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SatMap Xpedition 2

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 4:49 pm    Post subject: SatMap Xpedition 2 Reply with quote

Just to let everyone know that the latest incarnation of Xpedition is now in open beta at https://beta.xpedition2.com/#. I've had a play with it and have sent SatMap a lot of feed-back. It's OK but in my view needs a lot of work. I'll post my comments if there is any interest.
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PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2018 10:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm about to renew my sub, mainly to get access to the html Xped. - I'd be interested in reading your comments on the beta, 'Boots.
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PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2018 6:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Have just dipped in to Xped 2 and compared with the Silverlight version, it's looking much fresher and, of course, as it's html, it works in current browsers! I'm cautiously delighted!
Quick Q for anyone out there who's been using it for a while - how do you insert a point in an existing route? I can't see how to do it!!
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PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2018 6:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ha-Ha - just figured it out. You just click and drag the line itself, dropping it on the new point and it creates a new point as a result - neat :-)
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PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2018 8:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

As you say it's very much in it's early stages and even with an existing Premium sub the Premium features do not seem to be available.

First thoughts (relayed to SatMap below).

1. When opening a route can this be by way of a double-click as well?

2. When zooming in could the route stay centred in the map?

3. Could there be a double left click zoom in rather than having to
use the + and – buttons.

4. When creating a new item would it be possible to be able to re-name
it immediately in the Current Map Items dialogue without going into
the Active Item Information dialogue. At the moment I have to go into
a separate dialogue to get there and it only seems to allow that once
the route has been started.

5. I also think the toolboxes on the right of the screen are overdone.
Why is it necessary to have the same toolbox repeated for each type of
route, area, line etc. It’s simply not elegant.

6. When plotting a route there appears to be no way of stopping
plotting. Sometimes I want to draw two routes in the same area while
thinking about joining them together.

7. A big problem for me and it is one shared by OS Maps is the whole
business of inadvertently dropping waypoints when all you want to do
is drag the map. I know if you click and hold before dragging it works
but it's too flaky. Some functionality to switch off inserting
waypoints after dragging the map and then a quick right click to
resume adding waypoints rather similar to the current Xpedition.
Alternatively a right-click drag would work providing the mouse
pointer is not on a route.

8. As designed it is not possible to drop a waypoint on top of
another. It is often necessary to do this when planning a route that
returns over the same ground. If I try that it produces the context
menu. It would be more intuitive and helpful to have waypoint context
menus showing up on a right click.

9. Waypoint markers are far too large and get in the way.

10. It would be good to have an undo last change button especially
when trimming and splitting routes because we’ve all made that

11. The Manage Xpeditions dialogue is very complicated. It seems to
want to create a new Xpedition folder when I want to save a route. I
managed to save a route (apparently) but could not find it in the
Manage Xpeditions menu. It also allows a route to be saved more than
once over the top of the existing route without any changes to the
route having been made.

12. On the route description: what is the difference between walking
and hiking...I'd suggest it's all in the mind.

13. Slightly more controversial but could the default save be private
so that users have to make a conscious decision to post a route. That
way we might have a situation where the system wasn't clogged up with
so much rubbish. Trust me...trying to find a sensible route from a
serious user means wading through an awful lot of junk. The only time
I look for other people’s routes is if I am going off piste and want
to see how others have got over open country. Having said that because
of the problems I tend to use the Harold Street web-site.

14. I did spot a spelling error but can’t find it now!! From memory
the word was "individual".

15. I assume (and hope) that it is intended that the elevation profile
will go all the way across the bottom of the screen and will be
dynamically linked to the route…otherwise as currently designed less
than useful.
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PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2018 10:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for those comments, 'Boots! I'll work through them over the next few days to see what I think - I've just scanned them quickly and got up to no.6, thinking, "Agree, agree, agree, etc., etc."!
Still, it is great to have an Xpedition that I can run in a current browser, and not have to launch a seperate legacy, and we are constantly reminded, insecure, version :-)
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PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2018 2:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Has anyone spotted how to edit the properties of a route line?
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PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2018 7:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

As far as I can see it is necessary to save a track to make an editable route but there seems to be no facility to then alter route properties beyond trimming the route and/or appending a route or reversing the route. It is still a very confusing interface. I've allowed my Premium sub to expire and won't be renewing (after many years) until this Xpedition is finished and works well which at the present rate of progress doesn't seem any time soon.
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