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Satsync mapping some real issues.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 6:13 pm    Post subject: Satsync mapping some real issues. Reply with quote

SatSync is the free or paid for mapping software that all users of the Active 10 or 12 can subscribe to. It is browser based and uses the generally defunct software SILVERLIGHT. Xpedition allows users to plot on a PC a route for use when needed.

There is a major problem with this software as now only Firefox and Internet Explorer browsers are capable of opening the Xpedition software.

I wrote to Satmap in April 2013 and brought to their attention that Silverlight was no longer supported and was told that they were aware and would within a few months bring out a version which would use the industry standard HTML5.

I have been contacting them regularly since then and been "fobbed off" with them saying it was being worked on. Today I contacted them again as I can only now use Xpedition with Internet Explorer. Their reply was that they could not give me a time scale for HTML5 version.

If anyone reads this and has any ideas how to progress it please let me know. I have used Satmap since 2009 and recommended them fully even beta testing their software but now feel that as Satmap users we are not important.

Frustrated yes I am.


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PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 6:07 pm    Post subject: Satmap Xpedition Reply with quote

I am replying to my own topic .

Satmap Xpedition is as you can see above is a subscription mapping service.
It uses old deprecated technology "Silverlight". For more than three years they have been working on a replacement as to use it, your browser needs to support Silverlight.

Only two browsers up to a week ago did Firefox and IE11. So as long as you used those browsers it was possible to plan and save routes.

I now find that neither Firefox or IE11 are working with Xpedition so it is not possible to use it although paid for.

To make matters worse Satmap seem to have introduced a contact form system where previously responded very efficiently to emails.

So what is going on are the rumours of them pulling out of the market true?

Any help appreciated.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 8:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

As of today, I'm still able to use Xpedition on my Mac, using the Mac browser, Safari. By default the browser won't run Silverlight and I have to allow its use, by following this route.
(This assumes you have downloaded the Silverlight plug-in)
In Safari, first go to the Xpedition website, then choose the Planner page. The planner page should load, but with a warning that you need to use Silverlight.
Next, go to Preferences, then Security. Check there's a tick in Internet plug-ins, then click Plug-in Settings. Silverlight should be listed on the left, and the Xpedition webpage, on the right and by default it will be Off. Select the Silverlight plug-in and website, then select On for the plug-in and then click Done. Finally close the Security preferences and return to the Xpedition planner, which should now work properly.
I'm running Sierra, the most recent Mac OS which means I am on Safari 10.1 and there are other minor issues when using Xpedition Planner, but the major obsticle - Silverlight being turned off - is surmountable - for now!
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 9:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for reply.
My computers are windows so unfortunately your detailed explanation of using satsync does not give me a way of using satsync. However the tech support did come back to me and I am now able to use Firefox after a complicated set up.

I love what my act 10 and satsync allow me to do and I have used it extensively not only to walk coast to coast but also weekly in the Peak District. . My concern is that the act 10 and 12 are lagging behind because Satmap are not prioritising this fairly straightforward conversion from old technology to new HTML 5.

I expect one of these days I will not be able to use satsync but can't understand why a British market leader as it was is so reluctant to keep its position.

Even getting support from a major retailer of the Satmap products has not made any difference.


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PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 10:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just as an amusing aside, I've been having a look at OS Maps, which as you'll know, is the Ordnance Survey's own portal and found this just now: "OS getamap was our previous online mapping system. It ran on the MS Silverlight browser plugin, which had become obsolete, meaning that it did not work on many browsers and devices. We retired OS getamap in 2015 *, but if you still have a username and password, it will work in OS Maps too" - perhaps we ought to send it to SatMap, as if they didn't already know, of course!
* my underlining...
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 10:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks. It's nice to know someone else has got a Satmap device and an interest.

I have had my Act 10 about 8 years and helped them with BETA testing of software back in the days when a reply was from someone who used their name not as it has been for a couple of years "Techsupport".

I think the people at Satmap are as frustrated as I am because their owners don't think it worthwhile investing in the product. Since being number one a number of reviews are putting them behind every Garmin product as an "also ran".

As someone with no sense of direction my Act 10 is like an old friend who will always give you the right answer.


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PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 11:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Prompted by the latest issues I have with using the Xpedition planner in Safari, I've just used the online contact form to write to the Good Folk at Satmap to ask about their plans for ongoing development...
As George Harrison once famously said, "All things must pass" and it may be that the team at Satmap have run their course - the Active has been around for over a decade and it always was slightly, shall we say, niche! These small specialist makers can often depend on one enthusiastic individual and their enthusiasm can wax and wain over the years. Furthermore, it's not in the interest of the makers to respond to every query about future plans - they can hardly say something like, "Hi you asked about the future of Xpedition - well, d'you know what - we were wondering the same thing ourselves, the bloke who originally coded it left years ago and we never replaced him and our md isn't around much anymore, not since his cat got run over back a couple of years ago and anyway he and the missus have got three kids now and don't get out much and we were thinking of selling up to the Chinese and we thought we'd found a buyer, but it's all gone a bit quiet now, so we tend to just sit back and keep our heads down and actually we don't really know if there are any plans for the future.. hope that helps, love the sales team"
I shall let you know how they respond!
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PostPosted: Sat May 06, 2017 8:08 pm    Post subject: New Technology with Satmap 20? Reply with quote

I have also had an Active 10 since 2009 and usede it to complete the Pennine Way, and still find it useful, but the antiquated technology with Satsync has become a problem needing a complete overhaul.

I see that a new Active 20 has just been announced by Satmap and looks like it will have resolved all the issues that the old units had. It looks an exciting product.

I have a couple of concerns, however. One is that it says it uses a micro SDcard for maps. My maps are on standard SD cards. Will I be able to use my cards in both devices if I get the Active 20? I hope so considering the £200 I paid for whole UK at 1:25k.

The Active 20 has Bluetooth and WiFi. Could this bypass the need for Satsync software and Silverlight on my computer?


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PostPosted: Tue May 16, 2017 2:47 pm    Post subject: Xpedition and Firefox. Reply with quote

It is possible to use Silverlight by using the Firefox Extended Support Release ESR version which is freely available on their web-site. It will support Silverlight until sometime early next year which is conveniently when my subscription expires.

I'm currently trialling the OS route planner which is OK but a bit clunky. But at least it displays all of the UK properly. Try planning a route on Arran or the southern end of Kintyre and you end up staring at OS Northern Ireland mapping. I emailed Tech Support but basically got fobbed off. Bit disappointing when I've been a subscriber since February 2012.
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PostPosted: Tue May 16, 2017 3:23 pm    Post subject: Xpedition News Reply with quote

It seems that close behind the release of the Active 20 will be the HTML version of Xpedition which will allow users of the Active 20 to upload routes via Wi-Fi. But still good news for the rest of us.

Their press release says: "Shortly after release, users will be also able to Sync their route and POI data with the Satmap Xpedition Online Route Planner (www.satmap-xpedition.com), an HTML version of which is in the pipeline, working equally well on PC/Mac, tablet and SmartPhone).
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 7:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

That sounds like a positive move - thanks for the update. It's a shame that the responses from the Satmap team aren't as good as they have been in the past, though.
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PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2018 10:04 am    Post subject: Xpedition 2 Reply with quote

(I'm a bit late in replying to this as I've been"away" from the forum for what seesm like months...) but I now see that the html version is available in beta form. I got round the Silverlight issue by using Firefox ESR but I'd like to try the new Xped. so I'm going to renew my subscription. (Thnx to 'Boots for keeping us up-to-date :-)
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PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2018 6:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Posted reply in correct forum!!
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