version number and (if it is compatable) do you want to proceed with the installation. Your touch OK or Cancel. Other messages will apear on the screen but I don't think you have to respond to any other ones. When AIO is finished it will reboot you car system, during this you should remove the USB or it will offer to install it all again.
10. Your car is now patched and two extra files have been written to your SD card, "speedcam.txt" and "speedcam.spdb".
11. Switch off the car, remove the SD card and put it in your computer. On the card there is a folder "content" and a sub folder "speedcam" which contian the new files. The "speedcam.txt file can be replaced by any camera database you want providing it is in the correct format. It is a CSV file with X, Y, Type, Speed, DirType, Direction.
12. PocketGPSWorld database iGO myway version 8 is the correct format. If you want to edit the file or combine two files I use "notepad++" as the normal "notepad" and most other programes alter the "End of Line" character. Save your new file to the SD with the name "speedcam.txt" and replace existing file.
Any Questions?
Last edited by vulcanben on Thu Feb 02, 2017 9:14 pm; edited 2 times in total
Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 5:46 pm Post subject: Use AIO Speedcam Patch with PGPSW
Hi Vulcanben,
Thanks for the info and when I get chance I will give it a go and I will let you know how I get on.
Again thanks for your help and I am sure there is a lot more people out that will be grateful as well for the help.
Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 9:44 pm Post subject: Re: AIO Speedcam
vulcanben wrote:
Hold everything.
Isn't that typical, today at 8:10 we had the first complaint I have seen about the speedcam patch
oh bad news.. after installing speedcam patch navigator stuck on loading!!! please help me!! I've tried to uninstall but nothing changed!
I will let you know the outcome or you can watch page 268
Sorry for the rushed response to this mornings "Bad News", I had an appointment to keep.
Good news is that Siutch, who wrote AIO, has responded on page 269 and is confident its just a simple uninstall/reinstall at best or deleting the Extra files on the SD card at worst. So no risk of turning the cmu into a brick. As I suggested in my process, always best to have the original files as a backup.
I have installed 3 times and uninstalled 2, mostly to do with other options without problems. I have had problems with trying to combine 2 database files due to the End Of Line corruption I mentioned and this stopped the Nav system working but putting the original SD card back in always worked.
I have also edited the database to add some fake cameras near my house so I could see at a glance if the database was loading. Be aware that the speed cameras are loaded into memory on power up and not lost immediately on shutdown, as I have switched off - swapped SDs - and switched on and my extra cameras did not show. Next day they were there, so either wait 20 mins for the car to fully power down or remove the first card and power up / down without a card to dump the memory.
An update on this for anyone with Mazda MZD Connect fitted to their vehicle, the speedcam patch is no longer in AIO (All In One Tweaks) because NMG requested it be removed via DCMA.
I have been searching for ages trying to find version 2.4.2 or earlier of AIO that include the speedcam patch but I've had no joy and without it the PGPSW speed cam database is not usable in my car! All traces of speedcam patch seem to have been removed from the internet I am also reading that it wasn't bundled within 2.4.2 but was an additional download, so I may be looking at going back to one of the 1.x versions and downgrading my nav unit firmware (if I can find the files and it's possible) because AIO V2.4.2 supports upto navigation firmware 59.00.443 (I am running 59.00.449).
I'll post further updates here if I get any joy - if anyone has an old version of AIO with speedcam patch I'd be really grateful if you could send it!
Joined: Mar 03, 2006 Posts: 7158 Location: Reading
Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2019 2:50 am Post subject:
As with a lot of SatNav crippled built in units, wouldn't it be easier, like I've done on my Honda, to just wire in a Garmin ? _________________ DashCam:
Viofo A119 V3
I actually really like the MZD Connect system, it's by the far best I've used both in quality of offline routing and the user interface; only its lack of mobile speed trap warnings disappoints me which I've tried to fix with PGPSW and failed.
I could wire in a Garmin but I'd have to buy one first and I think it'd look untidy in my small windscreen. I'm also accustomed to the larger screen now (this is based on my experience with SWMBO's posh Garmin that I've yet to suss how to get PGPSW onto). If I were going to all that faff I'd rather put in a phone dock and use Waze to benefit from live HD traffic and speed trap reports. And being a convertible having something prominent that's easily nicked is perhaps not the best idea!
Joined: Mar 03, 2006 Posts: 7158 Location: Reading
Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2019 5:24 am Post subject:
Have you investigated linking CamerAlert through your headunit via bluetooth to get the verbal warnings ?
I have my Garmin just showing the speed icons but CA issuing the verbal directional warnings, which has the bonus of interrupting any audio, issues the warning, then returns the audio. _________________ DashCam:
Viofo A119 V3
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